M.S., Marine Biology, University of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, 2001
B.A., English and Biology, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, 1998
Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner, Ohio (License No. 0333)
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 40-Hour Certification (2001; refreshers annually)
First Aid and CPR certified (2018)
Member of Society for Ecological Restoration
Member of Council for the Great Lakes Region
Member of Ecological Society of America
National Ocean Service Achievement Award, 2001
Jen Lyndall, CERP Senior Consultant (856) 399-7726 Chagrin Falls, OH jlyndall@integral-corp.com
Jen Lyndall is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner with 23 years of experience in natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) and ecological restoration. She is well-equipped to help clients solve complex environmental problems through consensus building with a variety of stakeholders. Ms. Lyndall has managed and provided technical and strategic support on a wide range of projects, including NRDA, environmental permitting, ecological risk assessment, remediation of CERCLA and RCRA sites, ecological restoration, and ecosystem services.
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment
- Ecological Restoration
- Remedial Design
- Environmental Risk Assessment
Natural Resource Damage Assessment
Ecological Restoration
Remedial Design
Environmental Risk Assessment
Lyndall, J., K. Brown, and T. Pearce. 2023. The missing component: Incorporating biodiversity into natural resource remediation and restoration. American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 38(2):34–39. https://www.americanbar.org/groups/environment_energy_resources/publications/natural_resources_environment/2023-24/fall/the-missing-component-incorporating-biodiversity-natural-resource-remediation-and-restoration/
Lyndall, J., J. Di Misa, and C. Hausman. 2019. Restoration of urban ecosystems. pp. 135–164. In: Ecological Restoration in the Midwest: Past, Present, and Future. C. Lenhart and P.C. Smiley (eds). University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, IA.
Nelson, C., K. Bowers, J. Lyndall, J. Munro, and J. Stanley. 2017. Professional certification in ecological restoration: Improving the practice and the profession. Restoration Ecology 25(1):4-7.
Fuchsman, P.C., M.H. Henning, M.T. Sorensen, L.E. Brown, M. J. Bock, C, D. Beals, J.L. Lyndall, and V.S. Magar. 2016. Critical perspectives on mercury toxicity reference values for protection of fish. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 35(3):529-549.
Bock, M., J. Lyndall, T. Barber, P. Fuchsman, E. Perruchon, and M. Capdevielle. 2010. Probabilistic application of a fugacity model to predict triclosan fate during wastewater treatment. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 6(3):393-404.
Fuchsman P., J. Lyndall, M. Bock, D. Lauren, T. Barber, K. Leigh, E. Perruchon, and M. Capdevielle. 2010. Terrestrial ecological risk evaluation for triclosan in land-applied biosolids. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 6(3):405-418.
Lauren, D., D. Hinton, M. Law, M. Sorensen, J. Lyndall, V. Magar, and M. Nielsen. 2010. Long-term trends in liver neoplasms in brown bullhead in the Buffalo River, New York, USA. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29(8):1748-1754.
Lyndall J., P. Fuchsman, M. Bock, T. Barber, D. Lauren, K. Leigh, E. Perruchon, and M. Capdevielle. 2010. Probabilistic risk evaluation for triclosan in surface water, sediments, and aquatic biota tissues. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 6(3):419-440.
Fuchsman, P., T. Barber, J. Lawton, and K. Leigh. 2006. An evaluation of cause-effect relationships between PCB concentrations and sediment toxicity to benthic invertebrates. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25(10):2601-2612.
Lawton, J., P. Pennington, K. Chung, and G. Scott. 2006. Toxicity of atrazine to the juvenile hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 65(3):388-394.
Pennington, P., M. DeLorenzo, J. Lawton, E. Strozier, M. Fulton, and G. Scott. 2004. Modular estuarine mesocosm validation: Ecotoxicological assessment of direct effects with the model compound endosulfan. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 298(2):369-387.
Wirth, E., P. Pennington, J. Lawton, M. DeLorenzo, D. Bearden, B. Shaddrix, S. Sivertsen, and M. Fulton. 2004. The effects of the contemporary-use insecticide (fipronil) in an estuarine mesocosm. Environ. Pollut. 131(3):365-371.
Scott, G., P. Pennington, D. Bearden, J. Lawton, J. Tobias, S. Sivertsen, and B. Shaddrix. 2002. A proposed harmful algal bloom initiative for South Carolina: Assessing the potential environmental impacts of red tides, pfiesteria, and toxic algae. Subsection: Monitoring triazines in South Carolina coastal waters. Progress Report. USDOC/NOAA National Ocean Service, Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research at Charleston, SC.
Lawton, J. 2001. Direct and indirect effects of the herbicide atrazine on the clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Master’s Thesis. University of Charleston, SC.
Pennington, P., J. Lawton, M. Fulton, D. Bearden, and G. Scott. 2001. An analysis of triazine herbicides in surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico and associated national marine sanctuary areas. Sustainable Seas Expedition 2001: Islands in the stream. Progress Report. USDOC/NOAA National Ocean Service, Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research at Charleston, SC.
Scott, G., M. Fulton, D. Bearden, K. Chung, A. Dias, S. Sivertsen, E. Strozier, J. Daugomah, P. Key, A. Leight, P. Pennington, and J. Lawton. 2001. Chemical contaminant levels in oysters from the Ashepoo-Combahee-Edisto River (ACE) Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve and Sanctuary site. Final Report. USDOC/NOAA National Ocean Service, Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research at Charleston, SC.
Lyndall, J. 2020. Why get certified? Society for Ecological Restoration webinar. Online. https://www.ser.org/news/490767/page/page/PrivacyPolicy
Lyndall, J. 2019. Is certification right for you? Society for Ecological Restoration webinar. Online. https://www.ser.org/news/465349/Webinar-Is-Certification-Right-for-You.htm
Lyndall, J. 2018. Demystifying the CERP application process. Society for Ecological Restoration webinar. Online. https://www.ser.org/news/437685/Demystifying-the-CERP-Application-Process.htm
Lyndall, J., and B. Walder. 2018. SER certification program for ecological restoration practitioners. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, LA. August 26-30.
Lyndall, J., and B. Walder. 2017. SER certification program for ecological restoration practitioners. 9th SER Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. March 24-26.
Barber, T., J. Lyndall, C. Kobyljanec, and B. Patterson. 2013. The valuation of ecosystem services associated with dam removal as a river restoration alternative. 5th Annual Meeting of the Midwest- Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Wooster, OH. April 12-14.
Lyndall, J., K. Konechne, and V. Magar. 2013. Using video technology to communicate remediation and restoration design to multiple stakeholders. 5th World Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Madison, WI. October 6-11.
Barber, T., M. Ferguson, J. Lyndall, B. Patterson, T. Conlin, S. Williams, S. Winkler, A. Klei, and D. Green. 2012. Successful coordination of restoration activities in the Ashtabula River AOC with federal, state, and private stakeholders. Great Lakes Area of Concern Conference.
Barber, T., J. Lyndall, and W. Mahaney. 2012. Habitat evaluation scoring method to estimate ecosystem service improvements from restoration. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Orlando, FL. June 3-8.
Bell, K., J. Lyndall, M. Sorensen, and V. Magar. 2011. The use of pore water measurements to determine site-specific remedial goals. Battelle 6th Annual International Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, New Orleans, LA.
Lyndall, J., W. High, A. Daniel, K. Bell, M. Kamilow, and V. Magar. 2011. Integrating habitat restoration and sediment remediation for the Buffalo River, New York. Battelle 6th International Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, New Orleans, LA.
Sorensen, M., A. Daniel, J. Lyndall, B. Elzinga, J. Morris, and V. Magar. 2011. Benthic community assessment and improvement in the Buffalo River, NY. Battelle 6th Annual International Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, New Orleans, LA.
Bell, K., V. Magar, M. Sorenson, J. Lyndall, C. Lefevre, and R. Wenning. 2010. Advancing sustainability by integrating restoration with remediation. Green Remediation Conference, Amherst, MA.
Lyndall, J., T. Barber, S. Hoehne, and M. Lighthiser. 2009. Stream and ditch restoration planning in southwestern Ohio. 1st Annual Meeting of the Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Indianapolis, IN.
Barber, T., J. Lyndall, M. Bock, and M. Capdevielle. 2008. Aquatic risk assessment of triclosan. Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium, Davis, CA.
Barber, T., J. Lyndall, M. Bock, and M. Capdevielle. 2008. Terrestrial risk assessment of triclosan in land-applied biosolids. Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium, Davis, CA.
Fogg, A., K. Merritt, R. Szuch, J. Lyndall, and G. Reub. 2008. Use of ecological credit valuation associated with natural resource damages to establish restoration banking credits at estuarine sites. 4th National Conference of Restore America’s Estuaries Conference, Providence, RI.
Lyndall, J., M. Bock, T. Barber, and D. Lauren. 2008. FUGAWEB: A probabilistic fate and transport model for emerging contaminants. Hudson-Delaware Chapter Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Barber, T., J. Lyndall, M. Bock, and M. Capdevielle. 2007. Fate and partitioning of triclosan in wastewater treatment processing. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milwaukee, WI.
Lawton, J., T. Barber, K. Leigh, M. Bock, H. Verhaar, and M. Capdevielle. 2007. Aquatic risk assessment for triclosan. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milwaukee, WI.
Lyndall, J., T. Barber, M. Bock, and M. Capdevielle. 2007. Terrestrial risk assessment of triclosan in land applied biosolids. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milwaukee, WI.
Lawton, J. 2006. Workshop: Natural resource damage assessments: Integrating remediation and restoration. Speakers: J.
Lawton, K. Finklelstein, D. Young, M. Daneker, J. Rowe, S. Watts, and T. Barber. 22nd Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediment, and Water, Amherst, MA.
Lyndall, J., T. Barber, and M. Capdevielle. 2006. Aquatic risk assessment for triclosan. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Lawton, J., K. Chung, P. Pennington, and G. Scott. 2001. Direct and indirect effects of the herbicide atrazine on the juvenile clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, MD.
Lawton, J., K. Chung, P. Pennington, and G. Scott. 2001. Direct and indirect effects of the herbicide atrazine on the juvenile clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Carolina’s SETAC Regional Meeting, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
Lawton, J., K. Chung, P. Pennington, and G. Scott. 2001. Direct and indirect effects of the herbicide atrazine on the juvenile clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. Fort Johnson Research Colloquium, Charleston, SC.
Pennington, P., M. DeLorenzo, J. Lawton, M. Fulton, and G. Scott. 2001. Preliminary results of long-term low level herbicide exposure in modular estuarine mesocosms. Carolina’s SETAC Regional Meeting, Clemson, SC.
Pennington, P., M. DeLorenzo, J. Lawton, M. Fulton, and G. Scott. 2001. Utilization of a modular estuarine mesocosm for assessing effects of pesticide exposure. 16th Biennial Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Pennington, P., M. DeLorenzo, J. Lawton, M. Fulton, and G. Scott. 2000. Use of modular estuarine mesocosms to assess the effects of an acute pesticide exposure. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Nashville, TN.
Pennington, P., M. DeLorenzo, J. Lawton, M. Fulton, and G. Scott. 2000. Use of modular estuarine mesocosms to assess the effects of an acute pesticide exposure. Carolina’s SETAC Regional Meeting, Wilmington, NC.
Lawton, J., G. Picha, and L. Zimmerman. 1998. Distribution of Plethodon cinereus: Implications for toxicity and mimicry. Poster presentation. Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Miami University, Middletown, OH.