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Thomas R. Schulz
Senior Data / Solution Engineer

Thomas R. Schulz

Senior Data / Solution Engineer

Mr. Tom Schulz is well versed in many aspects of field data collection, especially biological/ecological surveys. He has prepared numerous health and safety plans, sampling and analysis plans, and cruise reports. Mr. Schulz is also proficient at preparing large data sets graphically (graphs, charts, and GIS mapping) and into concise tables for statistical and spatial analysis and interpretation. His experience includes loading incoming environmental sampling data into the EQuIS database and into client or regulatory agency databases, such as DAIS (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District), SEDQUAL (Washington Department of Ecology), and Query Manager (National Oceanic and Atmospheri...

Mr. Tom Schulz is well versed in many aspects of field data collection, especially biological/ecological surveys. He has prepared numerous health and safety plans, sampling and analysis plans, and cruise reports. Mr. Schulz is also proficient at preparing large data sets graphically (graphs, charts, and GIS mapping) and into concise tables for statistical and spatial analysis and interpretation. His experience includes loading incoming environmental sampling data into the EQuIS database and into client or regulatory agency databases, such as DAIS (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District), SEDQUAL (Washington Department of Ecology), and Query Manager (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

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Data Management

Portland Harbor CERCLA RI/FS, Portland, Oregon Serves as database manager for the sediment and tissue data collected for the remedial investigation. Compiled data into a Microsoft Access® relational database and translated data format to correspond with NOAA’s query manager database. Acted as field team leader for fish tissue collection in initial study area of the Superfund site.
Portland Shipyard Site Investigation, Portland, Oregon Managed the chemical and biological data. Performed statistical analysis and summarized bioassay data.

Sediment Sampling

PacifiCorp Youngs Bay Property, Astoria, Oregon Performed sediment sampling and mapping of a coal tar deposit on an intertidal mud flat as part of a site characterization.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Marine Sediment Sampling, Chemical and Biological Analyses in Western Washington Served as the technical manager for the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis (PSDDA) sediment characterizations to determine the suitability of materials for open-water disposal for the following projects: • Grays Harbor Navigation Channel (FY00)—Health and safety plan, sampling and analysis plan, and summary data report • Squalicum Creek Waterway (FY00)—Health and safety plan, sampling and analysis plan, and summary data report • Duwamish River (FY00)—Health and safety plan, sampling and analysis plan, and summary data report • Olympia Harbor Bioaccumulation (FY99)—Health and safety plan, sampling and analysis plan, and summary data report • South Aberdeen Reach (FY99)—Health and safety plan, sampling and analysis plan, and summary data report.
Wycoff/Eagle Harbor Outfall Sediment Monitoring, Bainbridge Island, Washington Supported sediment profile imaging, video plan-view, and van Veen, vibracore, box-core, and gravity core sampling for the Year 5 and Year 8 monitoring events.


Port Townsend Marina PSDDA Investigation, Port Townsend, Washington Prepared the sampling and analysis plan and collected sediment core samples using a piston corer.
Seastar Phylogeny Investigation, Southwestern Alaska Collected seastars intertidally and subtidally (using scuba) from the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska.
Seastar Hybridization Investigation, Monterey, California Cultured hybridized seastar larvae and used DNA analysis methods to distinguish hybrid seastars from non-hybrids.
Subtidal Biodiversity Investigation, Big Sur, California Responsible for collection and management of macroalgae data. Designed algal data collection sheets, identified algal species, and collected algal abundance data using scuba.
Urchin/Fish Interaction Study Supported urchin and fish predator data collection using scuba along the central California coastline and Catalina Island.
Population Ecology of a Piscivorous Seastar, Pacific Grove, California Led field data collection (using scuba) and report preparation of the population characteristics (e.g., diet, abundance, size frequency) for the kelp forest seastar, Pisastar giganteus.

Data Analysis

Analysis of Crab Trawling Data from Grays Harbor, Washington Responsible for data collection, data management, and interim report preparation of Dungeness crab trawling surveys in Half Moon Bay and Grays Harbor entrance. Analyzed Dungeness crab data collected in the Grays Harbor entrance from 1996 through 1999 and prepared a summary report to investigate potential impacts from dredging the navigation channel.
Delong Mountain Terminal Facility, Northwest Alaska and Commencement Bay PSDDA Disposal Site, Tacoma, Washington Supported sediment profile imaging and conducted initial digital analysis of sediment profile images.
Hylebos Waterway Pre-Remedial Design, Tacoma, Washington Prepared the Round 1 data for input into Ecology’s SEDQUAL database. Performed the statistical analysis of Round 2 bioassay data. Supported statistical analysis of wood waste data collected by sediment profile imaging. Led the field effort to collect Round 2 Phase II surface sediment and benthos samples. Prepared the technical memorandum for Round 2 Phase II data, which contained an overview of the sampling program and presented the validated data generated during Round 2 Phase II sampling of the Hylebos Waterway.

GIS Design

Atlantic Wood Industries, Inc. Wood Treating Facility, Norfolk, Virginia Supported a sediment profile imaging survey in the York and Elizabeth rivers for the creosoting facility cleanup and conducted initial digital analysis of images.
Commencement Bay PSDDA Disposal Site and Wycoff/Eagle Harbor Sediment Cap Year 5 Monitoring Surveys Performed GIS mapping and spatial analysis using ARCView® software of sediment profile imaging, benthic infaunal, and sediment chemical data.

Publications Support

Multi-User Disposal Site Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Authored the affected environment section, which describes all aspects of the potentially impacted environment from biological to cultural to aesthetics.