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Jedidiah Sirk, P.E.
Senior Consultant

Jedidiah Sirk, P.E.

Senior Consultant

Mr. Jedidiah (Jed) Sirk is a professional environmental engineer with 13 years of consulting experience in contaminated site investigation and remediation, particularly related to contaminated sediments and former manufactured gas plants (MGPs).  He has managed and provided technical support throughout all phases of the remediation process, including site investigation, feasibility studies, remedial design, and remedy implementation at sites for industrial clients under a variety of federal and state regulatory programs (e.g., CERCLA, Great Lakes Legacy Act [GLLA], voluntary cleanup programs).  Additionally, Mr. Sirk has provided non-testifying technical support (e.g., environmental for...

Mr. Jedidiah (Jed) Sirk is a professional environmental engineer with 13 years of consulting experience in contaminated site investigation and remediation, particularly related to contaminated sediments and former manufactured gas plants (MGPs).  He has managed and provided technical support throughout all phases of the remediation process, including site investigation, feasibility studies, remedial design, and remedy implementation at sites for industrial clients under a variety of federal and state regulatory programs (e.g., CERCLA, Great Lakes Legacy Act [GLLA], voluntary cleanup programs).  Additionally, Mr. Sirk has provided non-testifying technical support (e.g., environmental forensic analysis, conceptual site model development) in support of legal strategy in a variety of settings, including contaminated sediment, former MGP, and chlorinated solvent sites.

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Contaminated Sediments

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site OU-5 Area 1 Technical Support for Remedial Design/Remedial Action, Michigan Served as project manager and performed technical review services for a respondent at OU-5, Area 1, of the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site.  Provided review of remedial design and remedial action documents and budgets related to the remediation of the Kalamazoo River, including the dredging of contaminated sediment and sampling, design, and restoration of adjacent floodplains.
Ryerson Creek Feasibility Study/Remedial Design, Muskegon, Michigan Served as engineer of record and project manager for the feasibility study/remedial design at the Ryerson Creek Outfall, a portion of the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern under the GLLA.  Tasked with completing the predesign investigation (PDI), feasibility study, and remedial design under an aggressive schedule.  Led multiple sampling efforts at the site, including the PDI, which involved sediment sampling, soil sampling, and geotechnical sampling (including cone penetration testing) in nearshore uplands and in sediment using amphibious equipment.  Initial thin-layer sediment sampling was performed in the winter through the ice of the frozen lake surface.  Additional site fieldwork included topographic and bathymetric surveys, accompanied by a debris survey in sediments to identify surficial and partially submerged wood debris from former timber operations in the area.  Following the PDI, developed the conceptual site model using GIS and Environmental Visualization System (EVS) capabilities, authored the PDI report and feasibility study report considering sediment removal and contaminant isolation alternatives, and led the remedial design incorporating environmental and geotechnical components into the selected remedy.  The design was released for bid and implemented in 2020, less than 18 months after the start of the PDI.
Berry’s Creek Study Area Superfund Site Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study/Remedial Design, New Jersey During the multiphase remedial investigation, led field investigation, specialized data analysis, and reporting for the remedial investigation field campaign for the Berry’s Creek Study Area, an EPA Superfund site.  Project duties included the preparation of remedial investigation work plans and supporting memoranda, quality assurance project plans, field sampling plans, and the health and safety plan for remedial investigation field efforts.  Performed sampling of marsh and waterway sediment, marsh and waterway porewater, surface and interflow water, vegetation, marsh and benthic invertebrates, and ambient air; approximation of contaminated sediment inventory; deployment of remote cameras to evaluate human use of the site; and the development of novel, customized, or atypical sampling devices and methods.  As sediment task lead, directed field teams of up to a dozen field staff.  Utilized capabilities in databasing, GIS, spreadsheet automation, and various other data analysis and presentation tools in both conventional and novel data analysis approaches.  Performed an evaluation of depositional behavior and evaluation of natural recovery processes using a combination of geochronology (cesium-137, lead-210, and beryllium-7 isotopes), chemical of potential concern (COPC), and geotechnical data. Authored sections of investigation phase reporting documents and the remedial investigation report evaluating the results of sediment sampling.

During the feasibility study, developed dredge volume estimates of subreach sediment inventories by estimating the volume of soft sediment in primary waterways and tributaries and evaluating these inventories against a variety of dredging scenarios.  Advised the feasibility study team on the appropriate use and incorporation of remedial investigation-generated data into the feasibility study, particularly related to COPC vertical and lateral extents and sediment characteristics.

During the remedial design, developed various visual representations and expected areas of soft sediment remaining after the application of specified dredging scenarios.  Evaluations were based on the incorporation of multiple lines of evidence (e.g., sediment probing data, coring logs, survey data).  Led a statistical assessment of soft sediment remaining near various sensitive site features (e.g., banks, bridges) using similar data sets to inform constructability evaluations.
Portland Harbor Superfund Site Predesign Investigation, Oregon Performed subsurface sediment sampling for chemical of concern (COC) analysis, field geotechnical tests, and detailed core logging as part of the PDI at the Portland Harbor Superfund Site.  Performed data analysis, evaluation, and reporting for the PDI for subsurface sediment chemistry and sediment trap data, including the evaluation of site data in comparison to upstream data and its implications in relation to the greater conceptual site model.
Former MGP Site Predesign Investigation/Remedial Design, Illinois Led the sediment investigation and contributed to the sediment remediation design and upland contaminant delineation PDI for a former MGP site enrolled in the Illinois Site Remediation Program (SRP).  Utilized sediment probing and sonic coring techniques to characterize bathymetry, sediment inventory, geotechnical parameters, and the potential extent of nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) and total petroleum hydrocarbons beyond the upland boundaries of the site.  The investigations required complete, demonstrable vertical characterization to bedrock.  Performed direct push technology (DPT) and sonic boring sampling during the PDI to delineate the extent of MGP-related contamination in uplands, which was to be addressed concurrently with the sediment remediation.  As engineer on the remedial design team, contributing to the estimation of dredging production rates, mass balance calculations, volume estimation calculations, and the review of specifications and drawings.
Geochronology Analysis, New York Performed a geochronology analysis and critical review of sedimentation rates at a contaminated sediment Superfund site.  Analysis focused on the interpretation of cesium-137 and lead-210 waterway sediment data to approximate net sedimentation rates.  Statistical analyses were used to determine appropriate applications of the constant flux/constant sedimentation model to lead-210 data.  Informed the project team of the applicability of the available data for other potential analyses and uses for future modeling efforts, including additional lead-210 analysis models.
Sediment and Soil Sampling, Indiana Led teams performing discreet sediment and soil sampling for a variety of potential COCs, including PCBs, in a small stream in wooded and field settings.  Sediment and upland sampling was performed manually using AMS sediment and sludge samplers or DPT with oversight from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.  The work was performed under an accelerated schedule with minimal community disturbance of nearby residential areas, based on the client’s request for confidentiality and discretion during the sampling process.

Site Remediation

Kalamazoo River Superfund Site OU-1 Technical Support and Remedial Design/Remedial Action Implementation, Michigan Project manager representing a respondent at OU-1 (Allied Landfill) of the Kalamazoo River Superfund Site.  Prior to the respondent’s selection of its supervising contractor, provided review of remedial design and remedial action documentation generated by outside parties related to the onsite consolidation of contaminated soil and paper waste materials.  Following EPA’s issuance of a unilateral administrative order (UAO) to the respondent, led communications and coordination between the respondent, EPA, and additional parties while preparing submittals to ensure the respondent’s compliance with the obligations and schedule outlined in the UAO.  Upon selection as supervising contractor, which included the transition of engineer of record responsibilities to the supervising contractor, managed the transition of remedial design and remedial action activities from an outside party to the respondent while working to maintain a timeline that would minimize delays to the implementation of the remedial action, a key concern of project stakeholders.  This transition included, but was not limited to, negotiating the transfer of documents and data relevant to the remedial design and remedial action from outside parties to the respondent and supervising contractor, leading a remedial action takeover conference demonstrating the administrative and technical path forward for the remedial action, revising the remedial action work plan and associated documents (e.g., quality assurance project plan, field sampling plan, emergency response plan), revising the issued for construction materials and remedial design, preparing a supplemental field investigation work plan focused on geotechnical parameters and informing material balance for remedial design revisions, establishing a field observation program prior to remedial action activities, and preparing for mobilization of the construction management team.  Provided regular project updates and technical support for the respondent’s legal team, leveraging a diverse team of subject matter experts.
Former MGP Site Remediation, Centralia, Illinois Technical lead and project manager for a former MGP site within the Illinois SRP.  Led historical document review and review of prior Illinois EPA comments on project deliverables to develop a limited-scope investigation designed to address existing data needs and proactively identify potential data gaps presenting obstacles to site closure. The investigation included soil sampling using DPT and existing groundwater monitoring well redevelopment and sampling.  Led the data management and analysis and the authorship of reports subject to the Illinois SRP and Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives requirements for site investigation reporting, remedial objectives calculation, development of remedial alternatives, remedial action planning, and remedial action completion reporting.

Following the division of the site into two units, authored the revised remedial action completion report, which incorporated various statistical approaches and revised groundwater modeling, including evaluation using the Ogata-Banks transport equation, to address outstanding Illinois EPA comments on the main site.  At the second site unit, performed a remedial alternatives evaluation of various permutations of excavation and in situ stabilization approaches.  Led a PDI focusing on closing analytical and geotechnical data gaps, including confirmation of the nature and extent of soil impacts; the analytical results of this PDI were used to revise the conceptual site model and led to a reevaluation of remedial alternatives, ultimately resulting in a less costly proposed remedy and reduced volume of contaminated material.  Led the remedial design effort for the selected remedy using a limited excavation approach.  Assisted the client with the procurement and selection of a remediation contractor to implement the excavation-based remedy and provided construction management as agent services.  Following the successful implementation of the remedy in summer 2022, authored the remedial action completion reporting for the second site unit.
Groundwater Remediation, Otsego, Michigan Project manager and technical lead for an active manufacturing site, which exhibits contamination in groundwater from the historical usage of chlorinated solvents in manufacturing processes.  Performed review of historical site documents, compiling information necessary to support a hypothesis of ongoing natural attenuation, including geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical conceptual site model components; plume stability assessments using statistical test and decay rate modeling; and assessment of existing local ordinances for suitability in support of the establishment of a groundwater use restriction zone.  As a result of these efforts, the groundwater extraction system previously utilized at the site for more than 20 years was shut down with approval from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (formerly Michigan Department of Environmental Quality).  Ongoing efforts toward site closure include the demonstration of ongoing monitored natural attenuation in groundwater, impracticality of NAPL recovery based on an evaluation of transmissivity, investigations targeting potential vapor intrusion exposure routes, and operation and maintenance of a soil vapor extraction system and passive light nonaqueous-phase liquid collection system.

Site Characterization

Pierson’s Creek Superfund Site OU-2 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, New Jersey Performed an evaluation of contaminant nature and extent following remedial investigation field sampling of soil, groundwater, and other matrices.  Authored sections of the remedial investigation report including detailed descriptions of site geochemical conditions in various media by incorporating the results of a baseline human health risk assessment used to identify COCs.  Prepared evaluations of potential sources of contamination at OU-2 based on OU‑2 and other regional property history and the results of current and previous investigations.

During the feasibility study, developed and evaluated remedial alternatives for the soil and groundwater media.  Led the development and scoring of alternatives for these matrices, reviewed conceptual cost estimates, and authored the relevant sections of the feasibility study report.  Authored a preliminary assessment of combined remedies considering client goals and the relative strengths of the various presented alternatives for each medium, including media beyond soil and groundwater.
Former MGP Site, Rochelle, Illinois Project manager and technical lead for a former MGP site within the Illinois SRP.  Led the supplemental site investigation, including soil, groundwater, and NAPL sampling with a focus on MGP-related (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, and PAH) contaminants and environmental forensic analyses.  Led the data management and analysis utilizing database, GIS, and EVS capabilities.  Authored site investigation reporting, remedial objective calculations, and remedial alternative selection.  Led the initial remedial design, accounting for design challenges including a very small site footprint for staging and proximity to an active railway and natural gas and storm sewer utilities.
Brownfield Investigation, La Porte, Indiana Assistant project manager and sediment task lead for the investigation and remedial design for a brownfield site with a goal of lakeshore coastline realignment and redevelopment.  Developed sampling plans for the characterization of both sediment and upland areas; the sediment sampling plan cross-referenced likely redevelopment scenarios to utilize sampling intervals that would be meaningful when translated to an elevation basis (i.e., potential target post-dredge bathymetries).  Led the sediment sampling and analysis task, collecting surficial sediment and sediment cores for analytical and geotechnical parameters.  Authored the site characterization report for upland, sediment, and surface water components.  Developed a 3-dimensional geologic model of the site using EVS and provided surfaces for cross-sectional figures based on combined surveyed topography, bathymetry, and field boring observations to inform the remedial design.  Provided volume estimates of key materials present at the site and estimates for volumes required to fill a site basin to planned grade, including the implementation of an engineered barrier.
Sediment Management Study, Lake Springfield, Missouri Provided an overview evaluation of sediment management challenges and alternatives as part of the hydrology study of the James River in support of the Lake Springfield plan.  Performed senior review of sediment loading calculations based on the James River watershed data and the EPA Pollutant Load Estimation Tool.
A’ua Tank Farm, A’ua, American Samoa Developed a conceptual site model for a former military fuel farm consisting of twelve 55,000-gallon fuel tanks in A’ua, American Samoa.  Oversaw the analysis and digitization of site data, including boring logs, well logs, groundwater elevations, analytical results, and site survey data, and prepared a 3-dimensional geologic and contaminant model using EVS.  The model interpolated contaminant concentrations as exceedances of screening levels and was used to develop cross sections representing the approximate extents of site contamination.
Landfill Modeling, Michigan Developed a 3-dimensional pseudogeological model of landfills using EVS.  Estimated the volumes of specific material components of the landfills both within the full landfill footprints and within specified subareas.

Litigation Support

Contaminated Sediment Site, New York Provided non-testifying technical support for an industrial client at a Superfund site in New York.  Services focused on the intensive review of several key historical and current potentially impacted waterfront sites with extensive industrial legacy in support of forensics assessment and remedial cost allocation.  Reviews and nexus package development informed strategy for forensic evaluations relevant to this key site by identifying potential linkages between historical process operations, feedstocks and byproducts of these processes, potential migration pathways, and resulting potential contaminants to site and waterway media including PAHs, PCBs, and hydrocarbon NAPL.
Former MGP Site, Illinois Provided non-testifying technical support for the client’s legal team for a former MGP site in Illinois.  The former MGP operation was identified as a potential source of contamination possibly relevant to a dispute between a property owner and lessee.  Provided interpretation of the conceptual site model and evaluation of hydrocarbon forensic data to inform the client’s legal strategy.
Chlorinated Solvent Site, Southeastern United States Provided non-testifying technical support for a consulting expert tasked with providing review of an expert report.  Performed forensic analysis of chlorinated volatile organic compound data for groundwater, soil, soil gas, and surface water from a site with chlorinated solvent contamination.  Constructed the project database and performed a variety of assessments utilizing spatial and statistical analyses to investigate the potential presence of additional offsite sources contributing to chlorinated solvent contamination.  Assessments included reviews of building plans to identify potential contaminant sources from historical operations, trend analysis of groundwater COC concentrations, binary depictions of COC and co-contaminant detections, and constituent fingerprinting using compound ratios.
Contaminated Sediment Site, Southeastern United States Provided non-testifying technical support developing demonstrative figures outlining contaminated sediment dredging operation timelines to inform legal strategy.  Services included review and compilation of sediment dredging logs and dredging verification survey information to make data collections adaptable into GIS.  The data were then used to create demonstrative figures detailing chronological work progress.