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Cynthia Zatwarnicki, E.I.T.

Cynthia Zatwarnicki, E.I.T.

Engineer (212) 440-6709 Syracuse, NY

Ms. Cynthia Zatwarnicki is an E.I.T. with more than 8 years of consulting experience supporting civil site design plans, specifications, drawings, and engineering reports. Her responsibilities have included preparation of stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), Notices of Intent, Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs), and stormwater designs.

Site Investigation

Site Characterization, New York Oversaw contractors for soil drilling and sampling investigations and for temporary monitoring well installations. Assisted in soil sample collections, groundwater sampling events, community air monitoring data collection, and waste characterization sampling.

Stormwater Treatment

Industrial Scrap Recycling Site, Yonkers, New York Developed a SWPPP for preparing spill prevention, control, and countermeasures, and ensured compliance of multisector general permit documentation with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements.
PCB-Contaminated Site Cleanup, Caribbean Region Calculated site stormwater runoff for 1‑, 10‑, and 100-year storm events to determine if it will be manageable to retain runoff onsite.
Business Park Expansion, Schuyler, New York Developed SWPPP for construction of new business park roadway. Stormwater treatment included an infiltration basin to manage water quality and quantity for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year storms.
Training Facility Expansion, Johnson City, New York Created SWPPP for construction of new training facility buildings, asphalt parking area, and sidewalk improvements. Stormwater treatment included a bioretention area, as well as three separate infiltration basins to manage water quality and quantity for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year storms for the contributing drainage areas.
Facility Expansion, Marcy, New York Prepared SWPPP for construction of building expansion, asphalt parking area, and sidewalk improvements. Stormwater treatment included an infiltration basin to manage water quality and quantity for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year storms for the improved area.
Glamping, Watkins Glen, New York Developed SWPPP for construction of glamping facility, gravel and asphalt parking area, sidewalk improvements, and community event center. Stormwater treatment included an infiltration basin and gravel diaphragm to manage water quality and quantity for the 1-, 10-, and 100-year storms for the improved area.

CAD Design

Business Park Expansion, Schuyler, New York Created site design plans for existing conditions, erosion and sediment control plan, removals, roadway plan and profile, water main plan and profile, project-specific details, and as-built plans.
Training Facility Expansion, Johnson City, New York Prepared site design plans consisting of existing conditions, erosion and sediment control plan, removals, site plan, grading and drainage, maintenance of traffic plan, project-specific details, and as-built plans.
Site Development, Frankfort, New York Developed site design plans for existing conditions, removals, site plan, water plan and profile, sanitary sewer plan and profile, and project-specific details.
Facility Expansion, Marcy, New York Created site design plans consisting of existing conditions, erosion and sediment control plan, removals, grading and drainage, and project-specific details.
Glamping, Watkins Glen, New York Prepared site design plans for existing conditions, erosion and sediment control plan, removals, site plan, grading and drainage, and project-specific details.


Business Park Expansion, Schuyler, New York Project scope included roadway construction, stormwater management, and water main extension. Coordinated with town officials to determine road pavement section and right-of-way requirements. Contacted local fire department to inquire about truck turning capabilities with proposed site layout. Reviewed local water authority documents to determine water line sizing, materials, hydrant spacing, and coordinated with the New York State Department of Health for approval.
Training Facility Expansion, Johnson City, New York Developed site plan for proposed building layout and parking area. Engineering design was challenging due to steep grade and limited site space/access.
Facility Expansion, Marcy, New York Developed site plan for proposed building expansion involving sewer main relocation and stormwater management. Coordinated with local water authority for sanitary and water crossings.
Site Development, Frankfort, New York Prepared engineering feasibility study for proposed development of site into townhomes and a hotel. Calculated water system demand, sanitary sewer usage, and sanitary sewer pump station volumes.
Glamping, Watkins Glen, New York Developed site plan for proposed glamping facility. Researched local codes for parking requirements. Site improvements included water treatment system, sanitary sewer pipe network and onsite treatment system, parking improvements, bathroom facilities, event center, and future site expansion. Utilized New York State Department of Environmental Conservation standards to design the wastewater treatment system. Attended meetings of the town planning board to address questions pertaining to site development.

Environmental Engineering

Phase I ESA, Westmoreland, New York Conducted Phase I ESA including site survey investigation and discovery report.
Phase I ESA, Madison, New York Completed Phase I ESA including site survey investigation and discovery report.