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Taylor A. Burnham, MPH

Taylor A. Burnham, MPH


Ms. Taylor Burnham is an occupational health and safety professional with 6 years of experience in consulting, project management, fieldwork for a variety of industries, and research. Her background in industrial hygiene, environmental health sciences, and neuroscience enables her to provide high quality solutions to clients seeking support with complex human health risk assessments, occupational health and safety needs, and litigation. She has a wide range of experience in litigation support involving asbestos, talc, lead, silica, flavorings, and occupational health and safety compliance and management. Ms. Burnham’s background also involves qualitative and quantitative exposure assess...

Ms. Taylor Burnham is an occupational health and safety professional with 6 years of experience in consulting, project management, fieldwork for a variety of industries, and research. Her background in industrial hygiene, environmental health sciences, and neuroscience enables her to provide high quality solutions to clients seeking support with complex human health risk assessments, occupational health and safety needs, and litigation. She has a wide range of experience in litigation support involving asbestos, talc, lead, silica, flavorings, and occupational health and safety compliance and management. Ms. Burnham’s background also involves qualitative and quantitative exposure assessment work, including air and surface sampling for a variety of chemicals in workplaces such as television, film, and news productions; chemical processing facilities; semiconductor and electronics manufacturing plants; plastics manufacturing; mining; and office buildings. Her relationship-oriented propensity enhances her ability to partner with clients to understand their unique needs and collaborate with diverse teams on dynamic projects. Ms. Burnham is committed to life-long learning and making contributions to the scientific community while advocating for the health and safety of workers.

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Regulatory Compliance

TSCA Occupational Inhalation Exposure Assessments, United States Supported multiple consortia groups with the planning and execution of air monitoring campaigns at numerous facilities in the United States regarding occupational inhalation exposures to a variety of chemicals prioritized for TSCA risk evaluation. Contributed to the development of written reports, including qualitative and quantitative exposure analyses in response to test orders issued by EPA under Section 4 of the TSCA.

Health And Safety

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring for Lead, Fort Collins, Colorado On behalf of a client, conducted surface wipe sampling and air monitoring for lead in a former semiconductor and electronics manufacturing facility following guidelines from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the standardized ASTM International methodology E1792, “Standard Specification for Wipe Sampling Materials for Lead in Surface Dust,” as well as National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Method 7303 for air monitoring. Provided the client with two written industrial hygiene reports.
Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment, Denver, Colorado On behalf of a commercial building client, conducted an indoor environmental quality (IEQ) assessment for fungal spores following mold remediation. Collected qualitative information as well as temperature, relative humidity, and moisture content characteristics of the remediated office space and building materials. Conducted air monitoring for airborne spores and surface tape sampling for the detection of mold spores on remediated building materials. Following laboratory analysis, provided client with comprehensive IEQ results and recommendations for reoccupation of the space.
Mine Health and Safety Assessment for Entertainment Client, Idaho Springs, Colorado On behalf of a film production company, conducted health and safety assessments at two inactive mines used for public tours and university training and research in Colorado. Following walkthroughs to identify potentially hazardous site conditions and airborne hazards, conducted bulk sampling and real-time exposure monitoring for various contaminants in dust and air including lead and arsenic. Developed written exposure control guidelines for dust suppression, ventilation, housekeeping, and hygiene practices for the film cast and crew.
Many Paths, One Goal—Protecting Worker Health Workshop Coordination Coordinated the development of a five-part occupational risk assessment webinar series in collaboration with the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Foundation for Chemistry Research and Initiatives, successfully securing participation from more than 30 experts to present and discuss topics on workshop panels, with an average of 300 attendees per session. The series aimed to enhance the understanding of differing occupational risk assessment approaches focusing on topics including data quality challenges, exposure modeling, dermal exposure assessment, and risk characterization and management. Published four blogs in AIHA’s The Synergist and working to develop a manuscript.
Qualitative Exposure Assessment at an Agricultural Chemical Facility, Oakland, California Executed a baseline qualitative exposure assessment at an agricultural chemical processing facility, including walk-through evaluations of various units, exposure monitoring for noise and hexavalent chromium, comprehensive employee interviews, and designation of employees into task-based similar exposure groups.
Noise Exposure Monitoring, Oakland, California In accordance with a client’s OSHA hearing conservation program, conducted personal and area noise exposure monitoring during routine tasks conducted by emergency response personnel at a chemical processing facility.
Industrial Hygiene Monitoring for Hexavalent Chromium, Oakland, California Assisted with personal air monitoring for hexavalent chromium exposure potential in accordance with the OSHA standard for occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium during welding tasks conducted by maintenance personnel at a chemical processing facility.
Asbestos Exposure Monitoring during Simulated Application of Spiked Cosmetic Talcum Powder, Chicago, Illinois In preparation for a manuscript, assisted with personal and area exposure monitoring for asbestos during simulated application of cosmetic talcum powders spiked with known concentrations of tremolite asbestos.
Standard Operating Procedure Development for Pharmaceutical Client, California On behalf of a pharmaceutical client, assisted with the development of a practical, step-by-step standard operating procedure for incident investigation following inhalation and dermal exposures and response to adverse health effects including contact dermatitis. Developed accompanying employee training presentation and materials.
Situational Awareness Training for Entertainment Clients, United States Provided television and news production cast and crew with situational awareness training and field reference materials. Training focused on productions in areas of civil unrest, coverage of natural disasters, and where the risk for viral transmission was high during the COVID-19 pandemic, and included planning and preparation; identification of hazards such as technical, physical, health, psychological, and personal limitations; risk assessment methods; and tools to increase safety, security, and mental health awareness.
Infection Control for the Entertainment Industry, United States Assisted television, film, and news production companies with return-to-work and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Created infection control plans, including cleaning and disinfection, case management, and personal protective equipment recommendations. Conducted COVID-19 Compliance Officer (CCO) trainings and developed materials including one sheets. Coordinated COVID-19 diagnostic testing and case management for cast and crew members.
COVID-19 Compliance for Entertainment Clients, United States Served as the CCO for television productions in California and New York. Ensured implementation of health and safety measures and practices related to COVID-19, infection control plans, and compliance with state and federal requirements and public health guidelines. Additionally, provided remote support for onsite CCOs for a variety of television, film, and news productions.

Litigation Support

Exposure Assessment and Dose Reconstruction, United States Provided litigation support to expert witnesses in matters involving a variety of chemicals of concern and adverse health outcomes, including asbestos-containing materials (e.g., friction products, joint compound, cement pipe, gaskets and packing, insulation), talcum powder, crystalline silica, fuels and diesel exhaust, mold, and lead. Assisted with preparation of case and corporate summaries; conducted research tasks and literature searches regarding exposure data and adverse health effects; assisted with exposure assessment and dose reconstruction following occupational, non-occupational, and para-occupational exposures; and supported preparation for deposition testimony and trial direct preparation.
Occupational Health and Safety Program Management, United States Provided litigation support to expert witnesses in matters pertaining to workplace health and safety practices, regulatory compliance, and corporate conduct and best practices for industrial and commercial facilities that handle ethylene oxide, flavorings chemicals, and lead-containing products.