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Case Study

Springfield—Remedial Approach Development at a DNAPL Site

By Todd Martin, P.E., Principal, Engineering


Under a bankruptcy settlement, our client is responsible for the cleanup and facilitation of redevelopment of a site in Springfield, Missouri.  Dense nonaqueous-phase liquid (DNAPL) released from past site operations has entered the complex karst geology underlying the region—resulting in offsite contamination and resource impacts. These conditions present a unique challenge to remediation within the limited funding available to the Trust.


Integral developed a detailed model of the area geology and facility-related contamination to support site investigations to characterize the extent of offsite contamination and, ultimately, guide any necessary remediation.  Our team has built consensus with stakeholders on the scope and approach to these investigations by developing robust data quality objectives.  The site understanding served as a foundation for a capital plan that identifies actions necessary to mitigate exposure and best use available funding.


Our investigations have facilitated a thorough understanding of the nature and extent of offsite impacts as well as the processes that influence ongoing contaminant transport.  This understanding is supporting the execution of remedial actions that will bring the most benefit with the available remaining funds.

Key Contact

Mr. Todd Martin is a professional engineer and a hydrogeochemist.  He has 26 years of experience in the environmental field,... Full bio

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