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Press Release

Autonomous Monitoring Systems Yield High-Fidelity Data

Autonomous monitoring systems yield high-fidelity data without the safety hazards and labor commitment of manual sampling.

Our instruments provide real-time remote monitoring of contaminant transport.

Manual collection of environmental data in surface water settings can be labor intensive, costly, and sometime even hazardous. High-frequency sampling events designed to capture variability over time increase labor, costs, and risks. Integral’s marine science and engineering team has developed a full array of autonomous monitoring systems that allows continuous data collection and reporting without resource-intensive sampling teams. These tools include optical monitoring instruments—which are about the size of a soda can—that can provide real-time remote monitoring of contaminant transport in water bodies, and lightweight instrumented buoys that collect and convey real-time physical and environmental data in aquatic environments. Read more about our technologies here or contact Craig Jones, Ph.D., at or Grace Chang, Ph.D., at

Click the image above to simulate real-time, streaming OPTICS data.