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Barry L. Kellems, P.E.
Associate of Integral

Barry L. Kellems, P.E.

Associate of Integral

Mr. Barry Kellems is a principal engineer with more than 30 years of consulting experience, focusing on environmental remediation of contaminated sediments, groundwater, and soils. He has prepared feasibility studies, developed cleanup action plans, and served as project manager/engineer for the design and implementation of remedial action projects.

Mr. Kellems also specializes in stormwater and wastewater management at industrial facilities. His experience includes NPDES permitting, feasibility studies, and design, construction, and performance monitoring of treatment facilities for a range of industries. His project experience also encompasses waste management and environmental c...

Mr. Barry Kellems is a principal engineer with more than 30 years of consulting experience, focusing on environmental remediation of contaminated sediments, groundwater, and soils. He has prepared feasibility studies, developed cleanup action plans, and served as project manager/engineer for the design and implementation of remedial action projects.

Mr. Kellems also specializes in stormwater and wastewater management at industrial facilities. His experience includes NPDES permitting, feasibility studies, and design, construction, and performance monitoring of treatment facilities for a range of industries. His project experience also encompasses waste management and environmental compliance at industrial facilities, including the development of plans for spill prevention and waste minimization.

As a technical expert, Mr. Kellems has supported many litigation projects that involved engineering evaluations of the above subject matter.

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Remedial Design

Mission Bay Ferry Landing Project, San Francisco, California Engineer of record for design of an engineered cap to address contaminated sediments at a ferry terminal. Responsible for cap design, modeling breakthrough in the cap, engineering, drawings, specifications, costing, close coordination with the dredging and ferry terminal designers, permitting support, including multiagency (state and federal) review with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as lead agency, and engineering support for compliance monitoring during and following construction of the cap. The multilayered cap design included an erosion protection layer to safeguard the underlying isolation sand cap from hydrodynamic forces caused by vessel traffic, tidal currents, and storms. The cap design and construction provided a timely and cost-effective solution that allowed the ferry terminal project to move forward in a timely manner.
San Jacinto River Waste Pits Remedial Design Work Plan, Harris County, Texas Task manager and lead water treatment engineer for the remedial design work plan for the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund site. Responsible for the technical approach for handling and treating water, including meeting with EPA and the State of Texas on matters related to the water treatment discharge criteria.
Yosemite Slough Remedial Design, San Francisco, California Engineer of record for an EPA non-time-critical removal action of lead- and PCB-contaminated sediments at the Yosemite Slough Superfund site. Remedial components included sediment dredging, capping, and enhanced natural recovery. Design activities included multiple pre-design studies, preliminary design of remedial components, and cost estimating.
Passaic River Phase I Removal Action, Newark, New Jersey Design engineer for pre-design, design, and construction support phases of a $60 million design build project to remove 40,000 cubic yards of sediments containing the highest concentrations of dioxin in the Passaic River. Project elements included construction of a temporary sheetpile excavation enclosure; sediment removal; transfer of sediment through a hydraulic pipeline; sediment processing; water treatment; offsite transport, treatment, and disposal; and backfill and restoration. Also served as engineering task manager for design of the hydraulic pipeline, sediment dewatering, air emissions and odor control, and water treatment components of the project, including treatability studies.
Hamilton Harbor Randle Reef Design, Ontario, Canada Randle Reef is the largest coal tar-contaminated sediment site in the Great Lakes. Project manager and design engineer for dredging 654,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment and construction of an 18.5-acre sheetpile confined disposal facility (CDF). Responsible for phased basis of design, plans, and specifications, as well as engineering support for permitting. Also served as project engineer during the pre-design phase of the project for sediment handling, water treatment, and air emissions control project elements, including treatability testing and air modeling.
Pine Street Canal NAPL Investigation and Control, Burlington, Vermont Project manager and principal engineer for a $2.4 million design-build contaminated sediment remediation project to control coal tar migration with a reactive cap. Investigated NAPL mobility within the extensive peat layer and soft sediments beneath the canal, and evaluated potential measures for NAPL control. Subsequently, designed and constructed an effective NAPL control strategy, including offset dredging, organoclay reactive cap, and NAPL recovery wells.
Terminal 117 Early Action Cleanup, Lower Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, Washington Project engineer for a third-party constructability review and qualitative risk analysis of bid documents for the Terminal 117 early action, for cleanup of upland and in-water impacts associated with a formal asphalt manufacturing facility located along the Lower Duwamish Waterway. The constructability review identified risks to project schedule and budget and recommended mitigation measures.
St. Maries Creosote Site Remediation, St. Maries, Idaho Project engineer for pre-design investigations at a former wood-treating facility. Remediation will consist of dredging impacted sediment, excavating shallow impacted soil, and treating the soil and sediment by thermal desorption. Deeper soil will be stabilized in situ.
Waterfront Sediment and Upland Area Remedial Design, Eureka, California Served as senior engineer for a remedial design to address offshore sediments and upland soils contaminated with metals and PCBs at a former metal-recycling facility located on Humboldt Bay. Responsibilities included development of design drawings, specifications, and bid documents.
Shell Pond Sediment and Upland Remedial Design, Bay Point, California Engineer of record for remediation of the 838-acre Shell Pond site. The Shell Pond site is a former wastewater pond and solid waste management unit that received wastewater mixed with a coke-like substance containing metals and PAHs from an adjacent commercial ammonia plant. The design included hydraulic and mechanical removal of pond sediments and contaminated soil remaining in the pond and a former wastewater discharge ditch, restoration of the pond as a self-sustaining wetland, and revegetation of the upland portion of the site.
Castro Cove Sediment Remediation Project, Richmond, California Project engineer for sediment and decant water management during dredging and disposal of contaminated sediments at the Chevron Richmond Refinery. The project included hydraulically dredging 97,000 cubic yards of sediment from a 20-acre area and hydraulically placing them in a former treatment pond at the refinery. The project was successfully completed using a design-build approach.
Plainwell Impoundment Remediation, Kalamazoo River, Michigan Project cost engineer for removal of in-stream sediment and riverbank soils, construction of two CDFs, drainage and temporary treatment of decant water, and riverbank habitat restoration. Also evaluated the option of sediment processing (flyash dewatering) and offsite landfill disposal. More than 100,000 cubic yards of PCB-containing soil and sediment was removed from the former impoundment in the Kalamazoo River.
Hudson River Reactive Capping Demonstration, Poughkeepsie, New York Senior engineer responsible for technical quality for a reactive capping demonstration project performed on NAPL-impacted sediments in the Hudson River adjacent to the former North Water Street manufactured gas plant (MGP) site. The field demonstration involved placement of three different cap configurations over subareas of the 100- by 100-ft study area. The cap configurations consisted of various combinations of Triton® Marine Mattress and reactive core mat.
Anacostia River Capping Demonstration Project, District of Columbia Engineering task manager responsible for demonstrating organoclay as a sorbent capping technology to control coal tar seepage. This task was part of a larger project led by Dr. Danny Reible to demonstrate, on a field scale, the ability to design, construct, and place caps that provide long-term treatment of sediment contaminants while simultaneously providing containment.
Thea Foss Waterway Sediment Remediation, Tacoma, Washington Project manager and lead engineer for a feasibility study to evaluate methods for containing, treating, or removing coal tar–like NAPL seeping into the head of Thea Foss Waterway. The feasibility study recommended reactive capping, and a comprehensive bench-scale test was conducted to select the optimum reactive capping material (organoclay) and confirm NAPL sequestration and PAH partitioning performance in column tests. Based on bench-scale results, a reactive cap was designed.
Terminal 117 Early Action, Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site, Seattle, Washington Principal engineer for a non-time-critical removal action to address PCB-impacted soils in a residential neighborhood at the Terminal 117 site. Tasks included removal of soil contaminated with PCBs, restoration of streets and yards, and installation of a state-of-the-art drainage system featuring green stormwater infrastructure, upgraded streets, and enhanced public spaces.
200 ZP-1 Groundwater Treatment System Expansion, Hanford, Washington Project engineer for evaluation and expansion of the 200 ZP-1 groundwater treatment system at the former Nuclear Production Facility at Hanford. Responsibilities included evaluating alternative technologies for removal of nitrate, chlorinated solvents, and radionuclides; developing the design for a 2,000 gallon per minute (gpm) treatment system; and developing an associated cost estimate. The recommended design included submerged fixed-film anaerobic biological treatment for nitrate removal, air stripping for chlorinated solvent removal, and ion exchange for radionuclide removal.
In situ Groundwater Treatment, Harbor Island Terminal, Seattle, Washington Engineer of record for in situ groundwater treatment at an active 14-acre bulk petroleum storage facility. Previous remedial activities at the site included removal of approximately 44,000 tons of petroleum-impacted soil, active and passive separate-phase hydrocarbon removal and operation of an air sparge/soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. Conducted enhanced anaerobic biological oxidation by application of sulfate to address ongoing groundwater impacts.
Pond Remediation at Aluminum Plant, Goldendale, Washington Engineer of record for the cleanup of contaminated sludge and soil related to four ponds that were used for detention of wastewaters at the former aluminum reduction facility at Goldendale, Washington. Scope included evaluation of cleanup action alternatives, development of cleanup standards and remediation levels for PAHs, and preparation of a final cleanup action plan in accordance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-340-350 through 173-340-390. The selected remedy involved removal of all sludge and impacted soil to an offsite approved solid waste landfill.
Manchester Annex Superfund Site, Manchester, Washington Project engineer for a USACE remediation project at the Manchester Annex Superfund site. Hazardous chemicals included dioxin, PCBs, metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The project included closure of an abandoned Navy landfill and fire-training area, a shoreline protection system, and capping of offshore sediments. Landfill remediation included a cement-bentonite groundwater cut-off wall and a RCRA cap.
Beaver Creek Restoration, Manchester, Washington Project manager for design of a USACE project to restore approximately 1,000 ft of Beaver Creek as part of the remediation of the Manchester Annex Superfund site. The project included creation of new stream channel, multiple log weirs for hydraulic control, and bank revegetation. The project was successful in creating new salmon spawning and rearing habitat.
Funnel and Gate Treatment Wall, Seattle, Washington Project engineer for developing and implementing the final remedy for a chlorinated solvent plume impacting the ship canal at the Jacobsen Terminal Property. The zero-valent iron treatment wall resulted in lower costs and an expedited cleanup time relative to a previous pump-and-treat system. The 320-ft-long treatment wall was installed in fall 1999 and has consistently met all remedial objectives.
Remedial Design at Bunker Hill Superfund Site, Idaho Served as project manager for design of USACE and EPA projects to remediate multiple mining and smelter-impacted areas associated with the Bunker Hill Superfund site. The projects included approximately 2,000 ft of the Lower Government Gulch stream channel, an adjacent 10-acre lumberyard, a 5-acre commercial recycle yard, approximately 100 residential yards, and a recreational site along the Coeur d’Alene River. Remediation elements included source removal of contaminated soils and tailings, grading and capping, stream channel reconstruction, and rerouting to prevent flooding and recontamination due to the 100-year storm; restoration of residential yards; 300 ft of bank stabilization along the Coeur d’Alene River; and a new boat ramp.
Remedial Design for Thea Foss Upland Properties, Tacoma, Washington Project manager for cleanup of contaminated soils during redevelopment of several upland properties along the Thea Foss Waterway. Elements of this work included utility upgrades and engineering to support the design of a pedestrian esplanade and an international glass museum. Objective was to cost-effectively blend remediation with redevelopment plans.
Biotreatment Optimization Study, St. Marie, Montana Project manager for a USACE cold-region bioremediation study involving approximately 5,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated with aviation fuel at the former Glasgow Air Force Base. The study consisted of application of variable amounts of tilling, nutrient addition, and water amendment to four test cells to determine the optimum approach for land treatment of fuel-contaminated soil during the compressed treatment season on the northern Montana plains.
Air Sparging/Vapor Extraction System, Seattle, Washington Project manager for soil and groundwater remediation at the perchloroethylene (PCE)-contaminated brownfields site, a former dry cleaning facility. Remediation included groundwater air sparging, SVE, activated carbon treatment of extracted vapors, and source removal of 5,000 cubic yards of soil. Responsible for negotiating the remedial strategy with the State of Washington, preparing biddable design documents and air permit packaging, construction oversight, and compliance testing.
Free-Product Recovery System, Avery Landing, Idaho Project manager to design and implement a dual-pump, free-product recovery system at a historical railroad roundhouse. The recovery system incorporated a 750-ft-long, 20-ft-deep petroleum product interceptor trench to keep oil from entering the St. Joe River. Responsible for negotiating the remedial action plan with the State of Idaho, preparing design drawings, and executing turnkey construction.
RCRA Corrective Action, Kodiak, Alaska Project manager for several U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) projects to remediate areas located at USCG ISC Kodiak. This work included troubleshooting an existing air sparging/SVE system and developing a corrective action plan for in situ chemical oxidation at a former laundry site, developing a corrective action plan for in situ bioremediation through oxygen infusion at a former aviation gas tank farm, and completing a subsurface investigation to support clean closure at a former motor gas tank farm.
Design and Construction of Groundwater Pump and Treat System, Riverside, California Served as project engineer for groundwater remediation at an aerospace manufacturing facility, a 100-acre site with PCE, trichloroethylene, and other solvents at concentrations in the 100 ppm range. Responsible for preparing a feasibility study, pilot-scale testing of advance oxidation and granular activated carbon processes for contaminant removal, and fast-track design and construction oversight of full-scale groundwater extraction and treatment facilities.
Design and Construction of SVE System, GEMS Landfill, New Jersey Served as design engineer for the design and construction of an SVE and vapor treatment facility at the GEMS Landfill Superfund site. Also conducted process modeling of the system and prepared operation and maintenance manual. The project was completed as an emergency action for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

Litigation Support

Litigation Support Related to Sediment and Shoreline Remediation Costs, Seattle, Washington Technical expert for review of sediment and shoreline remediation costs at an active slip within the Lower Duwamish Waterway. Opinions and analysis were prepared regarding whether the methods and projected costs to remediate sediment contamination at the site were reasonable and necessary. Also provided deposition to support allocation of cleanup costs.
Litigation Support Related to Stormwater Management at Marine Terminal, Tacoma, Washington Technical expert for an evaluation of stormwater management at a marine terminal. Prepared an expert report to support mediation of a citizen lawsuit.
Litigation Support Related to Sediment Remediation Costs, Wilmington, California Technical expert for review of sediment remediation costs at a former boatyard. Opinions and analysis were prepared regarding whether the volume of sediment proposed for dredging, and the associated projected costs to remediate sediment contamination at the site, were reasonable and necessary. Also provided deposition and testimony to support allocation of cleanup costs. (City of Los Angeles, v. Wilmington Marine Services, Inc.; Case No. BC559959, in the Superior Court of the State of California).
Litigation Support Related to Stormwater Management at Boatyards, Bellingham, Washington Technical expert for an evaluation of stormwater management at two boatyards. Conducted facility inspections and worked with attorneys to develop a strategy to avoid pending litigation of a citizen lawsuit. The matter settled successfully.
Litigation Support Related to Fate and Transport of Contaminants, Superfund Site, Mountain View, California Technical expert for review of claims by EPA of historical chlorinated solvent releases to groundwater from sanitary sewers.
Litigation Support Related to Sediment Remediation Costs, Superfund Site, San Francisco, California Technical expert for review of historical documentation related to fate and transport of PCBs and lead into a highly urbanized embayment within the San Francisco Bay. Served as engineering task manager and conducted an extensive evaluation to assess sewer system history, hydraulic capacity, system condition and defects, and estimated historical and current contaminant loading. Also served as lead engineer for the expert report prepared to support allocation of cleanup costs. As part of this task, performed a probabilistic cost analysis of the sediment remediation liabilities using multiple risk scenarios.
Litigation Support Related to Industrial Wastewater Engineering Report, Kennewick, Washington Technical expert for review of an industrial wastewater treatment engineering report at a zirconium and titanium metallurgical facility on the Columbia River. Opinions and analysis were prepared regarding whether the treatment plant upgrades proposed in the engineering report would be sufficient for the facility to meet its NPDES permit requirements, including the adequacy of the estimated costs for the upgrades. Also served as lead engineer for the expert report prepared to support mediation of a citizen lawsuit. (Columbia Riverkeeper v. Sandvik Special Metals, Case No. 4:15-CV-05118-LRS, in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Washington).
Litigation Support Related to Sediment Remediation Costs, San Pedro, California Technical expert for review of sediment remediation costs at a former shipyard. Opinions and analysis were prepared regarding whether the volume of sediment proposed for dredging, and the associated actual and projected costs to remediate sediment contamination at the site, were reasonable and necessary. Also prepared expert report to support allocation of cleanup costs and provided deposition. (City of Los Angeles, Acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners v. BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair Inc., a California Corporation; the United States Department of the Navy, et al. Case No. 13-CV-8810 CBM (AGRx), in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California).
Litigation Support Related to Dredge Material Management for Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, Savannah, Georgia The purpose of Savannah Harbor Expansion Project was to deepen the Savannah Harbor federal shipping channel from a depth of –42 ft to –47 ft. During final authorization and permitting of this $706 million navigational dredging and confined disposal project, prepared a study under attorney-client privilege to develop special management requirements for dredge materials containing elevated concentrations of cadmium.
Litigation Support for Confidential Railroad Company, Washington Project manager and technical expert reviewing stormwater permit compliance status at 12 railyard facilities. The primary objective of this project was to investigate specific facility operations and the source, disposition, and discharge location(s) of stormwater from the facilities, and to determine applicability and coverage requirements under the NPDES Washington State Industrial Stormwater General Permit. Assessed which areas of each facility were covered under the permit and outlined cost and schedule for compliance. Subsequently provided litigation support as an expert witness related to this work. (BNSF Railway Company, et al. v. State of Washington, Case No. 11-150, in the Pollution Control Hearing Board, State of Washington).
Litigation Support for General Boatyard NPDES Permit, Washington Technical expert to Washington boatyards during development of the 2005 revised NPDES General Permit for Boat Building and Repair Facilities by Ecology. Key concerns were that requirements of the new permit be technically and economically achievable and consistent for the boatyard industry as a whole. Continued to assist the boatyards during the subsequent appeal process, testifying before the Pollution Control Hearing Board (State of Washington Dept. of Ecology and NMTA v. Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, Case Nos. 05-150, 05-151, 06-034, and 06-040, in the Pollution Control Hearing Board, State of Washington). Helped craft settlement of the appeal, and subsequently served on the settlement steering committee. Provided technical support for a stormwater treatment performance pilot study as part of the settlement, and conducted a cost analysis for the three study technologies (enhanced filtration, electrocoagulation, and ion exchange). This pilot study and cost analysis were used by Ecology in its 2010 AKART analysis. Subsequently, assisted the boatyards in responding to the 2016 public review of the draft permit.
Technical Consultation and Allocation/Litigation Support, Portland Harbor Superfund Site, Oregon Lead engineer and technical expert providing engineering evaluations of environmental contamination related to sewerage systems discharging to the Portland Harbor Superfund site within the Willamette River in advance of cost allocation. This multifaceted engagement involved extensive evaluation of sewerage systems, highway- and bridge-related stormwater runoff, and source control issues.
Litigation Support for Insurance Cost Recovery, Confidential Puget Sound Port Authority, Washington As lead engineer and technical expert, provided engineering evaluations of environmental contamination related to sewerage systems discharging to Puget Sound for a complex insurance cost recovery matter involving numerous waterfront properties. A key element of this case involved tracing and mapping the location and condition of regional sewers over specific historical periods of time.
Litigation Support, Gas Works Park, Seattle, Washington Project manager and technical expert for review of the RI/FS reports and associated documents related to the sediment portion of a former MGP. Served as a sediment remediation expert to assist a confidential client, who owned adjacent property, with strategy development in advance of cost allocation. Represented the client in several meetings with Ecology.
Litigation Support Related to Due Diligence Investigation, Confidential Puget Sound Port Authority, Washington Engineering task manager to evaluate a Port’s responsibilities and liabilities should it decide to purchase a large, contaminated property. The effort involved evaluating extensive environmental documentation reaching back to a 1970s-era cleanup, as well as the site’s 100-year industrial history, its multiagency regulatory history, and large-scale contamination of soil, groundwater, and sediment with chlorinated solvents and caustics.
Litigation Support Related to Sediment Contamination from Sewer Discharges, Lower Passaic River, New Jersey The Passaic River is one of the most highly contaminated urban and industrial waterways in the world. For a confidential client, provided technical support in anticipation of litigation associated with stormwater and combined sewer overflow (CSO) contamination in the Passaic River. Work included evaluation of stormwater and CSO inputs, review of EPA and consultant work products, and extensive evaluation to assess system history, hydraulic capacity, CSO condition and defects, historical and current loading, and comparative analysis of CSO control programs. Prepared technical reports for attorneys in the context of pending litigation.
Litigation Support Related to Cost of Groundwater Remediation, Portland, Oregon Technical expert for review of groundwater remediation costs at the East Multnomah County Groundwater/Portland Well Field Site. Provided deposition and testimony related to timing of chlorinated solvent releases, groundwater flow paths, and typical operations of metal degreasers. (Cascade Corporation v. American Home Assurance Co., et. al., Case No. 206 Or App 1, 135 P3d 340 (2006), before Court of Appeals of the State of Oregon).

Feasibility Studies

Former Snopac Site Sediment and Shoreline Source Control, Seattle, Washington Principal engineer for a Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) RI/FS at the head of Slip 1 within the Lower Duwamish Waterway. The project included a data collection to fill existing data gaps in chemical and geotechnical characterization. Based on the RI/FS, partial dredging and capping of sediments and restoration of the shoreline are planned as source control. The selected approach takes into account current and future use of the active slip for berthing of vessels.
Sediment and Upland Source Tracing and Control at Electric Power Generating Station, Hawaii Principal engineer for a range of projects conducted for an electrical utility in association with the U.S. Navy’s planned Superfund cleanup of PCB-impacted sediments in Pearl Harbor. Projects included review and comment on the Navy’s RI/FS documents related to the power plant, a source tracing and control plan to identify continuing upland sources of PCBs at the power plant, and design of source control actions to mitigate PCB sources.
Quendall Terminals Feasibility Study, Renton, Washington Project manager and principal engineer for a CERCLA sediment feasibility study at the Quendall Terminals Superfund site, a former creosote-manufacturing facility. Evaluated remediation options for the nearshore and offshore sediments, which included nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL) deposits and sediment with PAH concentrations above background concentrations. Also prepared a cost-effectiveness evaluation, which provided a clear recommendation for a preferred remedy involving reactive capping.
Log Transfer Facility Cleanup Plan, Tolstoi Bay, Alaska Principal engineer and engineer of record for a cleanup plan to address wood debris offshore of a log transfer facility in southeast Alaska. Wood waste deposited on top of ocean sediment can have potentially negative environmental impacts. Because options for remedial action such as dredging, capping, and active bark dispersal would further harm the benthic community, the plan proposed natural recovery with additional best management practices (BMPs) for the cleanup.
Lower Passaic River Feasibility Study, New Jersey Project engineer for the development and evaluation of alternatives for a feasibility study to remediate contaminated sediment within a 17 mile reach of the Lower Passaic River Superfund site. Served as lead engineer for development of conceptual design criteria and engineering cost estimates. Also led identification and evaluation of available upland processing sites.
Terminal 4 Sediment Recontamination Analysis, Portland, Oregon Project manager and lead engineer for a sediment recontamination analysis in support of an early action to remediate contaminated sediments at Terminal 4 on the Willamette River. Upstream, stormwater, groundwater, and existing structure pollutant loadings were estimated at Terminal 4 based on sediment trap and stormwater sampling data. Future sediment concentrations were estimated using a mixing model.
Campus Bay Feasibility Study, Richmond, California Engineer of record for a sediment remediation feasibility study and treatability testing conducted under oversight of the State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The site was a former acid and proprietary pesticides manufacturing plant. Toxins found at the site include arsenic, DDT, lead, copper, mercury, nickel, vinyl chloride, and proprietary pesticides. In addition to the feasibility study, conducted two phases of bench-scale solidification/stabilization treatability testing.
Regional Sediment Decontamination Facility, New York/New Jersey Harbor Process engineer for a regional sediment decontamination facility in New York/New Jersey Harbor. A group of organizations/firms formed a public–private partnership with the objective of siting the first regional sediment recycling facility capable of receiving and decontaminating several types of dredge material from the harbor area. The facility was designed to treat up to 500,000 cubic yards of dredged material annually for beneficial use at a production cost of between $30 and $35 per cubic yard.
Brownfields Showcase Technology Screening Study, Seattle, Washington Project manager for a USACE study providing a comprehensive evaluation of relevant regulatory requirements and available remedial technologies for redevelopment of the North Coast Chemical site located within the Duwamish Industrial Area. The project was coordinated with EPA, King County, and the Environmental Coalition of South Seattle, and included a treatment technology menu and fact sheets that were used to expedite other brownfields redevelopment.
Groundwater Remediation, Great Western Chemical Facility, Seattle, Washington Project engineer for a feasibility study to evaluate remedial options for cleanup of chlorinated solvent groundwater contamination. The study included detailed evaluation of in situ bioremediation and natural attenuation of the groundwater contaminant plume.
Groundwater Remediation, Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Facility, Spokane, Washington Project engineer for a feasibility study to evaluate remedial options for cleanup of PCB and free-phase petroleum product contamination. The study included documentation of various source control actions and detailed evaluation of pump and treat, in situ bioremediation, and natural attenuation of the groundwater contaminant plume.
Feasibility Study for Small Arm Ranges, Fort Lewis, Washington Project manager for a USACE feasibility study to develop evaluation alternatives to remediate lead-contaminated soils at the Engineer Bluff and Miller Hill former small arm ranges.
Treatability Study for Coal-Tar-Contaminated Soils, Fort Lewis, Washington Project manager for a USACE treatability study to determine the most effective method for treating 100,000 tons of soil contaminated with PAHs at a solvent-refined coal pilot plant. Conducted bench-scale testing of soil washing and low temperature thermal desorption and performed an economic analysis to identify the most effective technology.
Feasibility Study and Bioventing Demonstration Project, Alaska Project manager for a field-wide feasibility study, and an in situ bioventing demonstration project to confirm the conclusions of the study, at the Swanson River Oilfield. Soil and groundwater remediation alternatives were evaluated for 20 petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated sites within the oilfield. Based on the results of the study, a full-scale bioventing system was designed and constructed at one of the sites. Responsible for work plans, design, turnkey construction, operation, and final reporting.
Feasibility Study, Pilot Study, and Design, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona Project engineer for development of remediation systems to remediate JP-4 contaminated soil and groundwater at two operable units. The selected remedies consisted of SVE and groundwater pump and treat. For the SVE system, hydrocarbon emissions were modeled, and off-gas collection and treatment systems were designed.

Stormwater Treatment

Design and Construction of Stormwater Facilities, Cloverdale, California Principal engineer and engineer of record for a physical-chemical treatment plant at a 25-acre sawmill facility. Conducted bench-scale treatability testing of a variety of treatment methods, and developed a design to meet limits for chemical oxygen demand and other parameters. The design included stormwater pump station and conveyance, chemical treatment followed by pH neutralization, and a 225,000-gallon settling basin. Design was much more cost-effective than treatment applications for chemical oxygen demand at similar log yards. After obtaining permits for the pond, provided construction oversight.
Stormwater Treatment Design at Steel Mill, Portland, Oregon Senior engineer for design of a stormwater treatment system at an active steel mill. Stormwater was impacted with PCBs and metals that adversely affected the Portland Harbor Superfund site. Engineering responsibilities included evaluating stormwater treatment system effectiveness and technical review of the design documents.
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport AKART Engineering Analysis, Seattle, Washington Technical expert for a feasibility and engineering analysis of all known, available, and reasonable technologies (AKART) for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport stormwater. A principal finding of the analysis was that to meet AKART, the Port must, to the greatest extent practicable, provide basic treatment for pollution-generating surfaces draining to the existing outfalls. Provided demonstrated performance and cost data for enhanced treatment for metals removal.
North Marina Redevelopment Project, Port of Everett, Washington Project manager and engineer for stormwater design services. Conducted engineering and economic evaluations of treatment alternatives, developed design criteria, and completed the basis of design report. Also provided final design and construction oversight services.
Stormwater Treatment at Marine Terminals, Port of Venice, Italy Retained by the Port Authority of Venice as a special consultant to address pollution resulting from rainwater runoff from the Port’s marine terminals, especially impacts to the Venice Lagoon. The project resulted in the Port adopting an innovative treatment technology based on passive filtration, so that the whole storm is treated rather than only the first flush of rain as in the previous method. In addition to technology transfer, supported the Port in implementing the passive filtration technology at a new passenger terminal.
Stormwater and Process Wastewater AKART Analyses, Port of Anacortes, Washington Senior engineer on two related projects with the Port of Anacortes and tenants to evaluate NPDES permitting issues at Pier 1 (shipyard stormwater) and Pier 2 (petroleum-coke loading terminal stormwater and dust suppression wash water). This work included evaluation of sources of potential pollutants and BMPs currently being implemented to control pollutant releases, as well as development of two separate AKART evaluation reports to identify preferred management approaches.
Stormwater Monitoring and AKART Study, Port of Seattle, Washington Project manager for a study to determine the preferred method and associated cost for bringing a tenant facility into compliance with a site-specific NPDES permit. This project included stormwater monitoring and engineering analysis.
Stormwater Treatment Design and Implementation, Arlington, Washington, and Eugene, Oregon Project manager for upgrading stormwater facilities at two wood-treating plants where the constituents of concern were pentachlorophenol (PCP), dioxin, arsenic, and copper. Developed cost-effective stormwater management strategies, conducted hydrologic analysis and treatability tests, and designed and provided startup assistance for stormwater treatment system.
Stormwater and Process Wastewater AKART Analyses and Engineering, Port of Port Angeles, Washington Project manager coordinating NPDES permitting for the construction of a proposed shipyard and waterfront expansion project. Performed an AKART analysis for stormwater and pressure wash water, identified applicable BMPs and engineering control/treatment measures, completed and submitted engineering reports, and negotiated final design criteria with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology).
Stormwater Treatability Test and Engineering Analysis, Western Washington Project manager for an industry-wide engineering analysis performed on behalf of a consortium of 11 shipyards and used by Ecology to define AKART technologies for shipyard stormwater as required by NPDES permit. The study included a bench-scale test to evaluate several innovative, organic filtration media for removing dissolved metals.
Site-Specific Stormwater AKART Analysis and Engineering, Bellingham, Washington Project manager for an AKART analysis report, effluent mixing zone analysis report, and engineering design report, as required by the NPDES permit for a shipyard. The work included a technical and economic evaluation of alternatives for reducing the concentration of pollutants in stormwater discharges from the facility, modeling to predict stormwater effluent mixing and preparation of an engineering design report for a stormwater filtration system.
Demonstration of Enhanced Filtration of Stormwater, San Diego, California Project manager for design, installation, monitoring, evaluation, and technology transfer for a demonstration project of enhanced filtration at a San Diego shipyard. Evaluated options for treating dissolved metals in stormwater and selected enhanced filtration using leaf compost for testing. A 1,500-gpm pump station and prototype treatment system was installed on one of the existing stormwater outfalls and monitored for 2 years.

Stormwater Management

Improved Stormwater Permit Compliance at Boatyards, Washington Principal engineer for multiple projects that led to improved NPDES permit compliance at Washington State boatyards. This work has been completed over the past 15 years through the Northwest Marine Trade Association. Projects included conducting BMP audits, preparing an industry-wide stormwater pollution prevention plan, and managing and evaluating discharge monitoring report data. Most recently, presented stormwater discharge data before the Washington State House and Senate Environmental Committees, which showed an order of magnitude reduction in copper concentrations and helped pass the copper-bottom-paint bill regarding antifouling paint on recreational water vessels. This bill was an important win for both industry and the environmental community because it supports alternative products that are safer, effective, feasible, reasonable, and readily available.
Stormwater Mixing Zone Analysis and NPDES Waiver Request, Seattle, Washington Project manager and project engineer for a stormwater permit compliance evaluation and corrective action waiver request for stormwater discharged to the East Duwamish Waterway from a railroad facility. The primary objective of this project was to investigate coverage requirements under the NPDES Washington State Industrial Stormwater General Permit. The solution for the site involved calculation of site-specific benchmarks for copper, zinc, and turbidity. The work included calculation of dilution factors for stormwater effluent using the CORMIX model.
Northwest Railway Conservation and Restoration Center Development Project, Snoqualmie, Washington Project engineer for stormwater design and permitting services for a facility to restore the museum’s collection of railroad rolling stock. The restoration involves working with hazardous materials (paints, lubricants, greases, solvents, paint thinners, and asbestos). The design incorporated source control and segregation and “green” stormwater infrastructure so that all water is retained onsite except during a major flood event. BMPs included infiltration (open graded ballast railroad track and permeable concrete pavers in the parking lot) and a rain garden to manage roof runoff. This design eliminated the requirement for a water detention pond. Also supported the issuance of a successful Shoreline Substantial Development Permit.
Stormwater Monitoring Program, Port of Long Beach, California Technical advisor for the development and implementation of a 2-year stormwater monitoring program. The final stormwater sampling program included both automatic samplers installed within outfall pipes and grab sampling.
Stormwater Monitoring Study and Sampling Plan, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound, Washington Project manager for the development and preparation of a comprehensive stormwater sampling plan for the shipyard. The monitoring study included surveying 13 stormwater outfalls, selecting preferred sampling points taking seawater intrusion into consideration, and recommending necessary improvements to ensure that representative samples and flow measurements are collected. The stormwater sampling plan included detailed engineering drawings of the stormwater collection system; monitoring location site plans; stormwater sampling procedures, equipment, and health and safety considerations; and a chemical analysis program.

Industrial Wastewater

Mine Drainage Treatment System, Holden Mine, Washington Project engineer for technical review of proposed mine drainage treatment plan on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service. Provided technical oversight of the RI/FS, and completed a supplemental feasibility study that included engineering analysis and detailed cost estimates and constructability reviews that compared the effectiveness of remedial alternatives. Alternative treatment approaches evaluated included passive versus mechanical treatment systems and the effectiveness of the high-density sludge treatment method.
Industrial Laundry Wastewater Treatment System, Tacoma, Washington Project manager for an equalization and dissolved air flotation treatment system to remove total petroleum hydrocarbons from an industrial laundry’s wastewater prior to discharge to the city sewer. Project included evaluation and recommendation of options for pollution prevention and waste minimization, completion of a value engineering study, and contract drawings and specifications.
Mine Drainage Treatment System, Wenatchee, Washington Process engineer for a feasibility and AKART study associated with closure of an underground gold mine. The study evaluated wetlands treatment, as well as a variety of conventional physical/chemical methods. Based on the results of the study, treatment was ultimately accomplished with a constructed aerobic wetland with enhanced anaerobic capability.
Feasibility Study, Pilot Study, and Design, Ballast Water Treatment Plant, Valdez, Alaska Project engineer for expansion of ballast water treatment facilities at the Alyeska Pipeline Marine Terminal. Responsibilities included evaluating alternative oil-water treatment technologies and unit process configurations; pilot-scale testing of air stripping and submerged biofiltration for the removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes; and designing a 30-million-gallon-per-day biological treatment and off-gas control facility.
Process Engineering and Final Design of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities, New Jersey Process and design engineer for multiple feasibility studies and designs associated with industrial wastewater conveyance and pretreatment systems, including metal precipitation, coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation, cyanide destruction, pH neutralization, and defoaming systems. Work was performed for various clients and plants.
Engineering Study for Rehabilitation of Evaporation Ponds, Dimona, Israel Project manager and engineer for a study to evaluate alternatives for rehabilitation of four evaporation ponds associated with fertilizer manufacture in the Negev Desert in southern Israel. The work included onsite assessment of conditions, including specialized odor assessment followed by development of rehabilitation alternatives. The selected alternative included dredging of two ponds and capping of a third with the dredged material.
Aboveground Storage Tank Containment and Drainage System, Manchester, Washington Project manager for a USACE project to provide secondary containment liners at three tank farms. The project provided concrete liners at five 80,000-barrel (bbl) JP-8 storage tanks, two 27,000-bbl and two 5,000-bbl oily wastewater storage tanks, four 15,000-gallon lube oil storage tanks, and two 15,000-gallon fuel system icing inhibitor storage tanks. The project also included stormwater drainage, conveyance, and treatment modifications.

Oil and Gas Waste Management

Oil and Gas Produced Water Treatment, Craig, Colorado Principal engineer for a pilot system constructed wetland to treat low-level hydrocarbons and aquatic toxicity from produced water prior to surface discharge for an oil and gas facility.
Reserve Pit Closure, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska Project manager for design and compliance testing related to closure of all reserve pits located at Drill Site 3. This was the first large-scale reserve pit closure conducted at Prudhoe Bay. The project consisted of excavating 240,000 cubic yards of frozen reserve pit waste and placement in a regional disposal facility. An extensive on- and offsite laboratory testing program was conducted to confirm that closure criteria were met.
Feasibility Study for Closure of Oil Waste Disposal Facility, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska Project manager for developing and evaluating closure alternatives for a disposal pit on the North Slope containing 12,000 cubic yards of frozen oil waste. The pit contained petroleum sludges, spent drilling muds, and contaminated sand and gravel. As part of the study, sampled wastes in the pit and conducted a laboratory testing program to determine waste treatability characteristics.
Waste Management Plan, Swanson River Oil Field, Alaska Project manager for a field-wide waste management plan. Project objectives included development of operating procedures and guidelines specific to the field to help achieve responsible and economic management of exploration and production wastes.

Regulatory Compliance

Environmental Compliance Audit at Aluminum Production Plant, Spokane, Washington Project engineer for an environmental compliance audit at an aluminum production plant. The audit covered all site operations and compliance under MTCA, RCRA, CERCLA, the Clean Water Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, and evaluation and recommendation of options for pollution prevention and waste minimization.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Engineer of record for an SPCC plan to comply with 40 CFR Part 112. The plan was designed to minimize the potential for oil discharges at the NordAq Low Pressure Vehicle Project. The project included a fuel storage area located in the Captain Cook State Recreation area.
SPCC Plan, Denali National Park, Alaska Engineer of record for an SPCC plan to comply with 40 CFR Part 112. The plan addressed petroleum product storage, handling, dispensing, and maintenance activities and was designed to minimize the potential for oil discharges at a maintenance facility servicing 100 buses.
Environmental Management and Facility Audit, Kenai, Alaska Project engineer for a comprehensive audit at an 80,000-bbl-per-day petroleum refinery. The regulatory scope of the audit included RCRA, CERCLA, NPDES, and State of Alaska regulations. The audit included inspection and evaluation of the following facility components: product and crude oil storage and piping, process units, oily wastewater and stormwater handling systems, and hazardous waste handling, storage, treatment, and disposal.