Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
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Expert Witness, Waterway Mercury Contamination, West Virginia
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, New York
Cost Allocation for Former Metals Smelter, Indiana
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, Pacific Northwest
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, Michigan
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, New Jersey
Design and Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter with Electromagnetic Induction, Worldwide
Vulnerability Analysis for Saint Johns River Basin, Florida
City of Jacksonville Coupled Water Quality Model Development, Jacksonville, Florida
Wave-Current Interaction at the Mouth of the Columbia River, Portland, Oregon
Topographic and Coastline Influences on Surf Eddies, Worldwide
Frontal Dynamics at the Edge of the Columbia River Plume, Portland, Oregon
Mouth of Columbia River Study, Portland, Oregon
Southern California Study, California
Former Dry Cleaning Facility, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Groundwater, Soil, and Soil Vapor Investigation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Residential Individual Wastewater System Projects, Oahu, Hawai‘i
Residential Grading and Stormwater Control Projects, Oahu, Hawai‘i
Pearl Harbor Sediment Remediation, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawai‘i
Climate Change Tool for Island Communities, Nationwide
Assessment of Health Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Florida Keys, Florida