Mr. Steve Helgen is a consultant specializing in geochemistry, hydrogeology, and environmental forensics. He has over 20 years of experience in contaminant fate and transport, geochemical fingerprinting, and apportionment in complex, multiparty environmental disputes involving sediments, groundwater, and industrial facilities. Mr. Helgen has provided expert testimony consisting of depositions, affidavits, and courtroom testimony in both state and federal court. He has developed and published apportionment methods that have proven instrumental in settlement negotiations and at trial. Mr. Helgen has successfully applied a number of geochemical forensic techniques to identify sources and determine the timing and quantity of releases. At industrial sites, he has performed site investigations, developed innovative remedial strategies, conducted soil gas assessments, performed isotopic studies, and determined the fate and transport of a variety of organic compounds including sulfolane, PCBs, 1,4-dioxane, solvents, coal tar, and perfluoroalkyl compounds such as PFOA and PFOS. For the mining industry, Mr. Helgen has led materials characterization studies and developed numerical models of sulfide oxidation, pit lake geochemistry, and metals behavior in stream sediments and groundwater.
M.S., Geology, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, 1995
B.A., Geology, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, 1990
Short Course: The Environmental Geochemistry of Sulfide Mine Wastes, GAC-MAC, Waterloo, Ontario (1994)
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 40-hour Certification (1995; refreshers 1996–2010)
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Certification (1996; refreshers 1997–2009)
Sigma Xi
Member of International Association of Geochemistry
Steven O. Helgen Principal, Hydrology, Geosciences, and Chemistry
Mr. Steve Helgen is a consultant specializing in geochemistry, hydrogeology, and environmental forensics. He has over 20 years of experience in contaminant fate and transport, geochemical fingerprinting, and apportionment in complex, multiparty environmental disputes involving sediments, groundwater, and industrial facilities. Mr. Helgen has provided expert testimony consisting of depositions, affidavits, and courtroom testimony in both state and federal court. He has developed and published apportionment methods that have proven instrumental in settlement negotiations and at trial. Mr. Helgen has successfully applied a number of geochemical forensic techniques to identify sources and de...
Mr. Steve Helgen is a consultant specializing in geochemistry, hydrogeology, and environmental forensics. He has over 20 years of experience in contaminant fate and transport, geochemical fingerprinting, and apportionment in complex, multiparty environmental disputes involving sediments, groundwater, and industrial facilities. Mr. Helgen has provided expert testimony consisting of depositions, affidavits, and courtroom testimony in both state and federal court. He has developed and published apportionment methods that have proven instrumental in settlement negotiations and at trial. Mr. Helgen has successfully applied a number of geochemical forensic techniques to identify sources and determine the timing and quantity of releases. At industrial sites, he has performed site investigations, developed innovative remedial strategies, conducted soil gas assessments, performed isotopic studies, and determined the fate and transport of a variety of organic compounds including sulfolane, PCBs, 1,4-dioxane, solvents, coal tar, and perfluoroalkyl compounds such as PFOA and PFOS. For the mining industry, Mr. Helgen has led materials characterization studies and developed numerical models of sulfide oxidation, pit lake geochemistry, and metals behavior in stream sediments and groundwater.
Contaminated Sediments
Litigation Support
- Conducted four soil gas surveys as part of an assessment of potential lateral vapor migration and indoor air vapor intrusion
- Developed site- and regional-scale groundwater models used to design a remedial pumping system and bioremediation injection system, and support a monitored natural attenuation remedy within a large dolomitic bedrock aquifer containing chlorinated solvent plumes
- Designed and implemented the first permitted enhanced bioremediation pilot test and full-scale application in Minnesota
- Designed and implemented a pump and treat system for a commingled chlorinated solvent/BTEX plume that has successfully removed more than 1,000 lb of dissolved volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Designed and implemented a free-product recovery system for a commingled solvent/diesel plume that has removed more than 100 gallons of product
- Directed design and implementation of a soil vapor extraction system that has successfully removed more than 5,000 lb of VOCs from the vadose zone
- Developed a monitored natural attenuation remedy for a bedrock aquifer and received agency approval
- Conducted an isotopic study, respiration test, and carbon mass balance to assess the relative importance of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation compared to active remediation.