Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
Featured Resources
Integral’s New PFAS Regulation Dashboard: Webinar
The regulatory environment for soil and water at the federal and state level for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is...
Water, AI & Us: Solving Utah’s Water Challenges
2023 Watershed Symposium Presented at the 17th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 15-16, 2023. AI is all the...
Emerging Contaminants in Stormwater: Webinar
The management of emerging contaminants is a complex challenge given the evolving regulatory goals, uncertain source characterization, and lack of...
The Conceptual Site Model: Webinar
The Cornerstone to Successful Environmental Projects - January 24, 2024 A conceptual site model (CSM) is foundational to both designing...
Addressing Vapor Intrusion: Webinar Addressing Vapor Intrusion: Using a Strategic Risk-Management and Innovative Engineering Approach A strategic remedy to address the potential for...
PFAS at Contaminated Sediment Sites: Webinar
Additional Resources: Webinar Slides White House PFAS Report Integral's PFAS Page ITRC Fact Sheets USEPA PFAS Tool USEPA's CompTox Chemicals...
Adaptive Management and Approaches to Long-Term Success: Webinar
Iterative, real-time approaches tailored for the highly dynamic and complex nature of contaminated sediment sites. We expend tremendous resources characterizing...
Coupled Aquifer Restoration and Water Reuse and Application of Sustainable Remediation Solutions
As more regions across the US and globally feel the effects of climate change, strained water supply and increased demand,...
Integral Nature-Based Living Shoreline Solutions
As we grapple with the realities of climate change and sea level rise, it is helpful to take a step...
Navigating California’s Unique Legal, Permitting, and Environmental Risks for Offshore Wind
The market for renewable power is primed for an incredibly exciting BOEM lease auction this fall for offshore wind development...
Natural Resource Damages & Environmental Justice
In natural resource damage assessments (NRDAs), both injury to resources and the beneficial effects of restoration actions unfold over time,...
Offshore Wind and Upwelling on the U.S. West Coast
On June 15, 2022, POET hosted a webinar on the effects of offshore wind farm development on the marine phenomenon...
SEDflume and Marine Technology Services
Using SEDflume, we can answer your questions on sediment erodibility and scour effects, dredge material stability, the integrity of capping...
Webinar: When Mountains Move Roads with Cheryl Hapke, Ph.D.
Science, Engineering, and Management Along the Big Sur Coast. A collaborative study involving USGS, UCSC, Caltrans, and MBNMS. Speaker: Dr....
Coastal Engineering Workshop with Dr. David Revell, Ph.D.
Sponsored by Ventura County Watershed Protection District and BEACON (Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment) Part 1: Sources...
Higher Ground Podcast: If The Beach Goes, We Go
Nature will eventually take its course — with our help or without it. If we are going to choose to...
Sea Level Rise And The South San Mateo Coast
Join the Coastside Land Trust and coastal geomorphologist, Dr. David Revell, to discuss sea level rise and the South San...
WWJ Catching Up with Avram Frankel, PE, April 2019
For more educational videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE.
Tidal Turbine and Marine Habitats
For more educational videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE.
Offshore Wind: Getting in the Water and Producing Power
For more educational videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE.
Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy: Establishing an Industry Standard
For more educational videos, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE.