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Jen Lyndall, CERP
Senior Consultant

Jen Lyndall, CERP

Senior Consultant

Jen Lyndall is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner with 23 years of experience in natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) and ecological restoration. She is well-equipped to help clients solve complex environmental problems through consensus building with a variety of stakeholders. Ms. Lyndall has managed and provided technical and strategic support on a wide range of projects, including NRDA, environmental permitting, ecological risk assessment, remediation of CERCLA and RCRA sites, ecological restoration, and ecosystem services.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Statewide NRDA, Illinois Evaluated potential natural resource liability related to PCBs throughout the state of Illinois and an individual site.  Groundwater, ecological services, and recreational uses were evaluated throughout the state, including hundreds of waterways, wetlands, and upland areas.
Statewide NRDA, Maryland Provided litigation support to evaluate potential natural resource liability related to PCBs throughout the state of Maryland.  Ecological services include an evaluation of marine mammals (dolphins) as well as other aquatic and terrestrial receptors.  Recreational services include an evaluation of fish consumption advisories and fishing preferences.
Statewide NRDA, New Jersey Provided litigation support by assessing potential natural resource liability related to PCBs throughout the state of New Jersey and at an individual site.  Both ecological services and recreational uses were evaluated.
Statewide NRDA, Pennsylvania Conducted initial prioritization and evaluation of ecological services for statewide NRD claim related to PCBs throughout the state of Pennsylvania.
Confidential Site, New Jersey Participated in meetings with Trustees and provided technical comments on Trustee sediment, fish, and bird studies.
Confidential Site, New Jersey Evaluated potential ecological service losses at three CERCLA sites in southern New Jersey.  Potential injury was based on metal exposures to ecological receptors in wetland and aquatic systems.  Background conditions and ongoing state monitoring indicated that these habitats were functioning well.  Habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) was used to estimate injury. Technical results will be summarized in an expert report to support ongoing litigation.
Confidential Site, Rhode Island Evaluated baseline conditions for a site in Rhode Island.  Baseline conditions included a summary of water quality, chemicals of concern, habitat quality, land use, and other regional stressors.
Confidential Mine Site, Washington Conducted a comprehensive review of previous Trustee and responsible party injury estimates for the site and provided a strategic path forward.   Additional technical analyses are ongoing.
Confidential Site, Ohio Conducted a technical review of Trustee injury estimate and implemented several refinements based on best science to reduce the injury by more than 90%.   Evaluated potential land donation and restoration projects to compensate for the injury. Assisted client with agency negotiations and additional technical and strategic approaches.
Confidential Site, Ohio Provided litigation support for NRD matter that included alleged injury to potential ecological and recreational uses.  Evaluated previous Trustee assumptions and injury estimates.  Additional technical analyses are ongoing.
Negotiation Support, Idaho Evaluated groundwater and recreational use service losses and potential restoration opportunities for several mines in Idaho.
Restoration Evaluation, New Jersey Identified and evaluated potential value of donation and/or restoration of various parcels.
Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan, Delaware Developed a Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan to summarize the estimated injury and proposed restoration project to resolve natural resource damage liability at the site.
Litigation Support, Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico, United States Provided litigation support for a large oil spill NRDA in the southeastern U.S.
Restoration Project Scaling, Georgia Evaluated potential injury at the site based on data from the remedial investigation. Determined valuation of potential human use and ecological credits from conceptual restoration projects that may be used to offset natural resource liability. These estimates were then used to settlement negotiations.
NRD Claim, Ashtabula, Ohio Provided technical support in response to a NRD claim for a site in northeastern Ohio. Worked with the client to identify contaminants of concern, evaluate potential injury, and identify and evaluate restoration project alternatives. Primary restoration projects were proposed based on established numerical criteria. Compensatory restoration projects included bank stabilization, stream bank restoration, and creation of a hydraulic connector and emergent wetland habitat.
Recreational Use NRDA, North Carolina Conducted a preliminary evaluation of recreational use injury related to a paper mill in coastal North Carolina. Injury was quantified and scaled to human use and ecological restoration projects. The projects served as a starting point for ongoing negotiations to reach a settlement to resolve natural resource liability for the site.
Restoration Projects, Buffalo River, New York Evaluated multiple restoration projects at a site in western New York to determine potential ecological credits that may be gained as part of a NRD settlement. Used HEA to evaluate projects. Conducted a sensitivity analysis of the HEA inputs to reduce uncertainty.
Mining Sites Bankruptcy Litigation Support, United States Provided litigation support for a bankruptcy case involving a NRD claim at numerous mining and smelter sites. Reviewed expert reports and other site documents to assess the relevance of the NRD claim, methods used, and assumptions presented. Used results of the review to complete a revised estimate of NRD based on conservative yet reasonable assumptions.
NRD Settlement, Forest Glen Superfund Site, New York Managed the design and completion of the chemistry, bioaccumulation, and toxicity testing at the Forest Glen Superfund site. The natural resource trustees were concerned that contamination at the site had potential to migrate offsite into adjacent wetlands, East Gill Creek, and Hyde Park Lake. Sampling was added as a stipulation of the covenant not to sue and was to be conducted with a portion of the NRD settlement. The results will be used to focus future research in the area.
Kalamazoo Mediation, Michigan Participated in initial mediation meetings at a large PCB site in Michigan. Mediation was intended to bring together federal and state natural resource trustees, regulators, and potentially responsible parties to cooperatively address the remediation and restoration of the site.
RCRA Site NRD Negotiations, Illinois Met with responsible parties and state and federal natural resource trustees to negotiate a potential settlement at a landfill RCRA site in Illinois. Discussed alternative restoration options to maximize restoration potential with limited funds.
Natural Resource Trustee for NOAA Developed case strategy as natural resource trustee representative for multiple sites throughout the Great Lakes. Provided technical support for NRDA for various aspects of sites, including St. Louis River, Ashtabula River, Ashland Northern States Power, Grand Calumet River, Sheboygan River and Harbor, Fox River, Kalamazoo River, and St. Mary’s River. When necessary, involved general counsel and referred cases to U.S. Department of Justice.

Ecological Restoration

Ecological Recovery Wheel and Social Benefits Wheel Trainings, Global Conducted trainings on behalf of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) for sustainability projects that were implemented as part of Microsoft’s Community Environmental Sustainability Program. Partnered with SER to provide trainings and technical review for restoration projects throughout the world.
Whitebark Pine Calibration of Ecological Recovery Wheel, United States and Canada Led team and provided technical support to SER, in coordination with National Park Service, to calibrate the ecological recovery wheel for whitebark pine ecosystems.
Environmental Site Assessment, Port Arthur, Texas Evaluated multiple restoration options in and around a site to support an environmental site assessment under Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations.  Restoration options were identified, evaluated, and prioritized, based on proximity to site and service gains that would be provided.  Coordinated with conservation nonprofit organization to reach partial funding agreement.  Coordinated with Trustees to determine that sufficient restoration was proposed.  Restoration is scheduled for 2023–2024.  
Living Shoreline Project, Delaware Created conceptual design of living shoreline and upland restoration project at a site adjacent to the Delaware River.  This site was particularly complex due to the variable salinity and nearby shipping traffic.
Restoration Project Development, Georgia Developed a suite of conceptual human use and ecological restoration projects for an estuarine site in Georgia.
Deepwater Horizon Restoration Project Scoping and Evaluation, Gulf of Mexico, United States Identified potential restoration projects for potential implementation at multiple sites throughout the southeastern U.S. Projects included tidal marsh and wetland restoration/creation, living shorelines, dune restoration, shorebird habitat restoration, sea turtle habitat restoration and protection projects, and in-water projects for restoration of sea grass, coral reefs, and oyster reefs.
Ashtabula River Restoration Design, Ohio Developed a restoration design for a heavily industrialized river in northeastern Ohio. The restoration plan included primary restoration of the site such as contaminated soil containment and scrap removal. Additionally, compensatory restoration included the creation of a hydraulic connection to establish emergent wetlands. The entire site will be replanted to enhance riparian, wooded, and wetland zones.
Buffalo River Area of Concern (AOC) Great Lakes Legacy Act Restoration Planning, New York Coordinated the Buffalo River Great Lakes Legacy Act Project Coordination Team (PCT) Ecological Engineering Evaluation (EEE) report and the development of suitable mitigation opportunities. The EEE report included the development of multiple alternatives for six restoration project locations. Evaluated each alternative based on a set of criteria developed by the PCT habitat restoration subgroup. Selected one restoration alternative for each project location. The restoration techniques considered included emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation enhancement, in-stream substrate enhancement, bank shaping, modified lunker boxes, geocells, living crib walls, vanes, stone toe protection, riparian zone enhancement, and riparian zone expansion.
Dicks Creek and Monroe Ditch Mitigation and Restoration Design, Ohio Prepared the design for restoration of two creeks in southwestern Ohio. The restoration followed remediation of PCBs in floodplain soil and sediment. Mitigation included the construction of bottomland forest habitat and the formation of a hydraulic connector to enhance the connectivity between the restored habitat and adjacent creek. The restoration design included bank regrading, non-native vegetation removal, planting of native riparian vegetation, installation of erosion control blankets and in-stream restoration including enhancements of pools and riffles and placement of weirs and revetments, where needed. Developed a monitoring program for success verification.
Dicks Creek Phytoremediation, Ohio Provided oversight for a bank stabilization and restoration project in southwestern Ohio. The project included the installation and maintenance of an access road and ramps, placement of stone toe, bank regrading, erosion control matting installation, seeding, planting, and the installation of live stakes. The project was completed on schedule and within budget.
Maumee River Restoration Project Identification and Prioritization, Ohio Conducted a watershed analysis to assess potential watershed impairments. The identified issues were used to identify and prioritize restoration projects within the watershed.
DuPage River Restoration Grant Management, Illinois Managed a $9.6 million grant for river restoration in the DuPage River. Restoration projects included invasive plant species control, revegetation with native species, stream bank stabilization, pool and riffle creation, in-stream restoration, creation of vernal pool system, creation of a fish overwintering pool, dam modification, mussel and forage fish propagation, and a visitors’ center.
Restoration Criteria, Fields Brook Superfund Site, Ohio Established restoration criteria for the natural resource trustees at the Fields Brook Superfund site. Worked with other trustees to write a restoration plan and environmental assessment, and to solicit and prioritize restoration projects that would be implemented as part of the Fields Brook natural resource damage (NRD) settlement with responsible parties.
Ecological Restoration Trainings, Various Locations, United States Partnered with Mars, The Nature Conservancy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Park Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to create and conduct restoration-related trainings and continuing education opportunities.

Remedial Design

Confidential Site, Ohio Provided litigation support for a confidential site in northeastern Ohio. Managed team for a technical review of engineering evaluation and cost analysis and supported preparation of expert reports. Led team and deposed as a fact witness for complex soil and ecological sampling event with more than 30 field crew members and thousands of samples.
Dicks Creek PCB Remediation, Ohio Prepared the design document and conducted some construction oversight for mechanical dredging in Dicks Creek, Middletown, Ohio. Conducted remediation as part of a Consent Decree to address PCB contamination in sediment and floodplain soils. Remediation was initiated in 2010.
Buffalo River Great Lakes Legacy Act, New York Member of the Great Lakes Legacy Act PCT for the Buffalo River AOC feasibility study. Wrote the sampling plan and quality assurance project plan for additional field sampling necessary to fill data gaps and provide supplemental data for the feasibility study.
Great Lakes Legacy Act Review Team, United States Served as a part of the Great Lakes Legacy Act technical review team to review proposals for the remediation of contaminated sites in Great Lakes AOCs. Significantly involved in the refinement of the remedial work plan for the recently funded $50 million remediation of the Ashtabula River.
Sediment Delineation Work Plan Review, Fields Brook, Ohio Assisted EPA Remedial Project Manager with the review of the sediment delineation work plan for a new solvent plume that was identified in Fields Brook in northeastern Ohio.
Fox River Remediation, Wisconsin Reviewed and commented on a responsible party plan to revise the record of decision (ROD) for a PAH site in Wisconsin. Used fingerprinting to compare sediment PAH concentrations to site-specific downstream conditions and other urban references areas. Recommended a partial ROD amendment for one operable unit and further characterization for another operable unit.
Bivalve Biomonitoring Plan, Michigan Wrote biomonitoring work plan for a bivalve field deployment in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This field event was part of a larger 3-year monitoring effort to inform the EPA 5-year review of a metals site. Coordinated field sampling and international shipping logistics.
Manufactured Gas Plant, Wisconsin Provided technical support of remedial investigation design for a manufactured gas plant in northern Wisconsin. Designed ecological risk assessment to include samples needed for the NRDA at the site to provide the most efficient and cost-effective framework possible.

Environmental Risk Assessment

Chemical Management Strategy, Confidential Client Provided strategic recommendations for the implementation of a chemical management strategy for a large manufacturing company. Reviewed current operations and made strategic recommendations for modifications to supplier reporting, transportation needs, and reporting procedures for compliance with Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH [European Union]), Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS [European Union]), and Proposition 65 in California.
Preliminary Risk Assessment Review, Edgerton Ohio Reviewed previous human health and ecological risk assessments at a RCRA site and adjacent river in Edgerton, Ohio.  Reviews of the data indicated that although risk was low, additional risk assessments were needed to comply with state guidance.  
CEQA Cumulative Risk Assessment, California Assisted with evaluation of cumulative risk to support a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) addendum in the San Francisco area.  Reviewed existing local and regional plans to identify development plans, estimate current and future conditions at the site, and evaluate potential impacts.
Litigation Support, Louisiana Landfill Matter Managed litigation support team to assist expert in development of report related to residential odor complaints due to landfill emissions.  The team conducted air modeling using the CALPUFF model to estimate potential plumes of hydrogen sulfide, factoring in meteorological conditions, over a multiyear period.  Exposure modeling was used to estimate frequency, intensity, and duration of the odor event(s).
Risk Assessment and Regulatory Support, Global Developing high-level chemical management strategy for a large international company.  The strategy includes coordination of data from multiple facilities and divisions, evaluation of operations, review of supply chain, and preparation of recommendations for collecting data, improving efficiency, and implementing best practices to reduce future liability.
Aquatic Life Criteria Evaluation, United States Provided technical comments on USEPA’s Aquatic Life Criteria for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).
Offshore Wind, Lake Erie, Ohio Prepared and submitted environmental assessments and permit applications for a pilot-scale offshore wind farm planned in Lake Erie. This project was part of a U.S. Department of Energy grant to facilitate the development of pilot-scale offshore wind projects in the U.S. Permit preparation included coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, USFWS, Federal Aviation Administration, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Power Siting Board, Ohio Department of Transportation, and the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority.
New Drug Application Support, United States Prepared an environmental risk assessment to support a new drug application submittal to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Used probabilistic techniques to assess risk to aquatic organisms and aquatic-feeding wildlife, incorporating direct contact and dietary exposures to receptors under multiple environmental scenarios. Modeled exposures were based on fugacity and bioaccumulation characteristics and accounted for environmental variability in a wide variety of aquatic systems. Evaluated community-level aquatic effects using a species sensitivity distribution for multiple, diverse taxa.
Product Stewardship Environmental Risk Assessment, Global Prepared a public stewardship environmental risk assessment for an antimicrobial compound. The assessment used probabilistic techniques to assess risk to aquatic organisms and aquatic-feeding wildlife, incorporating direct contact and dietary exposures to receptors under multiple environmental scenarios. Used measured environmental concentrations to determine predicted environmental concentrations. Estimated dietary exposures based on modeling of fugacity and bioaccumulation characteristics. Evaluated community-level aquatic effects using a general sensitivity distribution based on the predicted no-effect concentrations from published and proprietary literature.
Risk-Based Remediation Goals, United States Assisted EPA Remedial Project Managers and state regulators with the development of risk-based remediation goals for multiple sites. Calculated risk-based, site-specific criteria and remediation goals for multiple sites in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Minnesota. Depending upon the needs and conditions of a given site, design goals to ensure the health of residents, anglers, swimmers/waders, and trespassers. In other cases, calculated remediation goals to ensure the viability of populations and communities of ecological receptors, including ospreys, bald eagles, belted kingfishers, American robins, mink, fish, benthic invertebrates, raccoons, and muskrats.
Ecological Risk Assessment Review, Kalamazoo River Superfund Site, Kalamazoo, Michigan Reviewed the ecological risk assessment for the Kalamazoo River Superfund site, prepared on behalf of the natural resource trustees. Provided technical input to refine the ecological risk assessment, which included benthic community and toxicity data, fish community data, and site chemistry.
Site-Specific Sediment Quality Guidelines, United States Assisted with the development of an innovative method to assess risks of PCBs to benthic invertebrates. Employed cause–effect, concentration–response data to demonstrate that published “consensus” guidelines significantly overestimate the risk of sediment toxicity due to PCBs. Identified an alternative, EqP-based approach that integrates site-specific data on PCB homologue composition with published toxicity data.