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Case Study

A fish and benthic invertebrate community survey in support of a pre-design investigation

By Patrick O. Gwinn, Principal, Toxicology, Health, and Ecological Sciences


Contaminated substrate in an urban river required excavation to achieve the risk-based cleanup objectives. This remedial process would eliminate all fish and benthic invertebrates from the affected areas. To understand the preremedial biodiversity, Integral performed comprehensive baseline surveys upstream of and within the river reaches designated for remediationThese surveys provided the data to establish a foundation for assessing the natural repopulation and recovery of fish and benthic invertebrate communities postremediation.  


Integral collected fish and benthic invertebrates from several impoundments and river reaches as part of the predesign investigation.  We counted, measured, and identified each fish to the species level and catalogued benthic invertebrates to the lowest-possible taxonomic level at each sampling site. We used these data to calculate the fish and benthic invertebrate index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores for each location and study area. These scores, reflecting species richness, diversity, abundance, population structure, and trophic dynamics, provided a comprehensive baseline of the fish and benthic invertebrate communities present under preremediation conditions 


The IBI scores helped summarize complex community parameters to evaluate the two aquatic communities between site-affected study areas versus upstream reference study areas, and across time (i.e., preremediation versus postremediation). Our findings revealed a substantial similarity between the fish and benthic invertebrate communities in the site-affected and upstream references areas.  The results also provided the baseline conditions for use in a long-term monitoring program to help quantify the recovery of the postremediation aquatic ecosystems in the river. 

Key Contact

Mr. Patrick Gwinn has more than 30 years of environmental consulting experience, providing a broad base of expertise in the... Full bio

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