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Jerritt Collord
Data Solution Architect

Jerritt Collord

Data Solution Architect

Mr. Jerritt Collord is an analyst specializing in spatial and subsurface data, with 13 years of experience in environmental consulting and 4 years in the minerals industry, managing data for exploration projects, operating mines, and various environmental investigations.  Mr. Collord has modeled the geology of mineral deposits and environmental contamination at various sites, has performed geostatistical estimations of contaminants and mine waste materials characterization studies, and, in pursuit of repeatable complex analyses, has become an adherent of a workflow-as-code paradigm, specializing in Python.

Groundwater Modeling

Silver/Gold Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico Completed a regional scale geologic model in Leapfrog directly from cross section and map sources, borehole database, and geophysics sources; transferred to groundwater model grid.
Gold Mine Complex, Lander and Eureka Counties, Nevada Developed data integration routines from multiple overlapping sources of hydraulic head to generate groundwater model targets. Transferred wide-area geologic model from GIS and legacy format into Leapfrog representation, refined the model near mining operations under study, and transferred hydrogeologic properties to MODFLOW nodes.
Oil Refinery, Alaska Interpreted airborne resistivity data and bore logs to model discontinuous permafrost in Leapfrog, and transferred geology data to a groundwater model in an effort to understand the evolution of a sulfolane plume. Created a system of retrieving, storing, and analyzing timeseries data, including deconvolution of near-river hydrographs to back-calculate river stage to enhance simulation at boundary condition. Wrote complex post-processor to automate performance assessment of the model and generate both timeseries output and maps in print-ready format.
Gold Mine, Elko County, Nevada In response to a compliance issue, coordinated data integration and creation of groundwater model describing the draindown of a leaking tailings facility. Created an emplacement simulation for mine tailings over a given topography in order to infer example distributions of hydrogeologic modeling zones.

Site Characterization

Crude Oil Pipeline Spill, North Dakota Created 3-dimensional geostatistical interpretations of diesel-range organics and gasoline-range organics contamination encountered in two generations of non-collocated, direct-push borings separated by 5 years. Models supported the conclusion that product breakdown was occurring across the site.
Former Fertilizer Plant Site, California Compiled analytical data, created geostatistical estimation of nitrate in soil, and proposed a range of planned excavation remediation scenarios, including 3-dimensional model visualizations.
Former Refinery Site, California Created geostatistical interpretations of lead in surficial soil; produced 3-dimensional site visualizations.
Active Refinery Site, Colorado Created geostatistical interpolation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) species across the site to support net PFAS flux analysis.
Legacy PFAS Manufacturing and Waste Facilities, Minnesota Created a large-scale geologic model of karstic terrain to contextualize PFAS sampling results and potential migration pathways, to support review of opposing groundwater model. Developed a system to perform optical character recognition (OCR) and index PDFs from client and in discovery.  Developed routines to allocate PFAS sample results to fingerprints representing source terms.
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites, New York Created geostatistical estimates of tar waste by-product in soil and creek sediments, and separately, PAH-contaminated creek sediments. Developed a system to perform OCR and generate boring logs with standard-formatting where possible from received PDFs.

Litigation Support

Legacy PFAS Manufacturing and Waste Facilities, Minnesota Created a large-scale geologic model of karstic terrain to contextualize PFAS sampling results and potential migration pathways, to support review of opposing groundwater model. Developed a system to perform optical character recognition (OCR) and index PDFs from client and in discovery.  Developed routines to allocate PFAS sample results to fingerprints representing source terms.
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites, New York Created geostatistical estimates of tar waste by-product in soil and creek sediments, and separately, PAH-contaminated creek sediments. Developed a system to perform OCR and generate boring logs with standard-formatting where possible from received PDFs.
Active Refinery Site, Colorado Created 3-dimensional visualizations and animations of groundwater model results, with analytical results of contamination by reformate.
Landfill Site, Missouri Compiled relevant data for, and developed Leapfrog visualizations and animations of, evolution of gas analyses during a landfill subsurface thermal event.

Data Management

PFAS in Surface Waters, Northwest Georgia Managed water, sediment, and tissue samples for investigation of the presence of PFAS in surface waters. Compiled disparate analytical and streamflow data and ingested into standardized in-house system. Developed queries for GIS and other analyses.
Airport Facility, South Dakota Managed groundwater, surface water, and municipal water system samples in aquifer contaminated by PFAS in the wake of aqueous film-forming foam use. Compiled analytical data into standardized in-house system.  Developed queries for GIS analysis.
Oilfield, Roosevelt County, Montana Managed surface and groundwater sample data at and around failed natural gas well. Created geologic model from exploratory environmental borings and water well logs, which supported groundwater model and visualization.
Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada Designed schema modifications for and implemented graphical, tablet-based, borehole logging system. Implemented objects to support line of business reporting, data importing, and form generation in database system. Co-developed a drill cost tracking system with software provider.
Gold Mine, Elko County, Nevada Compiled legacy exploration data into corporate/industry standard database structure.
Mining Districts, West Africa Compiled legacy exploration data into corporate/industry standard database structure to support unification of regional exploration efforts.


Silver/Gold Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico Completed a regional scale geologic model in Leapfrog directly from cross section and map sources, borehole database, and geophysics sources; transferred to groundwater model grid.
Gold Mine Complex, Lander and Eureka Counties, Nevada Developed data integration routines from multiple overlapping sources of hydraulic head to generate groundwater model targets. Transferred wide-area geologic model from GIS and legacy format into Leapfrog representation, refined the model near mining operations under study, and transferred hydrogeologic properties to MODFLOW nodes.
Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada Designed schema modifications for and implemented graphical, tablet-based, borehole logging system. Implemented objects to support line of business reporting, data importing, and form generation in database system. Co-developed a drill cost tracking system with software provider.
Gold Mine, Elko County, Nevada Compiled legacy exploration data into corporate/industry standard database structure.
Mining Districts, West Africa Compiled legacy exploration data into corporate/industry standard database structure to support unification of regional exploration efforts.
Copper/Gold Mine, White Pine County, Nevada In support of permit renewal and pit expansion, performed materials characterization and acid base accounting (ABA) sample selection for waste rock. Performed geostatistics to estimate ABA parameters through a co-kriging strategy; utilized results to develop weights in combining effluent analyses of humidity cell tests (HCTs). Integrated results with unsaturated flow studies to author waste rock management plan.
Copper/Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada In support of an EIS study, created a refined geologic model around proposed pit and transferred model to both groundwater model and geochemical forward model of pit lake infilling.
Proposed In Situ Borate Mine, San Bernardino County, California Developed refined geologic model and resource model from client boreholes and regional geologic information. Supported EPA permitting actions by developing action levels for monitoring well network from baseline groundwater data set.
Proposed Open-Pit Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada Performed materials characterization and HCT sample selection to support mine expansion in support of EIS.
Open-Pit Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada Developed geostatistical model of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) parameters, performed ABA sample selection and mining simulations describing range of ABA parameters expected over time to support potentially acid generating (PAG)/non-PAG mixing as management strategy in waste rock management plan.
Open-Pit Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada Performed materials characterization and HCT sample selection to support mine expansion in support of EIS.
Proposed Open-Pit Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada In support of EIS, developed materials characterization and selected ABA and HCT samples. Through co-kriging ABA parameters with abundant ICP samples, utilizing locally varying anisotropy field maintained by the site for resource estimation, developed defensible summaries of materials for waste rock management plan. Summarized geologic/ABA-class model to input to pit lake geochemical model.
Underground Gold Mine Expansion, Lander County, Nevada Performed materials characterization and ABA and HCT sample selection to support permit minor modification of waste rock management plan. Analyzed planned workings in the context of client geologic models and materials characterization to develop input to closure plan geochemical model.
Proposed Underground Gold Mine, Eureka County, Nevada Analyzed planned workings designs in the context of client geologic models and materials characterization to develop input to underground workings closure plan geochemical model, as well as waste rock management plan addendum for exploration phase workings.
Open-Pit Gold Mine, Eureka County, Nevada In support of pit lake model development for update to water pollution control permit, developed spatial analysis of client geologic and block models and final pit shape to develop input to geochemical mixing model.
Open-Pit Gold Mine Expansion, Humboldt County, Nevada In support of EIS, developed a refined geologic model near proposed pit shape and transferred to groundwater model grid, and, with quantitative estimates of ABA class, to pit lake geochemical model.
Open-Pit Gold Mine Expansion, Pershing County, Nevada Performed materials characterization and sample selection for internal feasibility of mine expansion scenarios.
Proposed Open-Pit Iron Mine, Churchill County, Nevada In support of EIS, supported groundwater model construction through geologic modeling and materials characterization of waste.
Underground Gold Mine, Lander County, Nevada In support of mine closure studies, performed ABA sample selection. Developed processing routine for client design file field collection describing reactive speleothem as input to geochemical closure study.
Underground Gold Mine Expansion, Eureka County, Nevada In support of permit minor modification and waste rock management plan addendum, performed materials characterization and ABA sample selection; developed geostatistical estimate of ABA parameters from exploration drilling through co-kriging with the pre-existing geochemical data.
Gold Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada Performed materials characterization and ABA and HCT sample selection to support mine expansion and input of projected geology/geochemistry on pit to geochemical modeling. Intersected groundwater model particle tracks with geologic model to assess solute attenuation.
Open-Pit and Underground Gold Mine Complex, Elko and Lander Counties, Nevada Performed materials characterization and data gaps analysis, as well as sample selection of ABA and HCT samples representing final pit configuration. Input summary of geochemical projections on final topographic surface to pit lake geochemical model. Developed document protocol for underground speleothem inventory studies for closure model study.
Gold Mine, Elko County, Nevada In response to a compliance issue, coordinated data integration and creation of groundwater model describing the draindown of a leaking tailings facility. Created an emplacement simulation for mine tailings over a given topography in order to infer example distributions of hydrogeologic modeling zones.
Gold Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada Applied geostatistical estimation process to generate projection of geology and ABA class onto proposed pit surface, and summarized for input to pit lake geochemical model.
Gold Mine, Nevada Performed materials characterization for interim permitting phase.
Proposed Gold Mine, Guatemala To support a closure study, developed refined geologic model and geostatistical ABA model around underground exploration workings.
Copper Mine, Goais, Brazil Conducted materials characterization of waste and final pit shell configuration, sample selection of ABA, and field-scale tests for waste rock reactivity studies.


Active Refinery Site, Colorado Created geostatistical interpolation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) species across the site to support net PFAS flux analysis.
Legacy PFAS Manufacturing and Waste Facilities, Minnesota Created a large-scale geologic model of karstic terrain to contextualize PFAS sampling results and potential migration pathways, to support review of opposing groundwater model. Developed a system to perform optical character recognition (OCR) and index PDFs from client and in discovery.  Developed routines to allocate PFAS sample results to fingerprints representing source terms.
PFAS in Surface Waters, Northwest Georgia Managed water, sediment, and tissue samples for investigation of the presence of PFAS in surface waters. Compiled disparate analytical and streamflow data and ingested into standardized in-house system. Developed queries for GIS and other analyses.
Airport Facility, South Dakota Managed groundwater, surface water, and municipal water system samples in aquifer contaminated by PFAS in the wake of aqueous film-forming foam use. Compiled analytical data into standardized in-house system.  Developed queries for GIS analysis.

Cost Allocation

Legacy PFAS Manufacturing and Waste Facilities, Minnesota Created a large-scale geologic model of karstic terrain to contextualize PFAS sampling results and potential migration pathways, to support review of opposing groundwater model. Developed a system to perform optical character recognition (OCR) and index PDFs from client and in discovery.  Developed routines to allocate PFAS sample results to fingerprints representing source terms.