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Case Study

Lower Passaic River RI/FS: New Jersey

By Marcia Greenblatt, Ph.D., P.E., Principal, Technical Director, Hydrology, Geosciences, and Chemistry


The Lower Passaic River has a long history of industrialization, leading to elevated levels of dioxin and other contaminants throughout the 17-mile study area. The urban setting presents substantial engineering challenges to remediation, including buried utilities, dilapidated bridges with limited clearance, failing shoreline structures, and stressed infrastructure. Because this project involves more than 60 cooperating parties, it requires strong technical coordination and effective collaboration among multiple consulting firms.


We are currently leading the feasibility study, which is focused on a source control interim remedy in the upper 9 miles of the study area. Our integration of the remedial investigation results, modeling, and risk assessments to assess remedial footprints, with remedial technologies and engineering methods, is supporting an adaptive management approach to remediation.


We are working closely with the client group, the consulting team, and the regulatory agencies to perform an accelerated feasibility study to coordinate river-wide remediation to expedite risk reduction and recovery. This work will provide opportunities to coordinate implementation with the remedy selected for the lower 8 miles of the study area.

Key Contact

Dr. Marcia Greenblatt has more than two decades of experience meeting challenges with clients while also addressing the demands of... Full bio

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