Explore our insights and thought leadership on environmental, health, and natural resource challenges past and present.
Featured Resources
PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey
Stormwater Infiltration Improvements Design and Oversight for EPA Superfund Site, Southern New Jersey
Litigation Support for Potable Water Treatment Claims, San Bernardino and Stanislaus Counties, California
Return Water Management System Design and Implementation at Former Sand Quarry, Sewell, New Jersey
PlaNYC Parks Climate Resiliency Report, New York, New York
NYC Parks and Playground Access Report, New York, New York
Tsunami Exposure and Vertical Evacuation Plan, Honolulu, Hawaii
Increasing Pace and Scale of Wood Utilization: Forestry and Wood Utilization Analysis for the Eastern Central Sierra and Western Nevada, Truckee, California
Coastal Vulnerability and Sea Level Rise Analysis for West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, California
Aquapuncture: An Interactive Exploration of Santa Cruz County Watersheds, Santa Cruz, California
On the Deep Wealth of This Nation, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Hazards Exposure Reporting and Analytics (HERA), Menlo Park, California
Offshore Wind Farm Baseline Surveys, East Coast, U.S.
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge Existing Habitat and Boundary Mapping, St. Marks, Florida
Sagehen, a Proving Ground: An Ecology and Paleobotany Study to Identify Plant Clusters That Can Move Up the Watershed, Sagehen Creek Field Station, Tahoe National Forest, California
Enhanced Natural Recovery/Activated Carbon Pilot Study, Lower Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, Washington
Ward Cove Long-Term Monitoring, Ketchikan, Alaska
Former Port Blakely Mill, Bainbridge Island, Washington
Standardized and Cost-Effective Benthic Habitat Mapping Tools for Marine and Hydrokinetic Site Environmental Assessments, U.S. Department of Energy
Invasive Species Detection, Methow Conservancy, Winthrop, Washington
GIS Technical Support, Multiple Projects