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Marine Renewables: Grace Chang, Kaustubha Raghukumar, and Frank Spada Coauthor Article in Frontiers in Marine Science

By Grace Chang, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Technical Director, Marine Sciences and Engineering
Kaustubha Raghukumar, Ph.D., Senior Consultant
Frank W. Spada, Project Scientist

Technology testing site at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory, Sequim Bay, Washington.

Collaborative public–private partnerships can lead to breakthroughs in technologies for marine renewable energy. Integral scientists Grace Chang, Ph.D., Kaustubha Raghukumar, Ph.D., and Frank Spada coauthored a paper in Frontiers in Marine Science describing how government mechanisms fostered research efforts that led to acceleration of new environmental monitoring technologies.

Titled “Clearing a Path to Commercialization of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies through Public–Private Collaboration,” the article discusses the U.S. Department of Energy-funded Triton initiative, a public–private partnership that supports research and development and advancement of technologies for marine renewable energy applications. The article’s case study is focused on successful development and commercialization of distinct and complementary acoustic monitoring technologies, facilitated by Triton, which provided access to a range of skilled personnel and test facilities.

The technologies described include NoiseSpotter®, a passive acoustic monitoring device developed by Integral to characterize, classify, and provide accurate location information, in near real time, for underwater anthropogenic and natural sounds. Collaborative efforts during the partnership helped overcome design challenges and allowed the device to transition from research-grade to a commercial acoustic monitoring device for the marine renewable energy industry.

Read full article.

Chang, G., G. Harker-Klimeš, K. Raghukumar, B. Polagye, J. Haxel, J. Joslin, F. Spada, and G. Staines. 2021. Clearing a path to commercialization of marine renewable energy technologies through public–private collaboration. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:1180. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.669413
For more information, contact Dr. Chang at