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Jennifer L. Wollenberg, Ph.D.
Principal, Sustainability

Jennifer L. Wollenberg, Ph.D.

Principal, Sustainability

Dr. Jennifer L. Wollenberg is a multidisciplinary expert in the environmental sciences, who leverages her skills to help clients understand and manage business risks and opportunities in relation to natural resources. Dr. Wollenberg has spent more than 20 years characterizing the physical, chemical, and biological conditions at commercial and industrial sites to help clients better understand the environmental footprint of their operations, including potential impacts to natural resources. She works with corporate decision-makers to develop environmental management strategies that integrate with other aspects of their compliance programming and environmental, social, and corporate governa...

Dr. Jennifer L. Wollenberg is a multidisciplinary expert in the environmental sciences, who leverages her skills to help clients understand and manage business risks and opportunities in relation to natural resources. Dr. Wollenberg has spent more than 20 years characterizing the physical, chemical, and biological conditions at commercial and industrial sites to help clients better understand the environmental footprint of their operations, including potential impacts to natural resources. She works with corporate decision-makers to develop environmental management strategies that integrate with other aspects of their compliance programming and environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) reporting.

In recent years, Dr. Wollenberg has also provided testifying and consulting expert services related to environmental impacts, permitting disputes, and cost allocation. She has served as an expert advisor or neutral allocator and mediator in support of a variety of environmental cost allocation matters, involving contaminated sites and waterways located throughout the United States. In that role, she leverages her experience evaluating the effects of chemical contaminants on human health and environmental systems, including ecological risk as well as habitat quality. Dr. Wollenberg has particular expertise evaluating the fate and transport of mercury and other chemicals in waterways, including geochemical transformations in the environment and impacts on ecosystem processes.

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Climate Change Vulnerability and Decarbonization Assessment, California Evaluated municipal greenhouse gas inventory data and potential approaches to reduce carbon footprint. Developed a framework for evaluating decarbonization options that also considers vulnerability of municipal assets to climate change risks such as flooding, sea level rise, and wildfires. Framework included participation in public meetings and solicitation of community input on adaptation and decarbonization challenges and priorities.
Evaluation of Water Quality and Reuse Considerations for a Food and Beverage Company, Confidential Location Worked with sustainability, toxicology, and water resources teams to identify potential future drinking water contaminants and global regulatory compliance considerations to support corporate strategic planning. Also considered water quality, quantity, and potential reuse.
FTI Consulting, Pennsylvania Global co-leader of Biodiversity Working Group, tracking the evolving ESG and sustainability reporting frameworks in the U.S. and abroad (e.g., Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Global Reporting Initiative, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures [TNFD]). Worked with clients and internal team members to build capabilities in the nature and sustainability spaces.      
Taskforce for Nature-Related Financial Disclosures, United States and Ireland Managed pilot scale implementation of a TNFD LEAP (locate, evaluate, assess, and prepare) assessment for facilities in the United States and Ireland.
Iron Mining Site, Guinea Provided strategic consulting services in support of an environmental and social impact assessment for a proposed iron mine development project. In particular, evaluated potential impacts on high value natural resources and biodiversity due to physical disruption, hydrologic changes, noise, acid mine drainage, and other anticipated changes to the environment based on findings from extensive technical field studies, and contributed to development of a nontechnical summary for submission to the regulatory authority. Also contributed to development of an internal briefing document targeted at assisting corporate communications with investors, civil society organizations, and other external parties.
Long-Term Water Resources Analysis, Texas Conducted literature review regarding long-term groundwater elevations and well production rates in the Trinity Aquifer, regional climate predictions, and local water use regulations in support of potential project go/no-go decision-making for a large investor.

Natural Resources Assessment

Surface Water Discharge Assessment, New Jersey Designed and implemented physical, chemical, and biological assessments to evaluate potential impacts associated with a NPDES application for process water discharge to a tidal tributary to the Delaware River. Analyses included stream morphology and flow measurements, water quality sampling, plankton community analysis, toxicity testing, discharge dilution calculations, and mixing zone modeling.
Watershed Monitoring Program, Pennsylvania Managed annual watershed monitoring program including surface water and benthic invertebrate sampling in support of a municipal planning initiative to assess effects of land use changes on stream health. Included several years of data collection, compilation, and annual reporting to the Board.
Wetland Restoration, New Jersey Served as EPA-approved wetland supervising contractor for remediation and restoration of 15+ acres of forested scrub-shrub and emergent freshwater wetland at the Bridgeport Rental and Oil Services Superfund Site. Included implementation of adaptive management approach in response to hydrologic changes at the site requiring modification to the restoration design, including ongoing coordination with federal and state agencies. Tasks consisted of development and implementation of planting plans, flow management, corrective actions for remedial measures, mitigation monitoring reporting, and management of staff and contractors. Successfully completed restoration activities and transitioned the project to the operation and maintenance phase.
Land Use Permitting, New Jersey Reviewed and aided preparation of permit applications including restoration plans for wetland and riparian zone impacts at more than 40 properties during implementation of remediation activities at the Hilliards Creek Superfund Site. Required balancing land use compliance requirements with existing and intended use of the property by each individual owner, effective communication of regulatory requirements to laypersons, and extensive coordination between contractors, consultants, and landowners.
ELM Group, Pennsylvania Oversaw ecological services group, including management of wetland restoration design and construction, wetland delineations, habitat surveys, and natural resource permitting projects. Responsibilities included preparation of cost estimates, review and approval of contractor proposals, agency coordination and permitting, and client coordination.

Cost Allocation

Allocation Process Support for Contaminated Sediments, New Jersey Provided detailed review and comments regarding proposed cost allocation method for a large waterway site in New Jersey, including recommendations for potential revisions to proposed approach. Also consulted with client regarding allocation strategy, potential subject matter experts, and negotiations with agency.
Generator Party Group Expansion, Puerto Rico Worked on behalf of a landfill generator party group (GPG) to identify additional potentially responsible parties, develop nexus packages, and invite new members to the group. Tasks included, but were not limited to, agency coordination regarding Freedom of Information Act requests, document review, corporate history research, waste-in analysis, GPG coordination, and prospective group member outreach and negotiation. Helped the GPG successfully recruit parties accounting for more than 20 percent of the cost share.
Nexus Evaluation for CERCLA Site, Illinois Assisted client in responding to EPA’s 104(e) request for information regarding an alleged nexus to a former zinc smelter in Illinois. Coordinated with counsel and analyzed site history, including extensive research regarding client property location and overlap with former site operations.  
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, New Jersey Served as neutral allocation consultant and co-mediator at the Berry’s Creek Study Area Superfund Site for 100+ parties engaged in a dispute resolution process concerning liability and allocation issues for approximately $500 million of study and remediation costs related to mercury, PCBs, and other metals. Developed allocation method and recommendation, and worked to facilitate a mediated settlement for the site.
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, Michigan Served as neutral allocation and mediation consultant to a group of nine parties engaged in investigation and remediation of a waterway in the Detroit area under the Great Lakes Legacy Act. Technical components of the engagement included analysis of historical facility operations and releases, and review of sediment chemistry data to support development of preliminary and revised settlement recommendations for approximately $100 million in project costs, and facilitate mediation.
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, Pacific Northwest Served as neutral allocation consultant and mediation team member to 100+ parties engaged in a dispute resolution process concerning liability and allocation issues for study and remedy costs incurred along a 10-mile stretch of a large river in the Pacific Northwest. Allocation process required comprehensive review of discharges from hundreds of waterfront and upland properties, spanning more than a century of industrial and urban development.
Cost Allocation for Former Metals Smelter, Indiana Served as neutral allocation consultant team member to a group of four parties engaged in remediation of a residential neighborhood near a former lead smelter and other industries. Technical components of the engagement included analysis of historical land development patterns, evaluation of atmospheric deposition modeling, and review of soil chemical fingerprinting data. Also worked with parties to develop fact record and define allocation process.
Cost Allocation for Contaminated Sediments, New York Consulting expert for client engaged in cost allocation at a multiparty Superfund site in New York City. Tasks included historical research related to facility operations, including likely waste streams. Developed history of sewer system and assessed potential pathways to the waterway from two separate facilities within the watershed. Analyzed available waterway physical and chemical data for sediment and surface water to assess fate and transport potential for materials upon reaching the waterway. Prepared an expert report supporting a de minimis claim and presented findings to allocator. Also evaluated potential contributions from other parties.

Litigation Support

Expert Witness, Waterway Mercury Contamination, West Virginia Developed expert analysis related to mercury discharges from a chlor-alkali facility and potential impacts to aquatic biota and public use of a river in West Virginia (Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition et al v. Eagle Natrium, LLC). Expert report supported negotiation of a settlement and consent decree.
Expert Witness, Surface Water Impacts, Pennsylvania Provided testimony before the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board for Solebury School v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and New Hope Crushed Stone and Line Co. (EHB Docket 2011-136-L) related to watershed-scale physical and biological stream impacts associated with NPDES-permitted discharge and groundwater withdrawals at a limestone quarry in Pennsylvania.
Expert Witness, Quarry Rehabilitation, New Jersey Provided testimony before municipal planning board related to potential human health and ecological risks associated with rehabilitation of a traprock quarry impacted by metals and PAH contamination in New Jersey. Also included review and recommendations related to a clean soil evaluation and acceptance procedure for the importation of more than 500,000 cy of fill material required for site redevelopment. Consulted on settlement negotiations and implemented postsettlement monitoring and document review related to quarry rehabilitation.

Remedial Investigation

Technical Support for Contaminated Sediment Site, New Jersey Technical Support for Contaminated Sediment Site, New Jersey — Provided technical support to client who was a group member at a large multiparty sediment CERCLA site. Responsibilities included review of technical documents and analyses prepared by the group consultant as well as supporting client in development of site strategy, agency communications, and identification of additional potentially responsible parties.
Sediment Site Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Project involved implementation of biological, chemical, and physical characterizations to assess watershed-scale impacts at an estuarine site in New Jersey. Principal contaminants of concern included mercury, PCBs, and other metals. Worked closely with technical representatives of the responsible party group to develop and implement a multifaceted investigation that included extensive sediment, surface water, and biota characterization; analysis of atmospheric exchange of mercury; toxicity testing; and ecological and human health risk assessment. Evaluated principal factors controlling contaminant speciation, with a particular focus on mechanisms influencing biological uptake into the food web. Responsible for evaluation of project-specific field and laboratory methods to meet data quality objectives, and coordination of large consultant team to analyze and interpret data using a range of statistical, spatial, and graphical methods.
Former Copper Smelter Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Designed and implemented a sediment investigation to determine impacts to tidal wetlands and waterways associated with operation of a former secondary copper smelter. Contaminants of concern included metals, PAHs, and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/polychlorinated dibenzofuran. Conducted extensive sediment sample collection, as well as wetland delineation, prepared wetland and coastal zone permit applications, and completed an ecological risk assessment.
Former Dye Works Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Designed and implemented a remedial investigation at a former dye manufacturing facility in New Jersey, including soil and groundwater investigations, and preparation of reports. Principal contaminants of concern included volatile organic compounds and metals.
Contaminated Site Investigation, New Jersey Designed and implemented a remedial investigation at a contaminated site in New Jersey that was impacted by historical dumping activities. Project included wetland delineation, land use permit preparation, soil, sediment, and surface water sampling, and preparation of reports. Contaminants of concern included pesticides, PAHs, and metals.

Fate and Transport

Hilliards Creek, New Jersey Completed a detailed fate and transport analysis to assess the potential for recontamination of residential properties with arsenic and lead via flooding following remediation. Developed a detailed conceptual site model to describe movement of water and sediment, including hydrologic modeling to predict flooding and stream velocities in response to rain events and prediction of deposition and soil concentrations over time. Work facilitated the client decision-making process related to sequencing of remedial action.
Sodium Hydroxide Spill, Missouri Completed a fate and transport analysis to evaluate potential environmental impacts of a sodium hydroxide release adjacent to the Mississippi River. Analysis included development of conceptual site models to describe physical and chemical conditions at the site; evaluation of site-specific and literature information to assess groundwater-surface water interactions; correlation of available empirical evidence to the predicted behavior of sodium hydroxide in the environment; and development of recommendations regarding further actions to address the release.
Human Health Exposure Analysis, Alabama Completed an exposure assessment at the former Interstate Lead Co. battery recycling facility to evaluate potential human health risk due to metals in groundwater, soil, and fish consumption. Analysis included development of a conceptual site model including assessment of site-specific groundwater data in the context of potential downgradient receptors and preliminary exposure calculations; calculation of potential soil and dietary lead exposure, including blood lead concentration modeling using the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) model for different exposure scenarios; and critical evaluation of fish consumption advisory recommendations. Resulted in EPA determination not to establish a fish consumption advisory for the site.