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Katrina McCormick

Katrina McCormick

Scientist (856) 399-7727 Moorestown, NJ ko'

Ms. Katrina McCormick is an environmental scientist with 3 years of experience in completion of environmental investigations. Her responsibilities include field sampling (groundwater, soil, surface water, porewater, sediment), technical report writing, contractor oversight, data analysis and management, historical file reviews, figure development in ArcGIS for technical deliverables, and figure creation for understanding the spatial distribution of contaminants.



GIS Design

PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Created site location maps and sample results maps in ArcGIS for site investigation reports and technical memorandums . Used these created maps to analyze soil and groundwater contaminant concentration data and spatial trends.  
Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Working under the supervision of a licensed site remediator, assisted in identifying areas of concern (AOCs) for technical deliverables for the State of New Jersey under the Contaminated Site Remediation and Redevelopment Program (CSRRP). Participated in preparation of documents including the remedial investigation report and AOC-specific remedial action report for a former paint manufacturing facility under the Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) program. Created technical drawings in ArcGIS for project deliverables.

PFAS/Emerging Contaminants

PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Site safety officer and sampler for investigation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater (low-flow and conventional sampling techniques), drinking water, surface water, soil (logged using Munsell soil chart and/or the Unified Soil Classification System), sediment, and sediment porewater . Worked in accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) regulatory guidelines as well as the project-specific field sampling plan. Maintained quality assurance protocols in accordance with the project-specific quality assurance project plan and conducted sample management across multiple laboratories during each sampling event.  

Site Investigation

Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Worked with a team to finalize a remedial Investigation report/AOC-specific remedial action report under the NJDEP CSRRP. Responsibilities included supporting large scale data organization efforts, reviewing historical documents to create technical drawings in ArcGIS, and supporting and delegating quality assurance and quality control efforts for summary tables and figures.    

Site Remediation

Receptor Evaluation, New Jersey Worked under a licensed site remediation professional (LSRP) to update a receptor evaluation as required for compliance with ISRA. Tasks included completing a natural heritage data request for the ecological portion of the receptor evaluation and investigating the potential requirement of an ecological risk assessment. Additional tasks included a well search for the groundwater portion of the receptor evaluation through an investigation of online databases and the creation of a local well radius map utilizing database results in ArcGIS.

Site Assessment

Assessments, Various Locations, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine Prepared Phase I environmental site assessment reports for clients in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maine in accordance with ASTM E1527-13 and E1527-21 under the guidance of an LSRP.  Assisted in conducting Phase I field investigations of commercial and residential properties.
Assessments, Various Locations, New Jersey Prepared Phase I preliminary assessment reports for clients in New Jersey in accordance with the NJDEP Preliminary Assessment Technical Guidance under an LSRP.  Responsibilities included summarizing historical and current site operations, reviewing files of online and in-person documents, reviewing aerial photograph and topographic and Sanborn maps, summarizing site inspections, and utilizing all aspects of reviews and summaries to make conclusions about potential AOCs and next steps.
Avian Nest Removal Compliance, Various Sites, Delaware Oversaw contractors for avian nest removals from telecommunication tower sites for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and with permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Took detailed notes on observations of any nest activities and conditions of the nest before and after removal. Assisted in the preparation of letters reporting observations and determinations for clients.
Avian Nest Surveys, Various Sites, Delaware Conducted dawn surveys of avian nests located on telecommunication tower sites for compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Took detailed notes of observations of nests and made active or inactive determinations. Assisted in the preparation of letters reporting observations and determinations for clients.
Monitoring Well Installation, Various Sites, New Jersey Oversaw well drillers and logged soils for temporary well and monitoring well installations at commercial properties and industrial sites under the direction of a geologist. Oversaw well drillers and logged soils for well installs to support investigations to understand tidal influence at a site with a complex aquifer system under the direction of a geologist.  

Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater Sampling for PCE Contamination, Somerdale and Clementon, New Jersey Conducted groundwater sampling from monitoring wells installed onsite to aid in the remediation of a PCE release from dry-cleaning equipment. Measured depth to product/groundwater and collected groundwater samples to submit for laboratory analysis.
Groundwater Sampling at Auto Repair Facility, Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey Conducted groundwater sampling from monitoring wells installed onsite to aid in the remediation of PCBs from an underground hydraulic lift at an auto repair facility. Measured depth to product/groundwater and collected groundwater samples to submit for laboratory analysis.
Groundwater Sampling at Industrial Plant, Cumberland County, New Jersey Conducted groundwater sampling from monitoring wells installed onsite to aid in the remediation of dieldrin, arsenic, and lead at a former industrial plant. Measured depth to product/groundwater and collected groundwater samples to submit for laboratory analysis.