Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
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EQuIS Training, United States
Udemy Courses, United States
New Mexico Bureau of Geology, New Mexico
Used CSHTML with to scaffold an interface to access data on the locally hosted geology database for the Bureau...
N4WPP, Navajo Nation, New Mexico
Built a database in SQL Server to store data (wells, sample collection, and laboratory results) from the wells on Navajo...
Environmental Compliance for Emergency Utility Work, Southern California
Heat Wave Forecasting Using Machine Learning, Northeast Pacific Ocean
Global Temperature Dashboard Project, United States
Baseline Risk Assessment at a Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site, Chicago, Illinois
Ecological Risk Assessment, Southwest United States
High-Throughput Screen for Compounds That Modulate Neurite Growth of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (hiPSC)-Derived Neurons, San Diego, California
Effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals on Neuroendocrine Function, Austin, Texas
Personal and Area Monitoring for VOCs, California
Uranium in Groundwater, Southwestern United States
Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Eastern Washington
Emergency Response to Battery Fire, California
Sea Level Rise Groundwater Intrusion Assessment, Santa Barbara County, California
Sea Level Rise Groundwater Intrusion Monitoring, Ventura County, California
Sea Level Rise Groundwater Intrusion Modeling, Alameda County, California
Stormwater Pipeline Litigation, Sweetwater County, Wyoming
ASR Well Design and Construction Litigation, Washington County, Oregon
PCE Contamination Litigation, Onslow County, North Carolina