Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
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State Route 12 Major Pavement Rehabilitation Project, Solano County, California
Rocking the Boat Level I Site Assessment, San Francisco, California
Rocking the Boat-Level I Site Assessment, San Francisco, California
Port of San Francisco Sediment Remediation Project (Piers 37–43½), San Francisco, California
Woolsey Road Riparian Restoration Project, Windsor, California
Evaluation of Neurocognitive Outcomes from Lead Exposure, Washington, DC
Epidemiological Analysis of Health Effects from Solvents and Metals, Confidential Location
Community Risk Evaluation, United States
State of the Science Review of Regulatory Standards and Human Serum PFAS Concentrations, United States
BPA Wipe Sampling following Use of Plastic Organizer, New York
Assessment of Nail Salon Exposures, New York
Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Projects, Ohio and Louisiana
Collection of In Situ Acoustic Data for the Validation of U.S. Navy Propagation Models of Ship Shock Trial Sound Sources, Offshore Jacksonville, Florida
Propagation Characteristics of High-Frequency Sounds Emitted during High-Resolution Geophysical Surveys: Acoustic Modeling Effort, Leesburg Acoustic Test Facility and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marine Operations Center, Massachusetts
Parametric Analysis and Sensitivity Study of the Acoustic Propagation for Renewable Energy, Coasts of Rhode Island and Virginia
Chukchi Sea Environmental Studies Program, North Slope of Alaska, Bering and Chukchi Seas and Various Ports of Call
Monitoring for Shifts in Odontocete Range and Distribution in the Arctic and Subarctic Seas, Bering and Chukchi Seas
Application of an EMD Detection and Classification Process to Environments for Naval Monitoring and Detection, Various Data Sets
Combining Global Ocean Bottom Seismometers and CTBTO Recordings to Estimate Abundance and Density of Fin and Blue Whales (CORTADO), Wake Island and Diego Garcia
Proof-of-Concept Measurement of Echoes in an Underwater “Amphitheater,” Dominican Republic
Camera Tagging an Orca and Humpback Whale during a Hunt, Dominican Republic