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Courtney Stratton
Associate Data / Solution Engineer

Courtney Stratton

Associate Data / Solution Engineer

Ms. Courtney Stratton is an associate data/solution engineer with experience in environmental data analysis, statistical modeling, and web application development. She is proficient in R Shiny for building interactive data visualization tools and conducting statistical analyses. Ms. Stratton is skilled in managing large environmental data sets, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and delivering data-driven solutions for environmental challenges.

Web Development

Global Temperature Dashboard Project, United States Developed an interactive web-based temperature dashboard using R Shiny to visualize land and ocean temperature data utilizing linear regression and statistical significance to illustrate trends from monthly anomaly data spanning from 1850 to 2024.

Ocean Modeling

Heat Wave Forecasting Using Machine Learning, Northeast Pacific Ocean Led research on the predictability of subseasonal marine heat waves in the northeast Pacific Ocean, resulting in a model with 98 percent predictive accuracy. Applied advanced statistical techniques and data analysis methodologies in R and Python to process and model more than 3 million observations.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Compliance for Emergency Utility Work, Southern California Led and coordinated biological assessments for emergency work on transmission and distribution power lines to assist with emergency compliance reports and mitigation efforts.