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Naomi A. Schowalter

Naomi A. Schowalter


Ms. Naomi Schowalter has 11 years of experience in the environmental regulatory field. Prior to entering private consulting in 2021, she served as a natural resource specialist with the Bureau of Land Management, Bakersfield Field Office, and as a regulatory project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District. She specializes in completion of wetland delineation reports and other documentation required to obtain state and federal permits for impacts to aquatic resources and special status species. Ms. Schowalter is a detail-oriented project manager adept at identifying streamlining opportunities for efficient environmental permitting, project planning, pr...

Ms. Naomi Schowalter has 11 years of experience in the environmental regulatory field. Prior to entering private consulting in 2021, she served as a natural resource specialist with the Bureau of Land Management, Bakersfield Field Office, and as a regulatory project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), San Francisco District. She specializes in completion of wetland delineation reports and other documentation required to obtain state and federal permits for impacts to aquatic resources and special status species. Ms. Schowalter is a detail-oriented project manager adept at identifying streamlining opportunities for efficient environmental permitting, project planning, preparation of permit applications, and interaction with local, state, and federal agencies.

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Sonoma 1 Install Centerline Rumble Strip, Sonoma County, California For a project involving improvements to almost 59 miles of State Route 1 in Sonoma County, conducted fieldwork to identify wetlands and other aquatic resources in the project area and wrote an aquatic resources delineation report. Used ArcGIS Pro software to create figures for the report and analyze and display geographic information system (GIS) data obtained during fieldwork.
18545 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, California For a project involving a 4.4-acre mixed-use development, independently conducted fieldwork to identify wetlands and other aquatic resources in the project area, wrote an aquatic resources delineation report, and obtained an approved jurisdictional determination from USACE. Used ArcGIS Pro software to create figures for the report and display and analyze GIS data obtained during fieldwork.

Regulatory Compliance

Lakeville-Ignacio IG01/004 Emergency Repairs, Sonoma County, California For a project involving emergency repairs to an electrical transmission tower in tidal marsh adjacent to the Petaluma River, obtained emergency authorizations from USACE, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission and then wrote the required post-activity report documenting compliance with permit requirements.

Ecological Restoration

State Route 1 and State Route 84 Structures and Scour Mitigation Project, San Mateo County, California For a project involving repairs to bridges along two highways, identified an offsite mitigation location, designed a mitigation project, and drafted a mitigation and monitoring plan for onsite and offsite riparian restoration and enhancement activities.

Planning and Permitting

East Harbor Angled Boring Project, San Francisco, California For a project involving the installation of nine angled borings adjacent to and under the San Francisco Bay, wrote the USACE nationwide permit pre-construction notification and the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) certification of the 2017 nationwide permits notice of intent. Received USACE nationwide permit verification letter and Water Board notice of applicability in less than 2 months.
Pittsburg-San Mateo Tower Maintenance Project, Alameda and San Mateo Counties, California For a project involving the repair of electrical transmission towers in the San Francisco Bay, wrote the biological assessment, Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 and Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 permit application, and CWA Section 401 and Porter-Cologne Act permit application.
Digital 299 Broadband Project, Humboldt, Trinity, and Shasta Counties, California For a project involving the installation of a new telecommunications cable spanning three counties, updated the delineation report and waters of the U.S./state impact assessment following changes to the project alignment and proposed construction methods. Managed the geospatial data for the project using ArcGIS and developed a riparian data set. Wrote the CWA 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis for the project. Provided the project team with regulatory strategy support.
Ignacio Mare Island Emergency Tower Replacement, Solano/Napa Counties, California As a regulatory project manager for USACE, San Francisco District, coordinated an emergency individual permit for the replacement of three deteriorated electric transmission towers located in protected tidal marshlands west of the lower Napa River. This permitting effort required emergency consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and state historic preservation officer, as well as the completion of an environmental assessment, public interest review, and CWA 404(b)(1) alternatives analysis in less than a month. Coordination with multiple state and federal agencies was required to finalize the permit action and manage compliance.
Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan In-Lieu Fee, Santa Clara County, California As a regulatory project manager for USACE, San Francisco District, headed the interagency review team tasked with creating an in-lieu fee program that dovetails with the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan, a habitat conservation plan and natural community conservation plan. This effort involved coordinating agency review of documents, negotiating document changes acceptable to all agencies and the project sponsor, and working with USACE attorneys to achieve legally defensible outcomes.
City of Livermore Stream Maintenance Program, Livermore, California As a regulatory project manager for USACE, San Francisco District, developed a regional general permit for the City of Livermore’s stream maintenance program. This permit was used over multiple years to provide expedited permitting of dozens of maintenance projects involving streams and flood control facilities located throughout the city.

GIS Analysis

Sonoma 1 Install Centerline Rumble Strip, Sonoma County, California For a project involving improvements to almost 59 miles of State Route 1 in Sonoma County, conducted fieldwork to identify wetlands and other aquatic resources in the project area and wrote an aquatic resources delineation report. Used ArcGIS Pro software to create figures for the report and analyze and display geographic information system (GIS) data obtained during fieldwork.
18545 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill, California For a project involving a 4.4-acre mixed-use development, independently conducted fieldwork to identify wetlands and other aquatic resources in the project area, wrote an aquatic resources delineation report, and obtained an approved jurisdictional determination from USACE. Used ArcGIS Pro software to create figures for the report and display and analyze GIS data obtained during fieldwork.