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Sadie McGarvey

Ms. Sadie McGarvey has 12 years of professional experience as a field biologist and regulatory specialist, working in a variety of habitats and municipalities. She has a wide range of experience in biological fieldwork, regulatory compliance, and environmental permitting. Her professional experience includes California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) level site assessments and reporting, due diligence reporting, regulatory compliance support for various development, reclamation, repair, transportation, and utilities projects throughout Northern California, construction compliance monitoring, vegetation and hydrology monitoring, vegetation mapping, wetland delineations and habitat assessm...

Ms. Sadie McGarvey has 12 years of professional experience as a field biologist and regulatory specialist, working in a variety of habitats and municipalities. She has a wide range of experience in biological fieldwork, regulatory compliance, and environmental permitting. Her professional experience includes California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) level site assessments and reporting, due diligence reporting, regulatory compliance support for various development, reclamation, repair, transportation, and utilities projects throughout Northern California, construction compliance monitoring, vegetation and hydrology monitoring, vegetation mapping, wetland delineations and habitat assessments, and special-status species surveys and research.  Ms. McGarvey assists clients with navigating environmental regulations and obtaining regulatory authorizations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), state and regional Water Quality Control Boards, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). She ensures projects meet permitting and construction milestones while staying in compliance with regulatory authorizations and applicable laws.

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Planning and Permitting

Port of San Francisco Sediment Remediation Project (Piers 37–43½), San Francisco, California Responsibilities include preparing the CEQA assessment for biological resources potentially impacted by the project. Conducted required natural resource surveys to identify biological resources present within the project site and conducted required analyses and reporting related to local, state, and federal jurisdiction over the project site and significance of project-related impacts to biological resources. Prepared a project-specific biological resource analysis (BRA) to analyze potential for significant impacts to biological resources that may result from the remediation project. Coordinate with client to establish project elements and variables that would result in impacts. Conducted biological construction monitoring for special-status marine mammals.
Shell Pond Remediation Project, Contra Costa County, California On behalf of client, managed a 73‑acre remediation project in Contra Costa County from 2014 to present. Tasks included coordination with multiple resource agencies (USACE, Regional Water Quality Control Board [Water Board], CDFW, Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and USFWS) to authorize proposed project components. Conducted wetland delineations, rare plant surveys, biological construction monitoring, and ongoing annual monitoring to ensure success of project.
Calle La Cruz Pipeline Replacement Project, Carmel, California Prepared CEQA biological assessment for the installation of wastewater pipelines under the Carmel River Lagoon using horizontal directional drilling. Conducted required natural resource surveys, including a wetland delineation, to identify biological resources present within the project site and conducted required analyses and reporting related to local, state, and federal jurisdiction over the project site and significance of project-related impacts to biological resources. Prepared a project-specific BRA to analyze potential for significant impacts to biological resources that may result from the pipeline replacement project.
Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park Access Project, Alameda County, California On behalf of East Bay Regional Park District, performed wetland delineations. Prepared a biological assessment of impacts to federally listed species for consultation between USACE and USFWS. Developed mitigation strategies and prepared a mitigation and monitoring plan for proposed onsite mitigation. Prepared documents for project entitlement including applications for USACE (nationwide permit), Water Board (clean water certification), and CDFW (streambed alteration agreement and incidental take permit). Worked with project team to revise project plans and impacts to ensure agency approval. Manage permit compliance including biologist construction monitoring, surveys, and reporting (including the preparation of a special-status species relocation plan and invasive plant management plan).
Pipeline Repairs, East Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Joaquin Counties, California Perform biological monitoring and provide compliance support to client for various pipeline repair projects (emergency and planned/permitted). Obtain appropriate regulatory approvals for work outside scope of existing authorizations. Conduct construction monitoring to provide onsite biological resource training and document project compliance with regulatory approvals. Review permit amendments, attend risk meetings, and coordinate biological monitoring and reports. Review and provide input on individual repair site construction plans and fieldwork.
San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Demolition Project, Oakland, California Provided biological monitoring and compliance support to California Department of Transportation District 4 (Clean Water Act, Rivers and Harbors Act, federal Endangered Species Act, California Endangered Species Act, NEPA, McAteer-Petris Act, California Fish and Game Code, Migratory Bird Treaty Act). Assisted with permit updates, permit applications, and environmental assessments. Conducted nesting bird surveys; assisted in management of bird management program and USFWS special purpose relocate permit; and conducted construction compliance monitoring.