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Katelyn Zatwarnicki
Senior Scientist

Katelyn Zatwarnicki

Senior Scientist (212) 440-6706 Syracuse, NY

Ms. Katelyn Zatwarnicki is a geologist/environmental scientist with 8 years of experience. Her project management and field skills include leading and developing groundwater and soil remedial site investigations, including coordination with subcontractors for drilling services as well as waste management and disposal. Her expertise includes laboratory analytical data interpretation as well as collection, analysis, and management of water and soil samples. Ms. Zatwarnicki also has experience supporting litigation cases and groundwater modeling.

Site Investigation

Site Characterization, New York Led and managed multiple week-long drilling and sampling investigations. Planned and organized field events including subcontractor coordination, soil sample collection, groundwater sampling events, community air monitoring data collection, and waste characterization sampling. Prepared waste profiles for investigation-derived waste disposal and coordinated with waste hauler. Prepared site characterization report detailing findings.
State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Sampling, Cato, New York Prepared subcontractor work orders and performed SPDES discharge sampling. Collected discharge sample in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) industrial facilities permitting requirements.
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Remotely managed field crew and coordinated with subcontractors and vendors to ensure project was completed according to bid specifications. Communicated with client about field changes encountered onsite in a timely manner. Organized and compiled disposal documentation, weight tickets, and other supplemental information for invoice preparation and for UST closure report.
Subsurface Investigation (Excavation and Drilling), Syracuse, New York Provided geological oversight of field excavation and drilling activities. Historical volatile organic compound and PCB contamination was found during a Phase II environmental site assessment at this industrial site. Soil borings were installed to help define the area of impacted fill material. Work plans and remedial summary reports were prepared for client review and submitted to the NYSDEC to close the spill file.
Geotechnical Drilling and Canopy Survey, Various Locations, New York Collaborated with ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey representative, drilling crew, and asbestos subcontractor. Supervised GPR survey of proposed boring locations and the installation of two soil borings. Hired subcontractor to complete a limited lead and asbestos survey on gas station canopy. Completed project setup, coordinated scheduling, and relayed updates to client. Prepared site-specific health and safety plan for onsite representatives.
Subsurface Investigation, Saratoga Springs, New York Coordinated with field crew to perform biweekly, high-volume extraction events to maintain hydraulic control after the release of approximately 100 gallons of kerosene due to equipment failure of a 275-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST). Oversaw weekly operation and maintenance of the soil vapor extraction system installed within the excavation area. Prepared spill response and remedial action report and monthly progress reports to update client and NYSDEC of progress at the site. Completed final spill closure report for client review and to close out the NYSDEC spill file for the site.
Drilling Investigation, Binghamton, New York Prepared site-specific health and safety plan and completed onsite safety briefing to install two soil borings adjacent to railroad tracks. The borings were logged and field-screened with a photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis. The analytical results were summarized, and a spill closure report was prepared and submitted to NYSDEC to close the spill file.
Remedial Excavation, Groundwater, and Residential Well Sampling, Greene, New York Field screened soil samples using a calibrated PID. Collected sidewall and bottom confirmatory soil samples. Performed monthly residential water supply sample to monitor impacts from spill. Prepared supplemental information for site investigation reports including figures and tables summarizing soil and groundwater analytical results.

Waste Management

Plant Decommissioning, New York Served as field team leader. Collected waste characterization samples following chain-of-custody protocol and prepared samples for shipment. Supervised subcontractor in performing decommissioning tasks, prepared and reviewed waste profiles, and acted as agent with authority to sign for disposal documentation. Performed daily tailgate safety meetings, communicated daily with project manager, and participated in weekly client calls to inform team of project status. Collaborated on site characterization work plan.
Soil Transportation and Disposal, Charlotte, North Carolina Prepared cost estimate to transport and dispose of petroleum-contaminated soil. Contacted nearby disposal outlets and haulers to transport more than 1,000 tons of soil offsite with a two-day deadline. This project required close coordination with landfill and hauler to meet the tight schedule for UST removal/upgrade activities (more than 3,000 tons of soil was transported offsite at project completion). Prepared profile for review/approval by disposal facility. Ensured trucks arrived on time to avoid additional costs and relayed updates of loads to help reach minimums.

Water Management

Groundwater Transportation and Disposal, Various Sites, Pennsylvania Managed three separate petroleum impacted groundwater handling projects simultaneously. Prepared cost estimates, completed project setup documentation, and performed waste profiling. Coordinated frac tank delivery to the sites and vacuum tanker trucking as needed. Maintained close communication with onsite representatives and disposal facilities to ensure groundwater was managed efficiently. Produced invoices and transmitted disposal documentation to client.

Litigation Support

PFAS Water Resource Claim, Stuart, Florida Managed and coordinated with team to prepare expert report on City’s potable groundwater resources for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) litigation. Provided technical support in document review and expert report preparation. Organized meetings and schedule to meet report review deadlines. Participated in client meetings and invoice review.
Environmental Liability Analysis, Ohio and New Jersey Provided technical support for composing expert report. Assisted with document review, managing references, and production of the final deliverable report.

Groundwater Remediation

Aggressive Vapor Fluid Recovery Events, Charleston, South Carolina Prepared required documentation for bid submittal package including site-specific health and safety plans for each job performed at site. Coordinated with approved disposal facility and local office on approvals and scheduling. Ensured field team understood tasks and data that needed to be collected. Completed profile and manifest documents for waste transportation and disposal of bulk liquid loads and drums.

Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring, Johnstown, New York Conducted quarterly groundwater sampling from a recovery well and monitoring wells installed onsite to aid in the remediation of a kerosene release from an AST equipment failure. Measured depth to product/groundwater and collected groundwater samples to submit for laboratory analysis. Prepared supplementary site maps including groundwater contour maps from each sampling event, as well as soil and groundwater analytical summary tables. Completed the site investigation report and spill closure report.

Data Quality Assurance

COVID-19 Decontamination, Nationwide Developed database for tracking nationwide call-out request for COVID-19 decontamination work. Reached out to local branches or subcontractors as needed to determine crew availability and prepare pricing. Provided rapid turnaround and response afterhours and over weekends.
High Vacuum Extraction, Birmingham, Alabama Reviewed and compiled data summary table showing results of a high vacuum event completed over a 24-hour period.