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Steven Eikenbary

With 6 years of dynamic experience as an environmental scientist, Mr. Steven Eikenbary offers clients a unique blend of analytical, field, and laboratory expertise. He has successfully contributed to a range of projects, demonstrating a commitment to delivering high-value outcomes. Clients at both state and federal levels benefit from his proficiency in conducting probabilistic and quantitative analyses, essential for understanding and mitigating risks associated with environmental stressors. Leveraging his skills in Bayesian network modeling, statistical analyses using R, and spatial analyses with ArcGIS, Mr. Eikenbary ensures that clients receive comprehensive insights aligned with thei...

With 6 years of dynamic experience as an environmental scientist, Mr. Steven Eikenbary offers clients a unique blend of analytical, field, and laboratory expertise. He has successfully contributed to a range of projects, demonstrating a commitment to delivering high-value outcomes. Clients at both state and federal levels benefit from his proficiency in conducting probabilistic and quantitative analyses, essential for understanding and mitigating risks associated with environmental stressors. Leveraging his skills in Bayesian network modeling, statistical analyses using R, and spatial analyses with ArcGIS, Mr. Eikenbary ensures that clients receive comprehensive insights aligned with their specific needs.

Recognizing the paramount importance of client collaboration, Mr. Eikenbary excels in delivering high-quality reports and presentations that are not only scientifically sound but also easily understandable. This ability positions him as a valuable partner in achieving shared objectives among clients, regulators, and other stakeholders. In each project and endeavor, he exemplifies a client-centric approach, ensuring that his skills and expertise are tailored to meet the specific needs of those he serves. Mr. Eikenbary’s dedication to delivering actionable insights, engaging in effective collaboration, and addressing intricate environmental challenges solidifies his standing as a trusted environmental scientist committed to the success of his clients.


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Ecological Risk Assessment

Synthetic Biology Risk Assessment, Ponce, Puerto Rico Used Bayesian network tools to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment for the deployment of gene drive-modified Aedes aegypti mosquitoes as vectors for dengue and Zika virus control in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Integrated human health and ecological endpoints into the assessment, demonstrating the applicability of synthetic biology products within the Bayesian network risk assessment framework. Conducted sensitivity analyses to identify key variables contributing to overall model uncertainty.
Risk Assessment for the Upper San Francisco Estuary, California Applied a Bayesian network relative risk assessment approach to model risks to marine and freshwater species in the Upper San Francisco Estuary. Analyzed extensive data sets with consideration for spatial and temporal scope, meeting the requirements of state regulatory agencies. The assessment aimed to identify significant contributors to the decline of pelagic species within the study area.
Mercury Contamination Human Health Risk Assessment, Gulf of Thailand Provided analytical support for an ecological and human health risk assessment in the Gulf of Thailand. Evaluated the risk contribution from mercury concentrations in offshore demersal and pelagic fish species to the local fishery, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of potential hazards.

Environmental Analytics

Litigation Support Projects Related to Organochlorine Compounds, Multiple Sites, United States Contributed to the analysis of sum total organochlorine compound concentrations at multiple litigation sites throughout the United States. Data sets included were vast and varied in both spatial and temporal scope and therefore required evaluation for completeness, accuracy, and reliability. Used R and GIS for analyses, producing figures and summaries to support litigation efforts.
Offshore Wind Farm EMF Assessment, East Coast, United States Played a crucial role in supporting a team dedicated to modeling electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by offshore and onshore windfarm projects. Specialized in correlating modeled EMF levels to potential impacts on marine life, ensuring a thorough assessment of environmental implications.
EMF Evaluation of Offshore Wind Farm on the East Coast, United States Contributed to the ecological impact assessment of a wind farm development project, focusing on clean energy initiatives. Specialized in evaluating potential environmental effects related to EMFs. The assessment provided critical insights into the ecological implications of wind farm development, supporting a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach.
Centredale Manor Restoration Project Superfund Site, Rhode Island Assisted in the analysis of water quality constituents for an ecological baseline pre-design investigation at the Centredale Manor Restoration Project Superfund Site in Rhode Island. Contributed to characterizing pre-remedial baseline concentrations of constituents of concern, providing essential data for project planning.
Groundwater Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis, United States Produced GIS analyses and figures illustrating relative PFAS concentrations in groundwater samples from a site with a history of firefighting training and operations. The analysis contributed to understanding the distribution and potential risks associated with PFAS contamination.
Groundwater PFAS Analysis, United States Conducted a comprehensive analysis encompassing the development of a PFAS database and spatial analyses, providing a detailed understanding of the distribution and concentration of PFAS in groundwater samples. Applied advanced spatial analyses and forensics techniques, including fingerprinting methods, to identify and trace the sources of PFAS contamination. Implemented statistical methodologies such as principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering to discern patterns and relationships within complex data sets, enhancing the precision of risk assessments and contributing valuable insights to the overall understanding of PFAS behavior in the environment. The synthesis of these techniques ensured a thorough and sophisticated evaluation of PFAS contamination, aiding in the development of effective remediation and mitigation strategies.
Groundwater PFAS Analysis, West Coast, United States Conducted temporal analysis of groundwater monitoring data at a West Coast manufacturing site. Used parametric and non-parametric analyses to compare concentration data and detect trends, both spatially and temporally. The findings informed decision-making and mitigation efforts regarding PFAS contamination.
Meteorological Analytics, West Coast, United States Supported the development of a weather data analysis project, providing crucial data for regression analyses and environmental modeling. The analysis facilitated a comprehensive understanding of meteorological patterns, supporting projects where weather impacts were of significance.
Sediment Profile Imagery, East Coast, United States Conducted the field deployment of a sediment profile imagery platform at an East Coast shipyard. Performed image processing and analysis, as well as a sediment ecology assessment, contributing to the development of a comprehensive dredging plan. The results ensured an ecologically sensitive approach to sediment management.
RCRA Litigation Support, East Coast, United States Contributed to spatial analyses of legacy contamination as part of RCRA support. Applied advanced analytical techniques to understand and address the spatial distribution of contaminants, supporting regulatory compliance and environmental remediation efforts.
Yacht Club Dredging Analysis Plan, Puget Sound, Washinton Participated in the contaminant assessment for a yacht club marina involving core sample field collection and subsequent laboratory processing and analysis of sampled material. The resulting analysis formed the foundation of a comprehensive dredging analysis plan, ensuring environmentally responsible and effective dredging practices.
Juvenile Rockfish Physiology, Monterey Bay, California Contributed to research on the effects of ocean acidification and hypoxia on juvenile rockfish in Monterey Bay, California. Facilitated experimental setup, data acquisition, statistical analyses, and interpretation of results, providing critical insights into early life history responses.
Intake Structure Permit Litigation Support, Gulf Coast, United States Provided ecological impact assessment for federal- and state-listed species, as well as commercially and recreationally important species, as part of litigation support for an intake permit. Assessed salinity thresholds and impacts related to impingement and entrainment from intake structures, ensuring comprehensive support for legal proceedings.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Mining Site, Western United States Provided support for technical consultation for natural resource damages claim involving injuries to surface water and terrestrial habitats allegedly related to releases from mining activities.
Mining Site, Western United States Provided spatial analytics support for a natural resource damage assessment project related to contamination from mining activities at a Western U.S. mining site. The spatial analyses contributed to the understanding of the environmental impact, aiding in regulatory compliance and restoration planning.
Manufacturing Site, Eastern United States Offered technical and analytical support for a natural resource damage claim involving injuries to aquatic habitats allegedly linked to releases from manufacturing activities.
Manufacturing Site, Eastern United States Contributed spatial analytics expertise to support natural resource damage assessment in New Jersey. Analyzed contamination data, providing critical insights for litigation support and aiding in the assessment of environmental damage.
Litigation Support Projects Related to Organochlorine Compounds, Multiple Sites, United States Provided litigation support and contributed to natural resource damage assessment initiatives related to organochlorine compounds. Conducted spatial and technical analyses of legacy contaminants across multiple states and regional municipalities. The analyses played a key role in understanding the extent of environmental damage, aiding in legal proceedings and informing remediation strategies.

Policy Analysis

Vessel Groundings, Monterey, California Developed a comprehensive database for assessing environmental and fiscal impacts of vessel groundings and abandonments within the waters of the five West Coast National Marine Sanctuaries. Drafted an action plan for reducing vessel incidents, collaborating with resource protection managers and sanctuary staff. Led advisory meetings to integrate local and regional responses, ensuring a strategic and collaborative approach to addressing maritime challenges.