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Press Release

The Benthic Zone (September Edition): Integral’s Sediment Newsletter

By Brandon C. Tufano, Senior Scientist
Kelsey Kirkland, L.G., Senior Scientist
Logan Uselman, Ph.D., P.G., Consultant
Miranda Henning, BCES, Managing Principal, Business Director - Health and Ecology
Jarrod D. Gasper, Senior Consultant

The Benthic Zone newsletter is the place where Integral scientists and engineers share their expertise, running the gamut of topics related to investigation, forensic evaluation, modeling, and remediation of contaminated sediment. Take a look under the water with us. 

The latest edition of The Benthic Zone features two articles from Integral technical staff. Brandon Tufano, Kelsey Kirkland, G.I.T., and Logan Uselman, Ph.D., P.G., explore the methodologies for assessing and visualizing contaminated sediment sites, highlighting the role of an elevation-based conceptual site model (CSM) in understanding the dynamic changes over time in their piece, “Using Accurate Sample Elevations to Characterize Sediment Conditions with 3-Dimensional Modeling—Why Recording Vertical Location in Elevation is Preferable to Depth.” Elevation-based datasets allow analysts and engineers to continually evolve relevant evaluations and designs to reflect current conditions as they change. Learn more about building a robust CSM in our upcoming engineering webinar—The Conceptual Site Model—which will be held on January 24, 2024 at 12 p.m. EST.

PFAS at Contaminated Sediment Sites: Evolving Technical, Regulatory, and Legal Priorities,” the second article in this edition of The Benthic Zone, is coauthored by Miranda Henning, BCES, and Jarrod D. Gasper. This article examines the complexities of characterizing and remediating contaminated sediment sites in the context of emerging concerns about per- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Learn about the potential shift in regulatory and remediation priorities due to the unique properties of PFAS, its widespread use, and its associated challenges in environmental degradation and risk assessment.

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