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Olivia Hargrave, P.E.
Project Engineer

Olivia Hargrave, P.E.

Project Engineer

Ms. Olivia Hargrave is a professional engineer with 5 years of experience in investigation and remediation of environmental systems including sediment, soil, groundwater, and surface water. She has performed alternatives analyses, remedial design, and cost estimation for a range of sites regulated under federal and state programs. Her responsibilities have included feasibility studies, permitting, and litigation/allocation support.  She designs and manages environmental sampling programs from planning stages and stakeholder communication to data analysis and reporting.  Ms. Hargrave also has experience in natural resource damage assessment and restoration planning.

Remedial Design

Lower Passaic River Superfund Site, Newark, New Jersey Supported engineering feasibility study for sediment remediation in the Lower Passaic River Superfund site.  Developed a robust and comprehensive cost estimate, screened remedial technologies, and supported the detailed evaluation and comparative analysis of remedial options.  Other technical support included an evaluation of sediment processing and water treatment options and development of an interactive costing tool.
Electric Power Generating Station, Hawai'i Supported development of the source control design report, drawings, and specifications for an active generating station with historical PCB contamination in accumulated sediment in water bodies, pipes, and tunnels. Site challenges included scattered artesian conditions throughout the site and soft sediments, and logistical challenges regarding flow diversion due to the nature of the site. Responsibilities included reviewing site documents, performing engineering calculations, analyzing site data, and writing sections of the design report, bid package, waste management plan, and associated permits.
Former Tronox Facility Superfund Site, Springfield, Missouri Supported alternatives evaluation for a sewer line replacement and water treatment system installation for removal of naphthalene and BTEX chemicals.  Responsibilities included cost estimation, pipe-material compatibility research, and water treatment alternatives analysis.
Remediation and Restoration Alternatives Evaluation at a Site on the Lower Duwamish Waterway, Washington Prepared alternatives evaluation to assess the feasibility of a potential remediation and restoration project, under the framework of the Elliot Bay Natural Resource Trustee Council’s natural resource damage assessment and CERCLA Superfund site. Also prepared cost estimates and sampling and analysis plan to support associated design data collection along the Lower Duwamish Waterway.
Wastewater Treatment System Design, Tumwater, Washington Prepared engineering report and design plans and specifications for focused wastewater filtration system design.
Blackwell Zinc Site, Blackwell, Oklahoma Prepared corrective action alternatives analysis for the extension of a groundwater extraction system targeting cadmium and zinc released from a former zinc smelter.  Project challenges included design implications of climate change on the regional groundwater system.

Litigation Support

Allocation Support at a Site on the Lower Duwamish Waterway, Washington Provided consulting support for an industrial client during the allocation process of the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund site.  Responsibilities included GIS modeling and figure development, evaluations of cost allocation models, cost-causation analyses, chemical fate and transport evaluations, and advocacy paper support. Also supported natural resource damage assessment with quantitative and qualitative evaluations.
Superfund Allocation Support, Industrial Site, Portland, Oregon Authored expert reports to describe the industrial history, contamination sources, and transportation pathways relevant to various properties along Portland Harbor. Also prepared cost estimate evaluation and dredging history research.
Stormwater Litigation, Tacoma, Washington Supported expert and rebuttal reports for industrial port client using knowledge of Washington State stormwater policies.  Responsibilities included reviewing documents, creating event timeline, and assisting in report writing.

Data Analysis

Electric Power Generating Station, Hawai'i Performed design data collection for source control action at the Waiau Generating Station.  Collected and processed sediment cores and composite sediment samples for PCB delineation, waste characterization, and geotechnical properties.  Work also included sediment probing.  Supported design data report.
San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site Phase 1 Pre-design Investigation, Channelview, Texas Performed fieldwork associated with pre-design investigation at dioxin/furan sediment Superfund site.  Served as the chemistry field lead in impounded waste areas.  Work included collecting and processing soil core samples, coordinating with field staff, and writing completion report.
Kerr-McGee Superfund Site, Columbus, Mississippi Performed multi-increment sampling and subsurface composite sampling in residential yards surrounding the former wood treatment facility.  Conducted sampling as part of investigation into the extent of offsite dioxins and furans in surface soil, to support remedial actions.

Site Investigation

City of Seattle Site, Seattle, Washington Prepared soil sampling and analysis plan to evaluate regulatory compliance for a future use of a vacant property. Responsibilities included managing multiple subcontractors.
Former Harbour Pointe Dry Cleaners Site, Mukilteo, Washington Prepared a data report for a chlorinated solvent plume monitoring event in accordance with the site’s environmental covenant.