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Dylan Hull
Assistant Scientist

Dylan Hull

Assistant Scientist (941) 929-4110 Seattle, WA

Mr. Dylan Hull is a scientist with a background in chemical oceanography and statistics. He has experience with data analysis, fieldwork, and the statistical program R. Mr. Hull has utilized a wide variety of coding languages and applications to analyze and present scientific data, and has several years of experience working in the laboratory and in the field. His background in statistics has allowed him to provide valuable insight to data modeling and analysis on environmental science projects.


Copper in Puget Sound Study, Seattle, Washington Collaborated with lead scientists on the copper in Puget Sound study to support their original, soon-to-be-published research on toxic levels of copper. Performed data management and statistical analysis in R and produced an ArcGIS story map, manuscript draft, and visual figures.  Participated in sample collection in the field including conductivity, temperature, and depth measurement and performed analysis using several scientific instruments and methods such as mass spectrometry, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, and voltammetry for chemistry research.
Dissolved Pollutants in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, North Pacific Ocean Designed, proposed, and completed a study to determine the concentration of anthropogenic chemicals in the North Pacific Ocean. Spent 2 weeks aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson collecting samples followed by 10 weeks of laboratory work and quantitative data analysis culminating in an internally published manuscript.

Marine Science

Spotted Eagle Ray Tidal Movements, Sarasota, Florida Worked with a large acoustic tag data set in R to assess the movement of spotted eagle ray populations through tidal inlets. Prepared a draft of a manuscript that involved literature review, performing statistical analysis, developing tables and figures, and writing all sections.
Marine Animal Movement Assessments, Atlantic Ocean Contributed to R scripts to consolidate bathymetric and marine mammal density data of given locations. Performed literature review to determine parameters and corroborate data for movement models of marine animals.