Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
Featured Resources
Metals Impacted Groundwater, Confidential Location
Leapfrog Contaminant Mass Modeling, Confidential Location
Third-Party Review of Groundwater Extraction and Containment Systems, Mobile, Alabama
Numerical Modeling of a Chlorinated Solvent Plume, Central Valley, California
Resource and Reserve Disclosure for a Lithium Mine, Argentina
Numerical Modeling and Remedial Evaluation of PFAS, Northeastern U.S.
School Campus, Monroe, Washington
Metal-Contaminated Groundwater, Oklahoma
PFAS Site Investigation and Characterization, Northeastern U.S.
RiverWare® Modeling
Water Quality Investigation, Utah
External Auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Assistant Controller and Financial Consultant, Haynes and Boone, LLP
Controller, Haynes and Boone, LLP
Vice President, Finance and Corporate Controller, Ryan, LLC
Chief Financial Officer, BBG, Inc.
QSP Services, Santa Rosa, California
HMBP and CUPA/CERS Compliance, Santa Rosa, California
Clear Lake Nutrient TMDL Study, Clear Lake, California
Construction Stormwater Compliance, Santa Rosa, California
Industrial Stormwater Litigation Support, Northern California