Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
Featured Resources
Litigation Support for Insurance Cost Recovery, Confidential Puget Sound Port Authority, Washington
Major Railroad Company, Gautier, Mississippi
Topographic Survey of Airfields, Ascension and Antigua Islands
Sediment Management Options Analysis, Ottawa River, Ontario, Canada
Recent Expert Testimony
PCB Health Risks, Ohio
Former Wood Treating Facilities, Various Locations, United States
Additional Projects
Expert Testimony, Selected Cases
Risk Assessment Methodologies
Ecosystem modeling for aquatic food webs, Europe
PFAS Site Investigation and Characterization, Confidential Location
PFAS Site Investigation, Jackson, Wyoming
Solar-Powered ISB and Groundwater Extraction/Phytoremediation, Norfolk, Nebraska
New/Used Oil Branch Service Center, Dodge City, Kansas
CERCLA Superfund Site, Bridgeton, Missouri
Unlined Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Larimer County, Colorado
Union Pacific Railroad Facility, Kremmling, Colorado
Used Oil Recycling Facility, Linden, New Jersey
ASTM Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Multiple Locations in Colorado, Kansas, and South Dakota
CSM Development and Fate and Transport Modeling, Cloquet, Minnesota