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Sara M. Barbuto
Senior Consultant

Sara M. Barbuto

Senior Consultant

Ms. Sara Barbuto is an environmental consultant with 13 years of experience focusing on characterization and environmental remediation of contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater. Her experience includes performing project management, planning and conducting environmental investigations, conducting feasibility studies, and designing remedial systems. Ms. Barbuto provides project support to commercial, industrial, property development, and regulatory agency clients. She prepares scopes of work and estimates of associated costs, creates schedules and budgets, and manages subcontractors. Her technical skills include identifying and evaluating potential areas of concern and preparing tec...

Ms. Sara Barbuto is an environmental consultant with 13 years of experience focusing on characterization and environmental remediation of contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater. Her experience includes performing project management, planning and conducting environmental investigations, conducting feasibility studies, and designing remedial systems. Ms. Barbuto provides project support to commercial, industrial, property development, and regulatory agency clients. She prepares scopes of work and estimates of associated costs, creates schedules and budgets, and manages subcontractors. Her technical skills include identifying and evaluating potential areas of concern and preparing technical documentation, performing environmental modeling. She is proficient with ArcGIS, data analysis, and data visualization software. In addition to her strong data analysis background, she has led field sampling efforts at a wide variety of project sites and has expertise in environmental sample collection, processing, and reporting. Ms. Barbuto also has experience evaluating treatment techniques for emerging contaminants.



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Site Characterization

Former Wood Treating Facility, Superfund Site, Navassa, North Carolina Technical lead supporting the CERCLA process to characterize and remediate environmental impacts associated with a former wood treatment facility—including dense nonaqueous-phase liquid contamination and contaminated soil, groundwater, intertidal marsh sediment, and sediment porewater. Technical lead for preparation of the remedial investigation reports, feasibility studies, remedial action work plans, and waste management plans for the former process area and upland wood storage areas, which includes soil and groundwater impacts. Responsible for managing ongoing site investigations and access, preparing materials for client team community outreach, and supporting the human health and ecological risk assessments.
Geographic Information System (GIS) and Spatial Analysis Support of Risk Assessment of PCB Residues at a Former Natural Gas Facility, Texas Performed data treatment, visualization, and spatial analysis for a probabilistic risk assessment of PCBs in soils at a former natural gas facility in Texas.  Soil data was prepared for input to ArcGIS mapping software and used to generate spatially weighted average concentrations for use as exposure point concentrations in a probabilistic risk assessment; the assessment predicted potential human exposures and helped to support site management decisions for the site.
Former Mining Site Sediment Feasibility Study, Missouri Provided reporting, mapping, and data analysis support for feasibility study of a 50-mile reach of a mining-impacted river. Worked with project team on the development of a site conceptual model, supplemental remedial investigation, updates to the ecological and human health risk assessments, and the identification and evaluation of remedial options. Provided logistical and property access support for field teams.
Delaware River Sediment Site Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, Delaware Provided reporting, mapping, and data analysis support for the remedial investigation and feasibility study of a 200-acre sediment site located in the Delaware River. Worked with project team to develop a remedial investigation and feasibility study work plan and sampling analysis plan.
Site Survey and GIS Support of Risk Assessment for Extended Floodplain, New York Provided field and mapping support to risk assessment team for a river floodplain area in New York State where PCBs have been identified.  Organized and performed onsite floodplain survey for human use, bank slope and composition, and accessibility.  Developed ArcGIS database of onsite observations in support of a screening analysis to focus the risk assessment on those areas of the floodplain where there is the greatest potential for human exposure to PCBs.


Shipping Channel Turbidity and Sedimentation Model, Louisiana Lead modeler and project manager for the development of a turbidity and sedimentation model to support permitting of proposed dredging in a Louisiana shipping channel. Prepared model documentation, data visualization, and permitting support materials for natural gas pipeline development.
Watershed Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Water Quality Model, Colorado Lead modeler and project manager for the expansion and recalibration of a water quality model to support assessment of TMDL alternatives for a Denver-metro watershed. The linked watershed/in-lake model simulated flows and nutrients in a complex system with an extensive canal system, numerous irrigation inputs and withdrawals, and two water supply reservoirs. The EPA models SWAT and WASP were applied to ultimately predict present and potential future in-lake nutrient systems in a severely eutrophic system.
Effluent Mixing Analysis at Former Waste Oil and Storage Facility, New Jersey Lead modeler in the mixing analysis of a surface water discharge to a tidal waterway.  Site-specific chemistry data, discharge dimensions, and physical conditions were applied to the EPA Visual Plumes model for the characterization of mixing behavior of total dissolved solids from a CERCLA site discharge.  Findings from the modeling effort were used in support of a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection application.
Air Modeling at a Chemical Manufacturer, East Coast, United States Supported air modeling of various emission scenarios from stacks at a chemical manufacturer.  Provided visualization of AERMOD outputs in support of conceptual site model development and reporting to state agencies.
Sediment Transport Modeling in Support of Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis (EE/CA) at a Former Chemical Manufacturing Facility, Portland, Oregon Modeled sediment transport in support of the EE/CA for a Willamette River CERCLA site.  Monitored natural recovery, capping, and dredging scenarios were examined through the application of site-specific data and physical conditions to the Sediment Containment Assessment Model and Reible Cap model.  Model results under the various scenarios were used in support of the evaluation of remedial alternatives.

Remedial Design

Sediment Capping Remedial Design, Maine Project manager for sediment capping of mercury-impacted intertidal flats, including predesign investigations (PDIs) and analyses, remedial design, and remedy permitting. Technical lead for preparation of PDI work plans, implementation of PDI studies, and reporting. Responsible for coordinating client team including local consultants and contractors, preparing materials for client team community outreach, and producing financial summaries for quarterly and annual reporting. Project scoping and management are ongoing.
Former Dry Cleaner Supply Company, Brooklyn, New York Project manager and remedial investigation lead for a former dry cleaner supply Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) site. Prepared remedial investigation work plan, identified and coordinated with subcontractors, and led sampling events for indoor air, soil vapor, soil, and groundwater. Developed and implemented interim remedial measure (IRM) work plans. Performed monthly monitoring of site IRMs and prepared monthly progress reports and agency communications. Prepared remedial cost estimates for preliminary feasibility study and managed offsite investigations. Project scoping and management are ongoing.
Former Dry Cleaners, Queens, New York Project manager and lead designer of an air-sparge and soil vapor extraction system for a former dry cleaners BCP site. Performed design calculations and prepared IRM design report for submittal to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Performed baseline sampling of site soil vapor and groundwater, reviewed data, and prepared data reports. Developed IRM construction bid package, performed bid leveling, and aided in contract development.
NYSDEC Spill Site, Manhattan, New York Performed field activities and reporting for the remediation and closure of a fuel oil spill site in Times Square, Manhattan, New York. Field activities included soil core and soil vapor sampling as well as oversight of recovery well installation. Performed data analysis and visualization for delineation of fuel oil impacted zones beneath city sidewalk and a commercial building. Coordinated with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the New York Container Terminal for permission to perform drilling work proximal to a subway station. Supported preparation of the subsurface investigation report and remedial alternatives proposal to NYSDEC.
New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program, Willets Point Development, Queens, New York Prepared a BCP application and led Phase I environmental site assessment effort for 45 parcels of industrialized land. Organized and performed the site investigations of New York City-owned Willets Point properties. Phase I reporting included evaluations of site history, observations from site investigations, and mapping of recognized environmental concerns.


PDIs for Remediation of Superfund Site, Rhode Island PDI field lead for hydrological studies; wetland delineation; vegetation surveys; and fish, surface water, wetland soil, and benthic macroinvertebrate sample collection efforts. Led PDI field sampling plan preparation, quality assurance project plan development, and PDI reporting. Coordinated with remediation engineering contractor for property access and biota collection permitting. Managed schedule, budget, and subcontractors; currently managing reporting, hydrologic modeling, and statistical and geospatial analyses. Regularly present materials to EPA, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, and other project stakeholders.
BERA of Landfill Superfund Site, New Jersey Led preparation of field sampling plan and quality assurance project plan for the baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA). Reviewed available data and performed logistics and mapping in support of field efforts. Led soil, earthworm, forage fish, small mammal, vegetation, and surface sediment sampling for chemical and toxicological analysis. Identified and conducted field surveys of potential reference ponds. Performed statistical and spatial analysis of data for BERA; multiple receptors and a large suite of chemicals were evaluated.
Industrial Hygiene Study, Massachusetts Field and reporting lead for worker safety study regarding volatile organic compound and dust emissions from client’s products. Led preparation and implementation of sampling plan, identified and coordinated with subcontractors, and performed data analysis and reporting. Presented results to project stakeholders and prepared additional summary materials as requested by client team.
Sample Management for Deepwater Horizon Incident, Louisiana Managed operations and staffing of a sample-handling facility within the context of a natural resources damage assessment in the Gulf of Mexico. Samples were collected over large distances, from inshore to far offshore, and involved diverse media, including water, sediments, and biota. Tasks included the management and quality assurance and quality control of sample documentation; logistical coordination of sample pickup from, and equipment resupply of, a fleet of vessels far offshore; and oversight of sample handling staff.
Field Support for Soil and Sediment Sampling, Watertown, Massachusetts Reviewed available data and performed logistics and spatial analysis in support of field efforts at a small pond in Watertown, Massachusetts. Identified and conducted field surveys of potential reference ponds. Supported ecological habitat assessment. Performed soil and surface sediment sampling for chemical and toxicological analysis.
Field Support and Data Analysis for Berry’s Creek, Meadowlands, New Jersey Conducted multiple field surveys of Berry’s Creek and the surrounding tributaries of the Hackensack River, including aquatic fauna surveys of the creek and marsh invertebrate sampling. Coordinated sample collection, preparation, preservation, and transportation to analytical laboratory. Worked with ecological risk assessment team to prepare laboratory data for analysis. Field efforts included marsh invertebrate collection, plankton collection, fish residue biomonitoring collection, and annelid and fiddler crab collection for benthic residue analysis.
Water Quality Monitoring and Field Support to Mystic River Watershed Association, Arlington, Massachusetts Collected surface water samples and water quality data for baseline and hot spot monitoring. Performed assessments of the Mystic River and its tributaries, denoting problem areas and pipe outfalls. Served on committee for water quality, volunteered for community outreach events, and aided in development of sampling plans.

Litigation Support

Allocation and Technical Consulting, Michigan Served as the project manager for an allocation and technical consulting project.  Performed data analysis and visualization, literature review, and mapping for allocation work.  Coordinated team of partners and managed the budget.  Worked with project team to develop a cleanup goal for a class of emerging contaminants.
Allocation Consulting, Kalamazoo, Michigan Provided data analysis and visualization in support of expert testimony for an allocation case at a Kalamazoo River Superfund site.  Performed flow, suspended sediment, and chemistry data analysis in support of mass balance calculations.
Technical Support for Air Model Expert Report, New York Performed wind data analysis and visualization, literature review, and mapping in support of identifying additional potentially responsible parties for an air model expert report.


PFAS Treatment and Literature Review Research Performed research and analysis as part of a per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) treatment options study and in support of company PFAS newsletter and tracking and mapping tools. Worked with teaming partners to design and perform bench-scale PFAS treatability testing of multiple types of granular activated carbon and ion-exchange beads. In support of subscription-based company PFAS newsletter, conducted literature reviews and summarized scientific publications regarding PFAS occurrences, fate and transport, and remediation and treatment. In support of tracking and mapping tools, performed research for a state-by-state compendium of PFAS regulations and worked with team to prepare an interactive HTML map widget using R and Leaflet.
Assessment of a Reactive Core Mat for Contaminated Sediments, Boston, Massachusetts Master’s thesis research under the direction of Dr. Akram Alshawabkeh at Northeastern University.  Performed research to evaluate an active capping technique for contaminated sediments.  Analyzed water and sediment samples prior to and following application of a reactive core mat.  Assessed the bioavailability of PCBs and PAHs to benthic invertebrates following this treatment measure.  This project involved sediment sampling, literature review, bench-scale consolidation studies, analytical chemistry, statistical analyses, and manuscript preparation.  Research results will support pilot studies of reactive core mat field deployment.


Land Surveying Instructor, Boston, Massachusetts Instructed undergraduate students in offsite field measurements and surveying.  Prepared and presented lectures for land surveying course.  Developed classroom materials and course activities and evaluated student performance.  Maintained surveying equipment and supplies.