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Towards Standardized Integration of Seafloor Mapping Tools for Offshore Benthic Characterization

By Craig A. Jones, Ph.D., Managing Principal, Business Director - Marine, Coastal, Climate, and Technology Services
Daniel Doolittle, Principal, Offshore Wind
Eugene C. Revelas, Senior Science Advisor
Nathan Rebuck, Ph.D., Senior Scientist
Offshore energy development requires a thorough understanding of the seafloor and benthic environments to inform the potential risks to infrastructure and assess the potential environmental impacts of the project. In this paper, we present a novel method for generating quantitative benthic maps using integrated seafloor SPI-PV imagery and MBES data. We use a predictive processing framework that extracts physical and biological metrics from the SPI-PV images and combines them with MBES bathymetry and backscatter data. The framework is demonstrated at a permitted energy site off the Pacific Coast of the United States. The resulting maps provide valuable information for environmental assessments, geohazard assessments, and monitoring of offshore sites. The method can help evaluate site suitability, monitor environmental changes, and enhance the safety and efficiency of offshore operations. The method also reduces risks and costs associated with offshore energy production by enabling rapid and consistent seafloor surveys.
Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2024.
Paper Number: OTC-35388-MS
Published: April 29 2024