Colorado’s Current & Future PFAS Regulation in a National Context: Logan Uselman to Present at CEMS Conference
By Avram Frankel, P.E., Chief Operating Officer
Logan Uselman, Ph.D., P.G., Consultant
Melissa Armstrong, P.E., Senior Consultant

Topics related to environmental management in Colorado will be discussed at this year’s Fall Conference of the Colorado Environmental Management Society (CEMS) to be held on September 14, 2021, in Westminster, Colorado. Integral Project Scientist Logan Uselman, Ph.D., will give a presentation coauthored with Managing Principal Avram Frankel, P.E., titled “Putting Colorado’s Current & Future PFAS Regulation in a National Context.” Consultant Melissa Armstrong will also attend.
Since per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are not currently regulated on a national level, individual states have taken a variety of approaches to the regulation of PFAS. Some states have chosen not to regulate PFAS at all. During the presentation, Dr. Uselman will discuss the current landscape of PFAS regulation in the U.S., while providing a detailed look into Colorado’s unique regulatory approach. PFAS regulations in drinking water, groundwater, and surface water will be discussed.
The conference will feature both local and national speakers covering a range of topics related to the future of environmental management in Colorado.
Integral provides a range of environmental services, including site investigation and remediation, emerging contaminant support, risk assessment and natural resource damage assessment, and litigation support.
For more information, contact Mr. Frankel at or Dr. Uselman at