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Chris Pfeifer
Senior Consultant

Chris Pfeifer

Senior Consultant

Mr. Chris Pfeifer is a multidisciplinary environmental scientist with nearly 30 years of consulting experience focused on wetland science, natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), ecological restoration, oil spill environmental response, and ecological risk assessment. He also has broad experience in project, program, and client management.  He has responded to more than 50 pipeline, vessel, and facility pollution incidents and worked on dozens of NRDA cases throughout the country under both the Oil Pollution Act and CERCLA. He has applied ecological risk concepts to evaluate natural resource injuries and used habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) and resource equivalency analysis (REA) ...

Mr. Chris Pfeifer is a multidisciplinary environmental scientist with nearly 30 years of consulting experience focused on wetland science, natural resource damage assessment (NRDA), ecological restoration, oil spill environmental response, and ecological risk assessment. He also has broad experience in project, program, and client management.  He has responded to more than 50 pipeline, vessel, and facility pollution incidents and worked on dozens of NRDA cases throughout the country under both the Oil Pollution Act and CERCLA. He has applied ecological risk concepts to evaluate natural resource injuries and used habitat equivalency analysis (HEA) and resource equivalency analysis (REA) to quantify changes in ecological services and scale compensatory restoration. Mr. Pfeifer has also conducted screening-level ecological risk assessments (SLERAs) for a variety of contaminated sites and spill locations addressing hazards from hydrocarbons, PCBs, metals, dioxins, and pesticides.  He applies his experience restoring, creating, and enhancing wetland, aquatic, riparian, and upland habitats working in regulatory settings to mitigate impacts from land development and restore natural resources injured by pollution.  He also engages in non-regulatory projects such as living shorelines to address coastal erosion and bolster resilience. Prior to his work in consulting, Mr. Pfeifer supported aquatic resource and water quality protection and planning programs in state and federal government.

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Ecological Risk Assessment

Gasoline Pipeline Release, Linden, New Jersey Performed natural resource impact assessment, ephemeral data collection, and agency coordination during emergency response phase of unleaded gasoline pipeline release impacting undeveloped uplands and salt marsh adjacent to a tidal estuary. Designed and implemented remedial investigation of surface water and wetland soil/sediment using hand coring and pore water sampling techniques. Initiated monitoring to document recovery of impacted natural resources and reduction of residual hydrocarbons in wetland soils. Currently preparing ecological risk assessment per New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) guidelines that will recommend monitored natural attenuation as preferred remedial approach based on net environmental benefits analysis considerations including habitat sensitivity, collateral impacts of invasive remediation, and observed biological recovery.
Former Air Products Site, Delaware City, Delaware Performed a SLERA for undeveloped portions of two operable units containing natural habitat at a former industrial facility bordering an EPA Superfund site. Existing sediment, soil, and surface water data for volatile organic compounds, semivolatile organic compounds, metals, pesticides, and PCBs were compared to relevant state and federal ecological screening criteria. A limited number of metals in sediment were tentatively identified as contaminants of potential ecological concern (COPECs). All were eventually dismissed as naturally occurring soil contributions from upgradient sources. Work was performed in support of state brownfield redevelopment grant funding. The recommendation for no further ecological investigation was accepted by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), and funding for redevelopment was awarded.
Former Sand and Gravel Mining Site, Bear, Delaware Completed SLERAs for multiple operable units at a former sand and gravel mining site being redeveloped for residential use with emphasis on potential impacts of metals and other organic and inorganic contaminants from historical waste disposal and open pit burning of industrial and municipal wastes. Identified sensitive ecological resources and contaminant migration pathways, and developed an ecological conceptual site model. Applied tiered screening approaches to identify COPECs for surface water, sediment, soil, and groundwater. Combined independent SLERAs for adjacent operable units to evaluate site-wide risk in areas remaining undeveloped. Work was performed using the EPA eight-step ecological risk assessment framework within regulatory context of Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act.
Electrical Utility Regional Office and Staging Yard, Bridgeton, New Jersey Completed an NJDEP ecological evaluation for an electrical utility regional office and staging yard to address deficiencies in previous work. Developed and implemented sampling and analysis plan to identify offsite COPECs in ecologically sensitive river and wetlands receiving site runoff from historically complete discharge pathways. Screened onsite media to narrow the potential site-related COPEC list. Sampled surface water, stormwater, and sediment. Addressed bioavailability of PAHs, PCBs, and metals based on equilibrium partitioning approaches. Demonstrated the presence of COPECs that could not be dismissed due to regional historical fill containing contaminants originating from coal by-products versus modern site operations.
Crude Oil Release Site, Lockport, Illinois Developed toxicity-based oil spill cleanup (remedial) endpoints for residual PAH in surface water and sediment using EPA’s equilibrium-partitioning sediment benchmark and analogous approach for water-only effects. Sensitive receptors included federally endangered dragonfly and macroinvertebrate prey base. Developed and oversaw post-remedial confirmation sampling program for surface water and sediment. Screened results using equilibrium partitioning and analyte-specific endpoints.
Acid Sludge Waste Disposal Site, Delaware County, Pennsylvania Assisted remedial project team with evaluation and development of remedial goals based on instream water chemistry and biometrics with an emphasis on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Reviewed existing fish and macroinvertebrate bioassessment data and developed technical justification for reducing scope of ongoing biological monitoring. Helped develop total maximum daily load–based framework for defining remedial goals based on instream water quality. Designed field studies to differentiate potential site-related water quality effects on resident macroinvertebrate communities from non-site watershed and habitat quality effects.
Subsurface Fuel Oil Leak, Millsboro, Delaware Developed and implemented shoreline/nearshore remedial investigations to delineate sediment removal zone using ecological risk criteria for benthic invertebrates. Developed work plan to conduct a SLERA for receptors potentially impacted by residual diesel oil following removal of free product from the groundwater/soil column. Designed field sampling strategy to evaluate potential pathways associated with discharge of groundwater containing dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons and resultant sediment, surface water, and soil contamination. Selected screening approaches that consider contaminant bioavailability based on equilibrium partitioning theory and methods. Developed risk-based performance standards for sediment quality based on EPA equilibrium-partitioning sediment benchmark.
Floor Cover Manufacturing Facility, Salem County, New Jersey Performed and assisted with NJDEP baseline ecological evaluations for multiple on- and offsite areas of concern including wetlands, former industrial landfill, and waste lagoons at an active manufacturing facility. Identified COPECs, potential ecological receptors, and migration pathways for terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland habitats. Provided technical oversight and review during work plan development to further characterize potential ecological risk from contaminants in sediment, soil, surface water, wetlands, and groundwater.
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site, Morris County, New Jersey Performed an NJDEP baseline ecological evaluation at a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) site to evaluate areas of concern for the co-occurrence of COPECs, environmentally sensitive areas, and contaminant migration pathways. Prepared a report for submission to NJDEP presenting relevant findings and recommendations for further investigation of a drainage swale and a river segment that historically received stormwater discharge from the site. Assisted with development of a work plan to conduct a site-specific ecological risk assessment to refine risk characterization for PAH and metal contaminants in sediment. Led preparation of a revised work plan to strategically address agency comments using a tiered ecological risk assessment approach.
Petrochemical Manufacturing Facility, Morris County, New Jersey Conducted an NJDEP baseline ecological evaluation at an active lubricants manufacturing facility to determine the potential for ecological risk from PCBs, PAHs, and metals.  The evaluation considered developed and undeveloped portions of the site and adjoining properties containing upland forest and forested wetlands draining to the Passaic River. Prepared report of findings and developed scope of work for further ecological investigations to provide site-specific ecological risk characterization.
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site, Sussex County, New Jersey Developed strategic approach for conducting a baseline ecological evaluation at a former MGP site located upgradient of a small stream. Prepared plan for collecting additional field samples to characterize concentrations of PAHs, metals, and chlorinated solvents in ecologically relevant media to enable direct comparison to NJDEP screening benchmarks.
Crude Oil Release at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Used equilibrium partitioning methods to provide a risk-based evaluation of potential impacts to benthic macroinvertebrates resulting from PAH sediment contamination following an oil spill in a freshwater impoundment. Demonstrated that risk to benthic macroinvertebrates was low due to limited bioavailability of PAHs resulting from adsorption of contaminants onto sediment organic carbon.
Ecological Sampling of Contaminated River, Hudson/Union Counties, New Jersey Served as field manager and team leader for large-scale CERCLA sampling program to acquire data for human health and ecological risk assessments.  Managed field operations and participated in sampling efforts, including caged bivalve bioaccumulation study, water quality monitoring, habitat characterization/mapping, avian survey, and fish, crab, benthic invertebrate, and sediment sample collections.  Responsible for all aspects of field operations, including logistics, procedures, crew supervision, boat operations, field QA/QC, documentation, and client interaction.  Work often required Level C personal protection equipment.

Coastal Resilience

Sassafras Landing Living Shoreline, Frankford, Delaware Developed design and oversaw construction of a living shoreline demonstration project at Assawoman Wildlife Area in partnership with the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays (a nongovernmental organization, or NGO) and Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Design entailed installation of segmented rock toe sill with bagged oyster shell gaps, addition of sand backfill, and planting of native marsh vegetation to protect berm maintaining non-tidal wildlife impoundment. Supported post-construction monitoring. Project received one of three national “Best Restored Shores of 2021” awards from American Shore & Beach Preservation Association.
Shoreline Rehabilitation for a Condominium Association, Dagsboro, Delaware Designed shoreline rehabilitation and erosion control project using living shoreline techniques to address chronic shoreline erosion threatening amenity beach and bay front homes on a coastal estuary. Design elements included segmented rock toe sill, beach and dune reconstruction, and native marsh and dune plantings. Led team responsible for design investigations and permitting, and helped oversee construction including coordination and conflict resolution between the homeowner association and contractor. Continue to support client with monitoring, adaptive management, and shoreline management.
Fort DuPont Shoreline Rehabilitation Conceptual Plan, Delaware City, Delaware Led development of conceptual design planning process for shoreline rehabilitation at a historic site and former military installation on the Delaware River being redeveloped for mixed commercial, residential, and recreational use and historic preservation. Surveyed existing site conditions as a foundation for developing and evaluating feasibility of conceptual design alternatives including traditional hard armor shoreline stabilization techniques (e.g., bulkhead) as well as hybrid living shoreline techniques including rock toe sills, wave attenuation devices, and headland breakwaters. Additional features of the preferred design alternative included enhancement of tide pools, wetland creation through beneficial use of dredge material, and invasive vegetation/debris management. Helped client prepare National Coastal Resilience Fund grant pre-proposal for submittal to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Living Shorelines at a U.S. Military Installation, Coastal North Carolina Subject matter expert for living shorelines and wetland restoration within a multidisciplinary team conducting a shoreline erosion resilience feasibility assessment for 5 miles of estuarine shoreline at a U.S. Department of Defense facility in coastal North Carolina. Work was performed as part of a flood hazard and mitigation study under an installation climate resilience plan. Existing shoreline conditions were evaluated, and various coastal erosion structural and non-structural measures including revetment, living shorelines, marsh creation, and thin layer placement, among others, were identified and evaluated based on site-specific criteria. Shoreline treatments were recommended and prioritized for phased development based on land use, asset operational objectives, existing shoreline condition, and future erosion and coastal storm vulnerability threats.
Refinery Shoreline Restoration, Delaware City, Delaware Provided technical assistance for 1,500-linear foot shoreline stabilization project using wave attenuation devices (WAD®s) to protect critical infrastructure at a refinery on the Delaware River. Developed monitoring program to evaluate project effectiveness using elevation profiles, sediment accretion, vegetation, and wildlife observations.  Developed multiyear monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of shoreline stabilization using WAD®s. Monitoring parameters included shoreline elevation profiles, sediment accretion and composition, vegetation extent, and wildlife observations.

Ecological Restoration

Slough’s Gut Salt Marsh Enhancement, Ocean View, Delaware Led design, construction, and monitoring of 24-acre salt marsh restoration and enhancement project at Slough’s Gut, Indian River Bay as NRDA compensatory restoration for subsurface fuel oil release at nearby power plant.  Worked on behalf of responsible party in partnership with the state and federal trustees—DNREC, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), local NGO, and county. Project replaced linear mosquito ditches with dendritic tidal creeks, mudflats, and non-tidal pools. Planning and design process included developing site-specific tidal prism model for sizing tidal creek dimensions; morphometric analysis of reference wetlands to develop plan-form design template; and use of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydrogeomorphic functional assessment model to quantify ecosystem service improvements. Developed robust monitoring program designed to provide future practitioners with baseline performance data for innovative restoration techniques. Monitored living resources (e.g., vegetation, avifauna, fish, and benthos) and abiotic parameters (tidal and groundwater hydrology, water and soil chemistry, and creek geomorphology). Based on the results of 5-year monitoring program, the project met or exceeded its objectives.
Salt Marsh Restoration, Millsboro, Delaware Led design and implementation of efforts to restore estuarine shoreline and nearshore habitats impacted by petroleum release and subsequent remediation as NRDA primary restoration. Utilized innovative living shoreline techniques including pre-vegetated “biomats” to provide immediate shoreline stabilization. Developed monitoring plan and performance standards for vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and sediment quality based on comparison to reference areas. Led team responsible for performing design studies (e.g., bio-benchmark surveys), acquiring permits, coordinating construction logistics, and completing a 5-year post-construction monitoring program leading to sign-off. Monitoring results were presented at the 2016 Delaware Wetlands Conference. Performed mid-course corrections identified through adaptive management.
Crude Oil Release Site, Lockport, Illinois Assisted with design and implementation of NRDA primary restoration to restore marsh and wet meadow habitat impacted by a crude oil pipeline release, including feasibility evaluation and development of long-term performance monitoring and adaptive management plans. Worked with state and federal trustee agencies to develop NRDA compensatory restoration using REA and HEA to quantify injury and scale restoration for impacts to a federally endangered dragonfly and wetland habitat.
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge, Oil Spill Restoration, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Planned, designed, and oversaw implementation of multiphase NRDA primary restoration project addressing emergent and forested wetland, upland forest, and meadow habitats impacted by crude oil spill at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia. Responsible for preparing long-term monitoring and adaptive management plan including multiparameter performance metrics.  Oversaw long-term monitoring studies and preparation of annual monitoring reports.
Deepwater Horizon, Offshore Waters of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida Provided technical support to early restoration and emergency restoration programs conducted as part of the NRDA process. Reviewed ecological restoration projects proposed by the trustees. Supported emergency restoration of prop-scar damage to submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in coastal bays in northwest Florida and eastern Alabama including plan development and review, oversight of post-construction monitoring, and preparation of monitoring reports.
Peatland Restoration for Crude Oil Spill, Cohasset, Minnesota Prepared NRDA primary restoration plan to reestablish vegetation on peatland damaged by oil spill and response by aerial seeding.  Developed appropriate seed mix, seeding rates, invasive species control measures, and implementation/monitoring plans.  Designed and conducted a quantitative vegetation study of reference wetlands in support of restoration design and monitoring. Supported the identification, evaluation, and selection of NRDA compensatory restoration projects to replace lost ecological services on behalf of the responsible party. Assisted with the development of the trustees’ draft restoration plan for public engagement.
Forested Wetland Restoration for Oil Spill, Haynesville, Louisiana Led NRDA primary restoration of forested and scrub-shrub wetland impacted by crude oil spill.  Developed planting plan to reestablish woody vegetation in 7+ acre bottomland site cleared during spill response.  Designed monitoring plan to quantify achievement of vegetation-based performance standards.
Riparian Enhancement for Gasoline Spill, Piscataway, New Jersey Designed and implemented stream enhancement project, including stream cleanup and riparian tree and shrub planting, as compensation to offset impacts from a gasoline spill to a headwater stream.  Developed, negotiated, and oversaw performance monitoring program including multiparameter performance standards. Oversaw development and implementation of a benthic macroinvertebrate and fish monitoring program to assess recovery of instream biota. Cooperative restoration offered by responsible party avoided formal NRDA process or litigation.
Shoreline Restoration and Enhancement at a Power Station, Upper Township, New Jersey Provided technical assistance and review of restoration and remediation plans for estuarine shoreline and salt marsh habitats impacted by a fuel oil spill at a power plant on Great Egg Harbor Bay in Cape May County. Work entailed excavating oiled sediment, regrading, eliminating invasive Phragmites, and establishing native salt marsh vegetation in its place. Assisted in design and negotiation of monitoring protocols and performance standards. These efforts successfully integrated primary and compensatory restoration, avoiding the need for a formal NRDA/litigation and separate restoration projects.
Crude Oil Pipeline Release, Colerain Township, Ohio Technical lead and project manager for cooperative NRDA for crude oil pipeline release that impacted headwater stream, riparian habitat, vernal pool, forested wetlands, and meadow in southwest Ohio near Cincinnati.  Oversaw the development and implementation of multiphase NRDA primary restoration targeting injured habitats and resources, including a state-endangered salamander species. Developed 10-year monitoring program and performance objectives based on hierarchical instream functional metrics for biotic and abiotic parameters within an adaptive management framework.  Worked with state and federal trustees to identify and evaluate potential offsite compensatory restoration projects. Provided technical review and critique of various trustee settlement proposals and assisted with negotiation of mutually agreeable cash-out settlement.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Expert Support for Urban Estuary Contaminated Sediment NRDA, Mid-Atlantic U.S. Provided project management and technical support to testifying expert and associated subject matter experts during estimation of historical NRD liability under CERCLA for legacy sediment contamination in a highly urbanized estuary as part of legal defense during bankruptcy proceedings. Assisted with review and preparation of expert report. Provided input related to injury quantification, ecological restoration, habitat equivalency ratios, and historical restoration costs.
Expert Support for Estuarine Contaminated Sediment NRDA, Southern New Jersey Provided project management and technical support to expert assisting with PRP defense of NRD claim for natural resource injuries from legacy MGP-related sediment contamination in a coastal estuary in southern New Jersey. Assisted with HEA scaling and researched potential habitat-based compensatory restoration opportunities.
Duck and Otter Creeks NRDA, Northwestern Ohio Supported industrial client in its defense of NRDA claim by USFWS for alleged injuries to surface water, sediment, and biological resources from historical discharges and releases.  Recreated the trustee’s HEA and prepared a technical critique based on review of the trustee’s methods, data, and assumptions as a first step in developing a defensible counteroffer.
Electronics Manufacturing Superfund Site NRDA, South Plainfield, New Jersey Provided technical support to ecotoxicology and natural resource economics experts retained to help PRP defend against state and federal NRDA claims for alleged injuries from historical discharges of PCBs, metals, and other chemicals to soils, surface water, and groundwater. Assisted with critique of trustee claims, methods, and scaling assumptions and helped prepare content included in rebuttal reports.
Former Chemical Manufacturing Facility, Union County, New Jersey Used ecological risk assessment tools and approaches (e.g., dietary exposure modeling) as part of an NRDA to estimate injury to wildlife from sediment, surface water, and groundwater contamination at a former industrial site on the Arthur Kill. Used existing analytical data to model risk to various wildlife species from site-related contaminants. Estimated ecological service reductions based on hazard quotients derived from screening-level benchmarks. Developed restoration-based proposal to settle NJDEP NRD claim at site.
Crude Oil Release Site, Lockport, Illinois Technical lead and project manager for cooperative NRDA for crude oil pipeline release that impacted rare freshwater wetlands and designated critical habitat for the federally endangered Hines Emerald dragonfly in northeast Illinois.  Worked with state and federal Trustees to quantify injury and scale habitat- and resource-based compensatory restoration using HEA and REA. Involved in identification and screening of multiple potential compensatory restoration projects. Assisted with design of primary restoration to return injured habitats at spill site to baseline including feasibility evaluation and development of long-term monitoring and adaptive management plan. Assisted client in estimating NRD liability using Monte Carlo techniques and provided technical support throughout settlement negotiations. Prepared NRD expert report and provided deposition testimony for insurance-related litigation.
Crude Oil Release Site, Colerain Township, Ohio Technical lead and project manager for cooperative NRDA for crude oil pipeline release that impacted headwater stream, riparian habitat, vernal pool, forested wetlands, and meadow in southwest Ohio near Cincinnati.  Oversaw the development and implementation of multiphase NRDA primary restoration targeting injured habitats and resources, including a state-endangered salamander species. Developed 10-year monitoring program and performance objectives based on hierarchical instream functional metrics for biotic and abiotic parameters within an adaptive management framework.  Worked with state and federal trustees to identify and evaluate potential offsite compensatory restoration projects. Provided technical review and critique of various trustee settlement proposals and assisted with negotiation of mutually agreeable cash-out settlement.
Crude Oil Release Site, Mooringsport, Louisiana Project manager and senior advisor on cooperative NRDA for crude oil pipeline release that impacted a freshwater stream and associated upland, riparian, forested wetlands (swamp). Worked with state and federal trustees to quantify habitat and wildlife injury and scale compensatory restoration. Oversaw team responsible for identifying potential restoration projects, evaluating projects submitted by trustees, and estimating cost to implement and monitor based on conceptual designs.
Deepwater Horizon, Offshore Waters of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida Senior technical specialist for early restoration and emergency restoration programs conducted as part of the NRDA process. Reviewed ecological early restoration projects proposed by the trustees, including nexus to injury, feasibility, likelihood of success, cost, NRD offset valuation using HEA, REA, and trophic scaling methods, cost-effectiveness, and monitoring. Performed similar evaluation of projects identified independently from local and regional restoration plans, programs, initiatives, and needs assessments. Supported emergency restoration of prop-scar damage to SAV in coastal bays in northwest Florida and eastern Alabama including plan development and review, oversight of post-construction monitoring, and preparation of monitoring reports.
Tank Barge DBL 152 Submerged Oil Incident, Offshore Gulf of Mexico Project manager and key contributor for cooperative NRDA for 1.9 million gallon release of slurry oil following a barge capsize in the Gulf of Mexico offshore of Sabine Pass, Texas.  Worked with state and federal trustees to identify, evaluate, and select in-kind and out-of-kind restoration options to offset injuries to benthic habitat and resources. Used HEA and trophic scaling to determine required size of living shoreline type salt marsh and oyster reef project in Galveston Bay. Developed conceptual design and cost estimate in support of cash settlement.
Rahway River Oil Spill Expedited NRDA, New Jersey Led development and participated in expedited NRDA and cash settlement for diesel fuel release at a tank farm impacting the Rahway River and Arthur Kill. Applied HEA to quantify injury based on response-generated data, ecological risk benchmarks, and expert knowledge of habitat recovery times. Supported wildlife injury assessment. Evaluated trustee’s proposed compensatory restoration project options as basis for cash-out settlement.
Perth Amboy Refinery Expedited NRDA, New York and New Jersey Led development and participated in expedited NRDA for crude oil spill during barge offloading operations at a refinery on the Arthur Kill. Participated in emergency response ephemeral data collection and Environmental Unit activities. Applied HEA to quantify injury based on response-generated data, ecological risk benchmarks, and expert knowledge of habitat recovery times. Supported wildlife injury assessment. Estimated cash-out settlement value based on habitat restoration costs.
Chalk Point Oil Spill Response and NRDA, Aquasco, Maryland Supported environmental response and NRDA ephemeral data collection efforts including intertidal, subtidal, and wetland sediment sampling and benthic macroinvertebrate sampling.  Assisted with emergency restoration of oiled wetlands.  Helped develop long-term monitoring plans. Supported NRDA restoration planning and scaling efforts.
Oil Spill Response/Restoration, Upper Township, New Jersey Provided emergency environmental response following No. 6 fuel oil release to tidal estuary. Performed shoreline cleanup assessment and ephemeral data collection and sampling. Prepared emergency restoration plan to remove oiled shoreline sediment and restore injured wetland vegetation. Collaborated on development of integrated shoreline remediation/restoration approach to satisfy cleanup and NRDA requirements.
Subsurface Fuel Oil Leak, Millsboro, Delaware Project manager and technical lead for cooperative NRDA for subsurface fuel oil leak discharging to tidal estuary.  Led teams responsible for designing and implementing primary restoration of injured estuarine shoreline and nearshore habitats including design studies, permit acquisition, construction oversight and coordination, and post-construction monitoring and adaptive management. Led restoration planning process to identify and evaluate potential compensatory restoration project options identified by the responsible party, trustees, and local NGOs using a variety of screening criteria. Directed the development of conceptual and detailed design plans for 24-acre compensatory saltmarsh restoration project.  Performed, led, or oversaw all aspects of restoration planning including initial site identification and feasibility assessment, pre-construction monitoring, conceptual and detailed planning and design, permitting, bid specification development, contractor selection, construction oversight, inspections, performance monitoring, and adaptive management.
NRDA for Pipeline Release, Reston, Virginia Project manager and primary technical consultant for restoration planning phase of an NRDA for a major oil spill into a tributary of the Potomac River.  Assisted in the development of a restoration-based settlement package addressing ecological and recreational injuries.  Identified, developed, evaluated, and selected habitat and recreational conceptual restoration options. Scaled restoration using HEA and economic valuation techniques. Participated in all aspects of restoration planning, including trustee meetings, preliminary planning, site assessment, landowner/agency coordination, permitting, and detailed restoration design. Directed and assisted development of detailed work plans for riparian reforestation, wetlands enhancement, streambank bioengineering, and wildlife habitat improvement. Coauthored public participation materials including draft restoration plan and public meeting presentation.
Kalamazoo River and Talmadge Creek Project, Calhoun County, Michigan As the onsite technical lead, provided emergency response services and strategic NRDA support, including evaluation of impacts to natural resources, coordination of shoreline cleanup efforts, and collection of time-sensitive environmental samples.  Worked in cooperation with state and federal agencies to develop and implement a framework for conducting a cooperative NRDA to assess potential injury to natural resources and recreational services.
Athos I Oil Spill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Served as co-assistant to the Environmental Unit leader for a major oil spill response on the Delaware River and Bay involving the release of ~265,000 gallons of crude oil.  Responsible for coordinating and managing multiple field teams and command post personnel conducting shoreline assessments; sediment, water, and oil sampling and other ephemeral data collection; GIS mapping; and special issue investigation.  Assisted in development and implementation of submerged oil detection and assessment methods.  Held leadership positions in preparing various plans and documents related to shoreline cleanup endpoints and assessing and minimizing environmental impacts from oil and/or cleanup.  Interfaced extensively with personnel from U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, DNREC, and NJDEP as well as other stakeholders.
Tank Barge Bouchard 120 Incident, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Served as Environmental Unit leader during response to a major No. 6 oil spill in Buzzards Bay.  Responsible for daily operations of Environmental Unit personnel and assisting Unified Command.  Consulted on development of cleanup endpoints.  Prepared and updated shoreline cleanup plans.  Developed and oversaw sediment removal and replacement plans and obtained emergency permits and authorizations.  Tracked status of shoreline cleanup and oversaw the endpoint inspection and sign-off process.  Developed and implemented emergency habitat restoration plans for marsh and dune habitats impacted by oil and response activities.  Participated in method assessment team evaluations of alternative shoreline cleanup approaches including surface washing agents, among others. Interfaced extensively with NOAA, U.S. Coast Guard, USFWS, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, and local conservation commission personnel and other stakeholders.
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge Crude Oil Release, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Project manager and lead technical consultant for a cooperative NRDA for a 190,000 gallon crude oil release into the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge affecting a freshwater impoundment and associated wetland and riparian habitats.  Planned, designed, and implemented primary restoration of emergent and forested wetland, upland forest, and meadow habitats.  Conducted and directed restoration planning to identify, evaluate, and scale multiple compensatory restoration options addressing lost human use and lost ecological services.  Designed and implemented injury assessment and extent-of-contamination studies to characterize chemical and physical impacts to water column, soils/sediments, vegetation, and biota.  Used equilibrium partitioning methods to provide a risk-based evaluation of potential impacts to benthic macroinvertebrates resulting from PAH sediment contamination.  Demonstrated that risk to benthic macroinvertebrates was low due to limited bioavailability of PAHs resulting from adsorption of contaminants onto organic carbon in sediment.  Guided and participated in emergency response data collection efforts, trustee coordination, and client consultation.  Prepared response action plan mandated by EPA order. Provided technical and strategic consultation to client and facilitated trustee negotiations. Responsible for project management, report preparation, meeting presentations, and oversight of technical team.
Pipeline Release into Urban Stream, Piscataway, New Jersey Lead technical consultant and project manager for a cooperative NRDA by NJDEP and USFWS for the release of gasoline into a small urban stream.  Performed ecological evaluations to assess the spatial and temporal extent of impacts to stream and riparian habitats.  Conducted a SLERA to determine potential for chronic injury to aquatic biota from residual hydrocarbon contamination.  Developed and managed implementation of a benthic macroinvertebrate and fish monitoring program to assess recovery of stream fauna.  Developed a stream enhancement project plan and conducted all aspects of project planning, design, implementation, and monitoring.
Barge Release in Delaware Bay, Cumberland County, New Jersey Participated in an expedited NRDA for the release of No. 6 fuel oil into Delaware Bay that oiled salt marsh habitat at Nantuxent Cove.  Performed an ecological evaluation of oiled salt marsh and collected environmental samples for source identification.  Conducted restoration planning to develop and cost-out an appropriate compensatory restoration project in cooperation with NJDEP trustees.
Former Chemical Manufacturing Facility, Linden, New Jersey Used ecological risk assessment tools and approaches to estimate injury to wildlife from sediment, surface water, and groundwater contamination at former industrial site on the Arthur Kill.  Used existing analytical data to model risk to various wildlife species from site-related contaminants.  Estimated service reductions based on hazard quotients derived from screening-level benchmarks.  Helped identify and scale offsite compensatory restoration involving acquisition and long-term protection of undeveloped land to prevent future loss of groundwater recharge due to land development to help settle NJDEP NRD claim at site.
NRDA for Pipeline Release, Galveston Bay, Texas Participated in NRDA injury assessment and restoration planning efforts for a major oil spill affecting several wetland and terrestrial habitat types.  Assisted in the creation of a customized geographic information system application facilitating injury assessment using ArcView GIS. Participated in the identification, evaluation, and selection of restoration options.  Helped develop a unique framework for quantifying complex injuries and scaling restoration using HEA.