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Laura Jones
Senior Corporate Advisor

Laura Jones

Senior Corporate Advisor

Ms. Laura Jones is an analytical chemist with more than 30 years of experience in environmental and analytical chemistry working on behalf of private and government clients. Ms. Jones specializes in program management, data integrity evaluations, development of customized data and document management systems, environmental investigations, environmental analytical chemistry, and QA/QC data review and validation. She is responsible for program and project management of large multimedia environmental investigations, data integrity evaluations, as well as the development of programmatic plans for environmental and legal investigations. She has prepared quality assurance procedures and guidanc...

Ms. Laura Jones is an analytical chemist with more than 30 years of experience in environmental and analytical chemistry working on behalf of private and government clients. Ms. Jones specializes in program management, data integrity evaluations, development of customized data and document management systems, environmental investigations, environmental analytical chemistry, and QA/QC data review and validation. She is responsible for program and project management of large multimedia environmental investigations, data integrity evaluations, as well as the development of programmatic plans for environmental and legal investigations. She has prepared quality assurance procedures and guidance for several large industrial clients for use at multiple facilities around the nation to ensure the development of consistently high quality analytical data in various regulatory frameworks. She has authored numerous sampling and analysis plans (SAPs) and quality assurance project plans (QAPPs) that comply with federal or state regulatory programs and take into account unique data quality objective requirements of specific projects.

Ms. Jones has extensive experience in the development and application of quality assurance programs for scientific consulting services. The International Standards Organization (ISO) has developed a quality assurance program (ISO 9001) aimed at manufacturing industries to ensure product quality. The application of this standard in the services sector can be particularly problematic and only a handful of consulting service organizations were ISO 9001 certified when this program was developed in 1998. Ms. Jones participated in a three person team that developed an ISO 9001 quality assurance program for services of a midsized (600-person) consulting company. In this role, Ms. Jones interpreted the ISO standard as it applies to consulting projects, assisted with the development of all aspects of the company program, conducted internal training for nationwide staff, conducted internal compliance audits, and participated in external certification audits. The program was successfully implemented and ISO certified in an expedited time frame.

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Program Management

Deepwater Horizon, Gulf of Mexico In conjunction with the consulting team in responding to the Deepwater Horizon accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on behalf of BP Exploration & Production Inc. Provided overall coordination and development, program and project management, quality assurance, and offshore sample coordination roles to support sample collection, data management, and reporting activities for multiple technical work groups. Participated in the development of quality assurance procedures for structured and unstructured data. Participated in the chemistry technical working group in review of the quality assurance plan, laboratory coordination, and other quality assurance review activities and data completeness tasks.
Template Development for QAPP, SAP, and SOPs, Clark Fork River Superfund Sites, Montana Managed the development of templates for a QAPP, SAP, data management plan, and SOPs for use by an industrial client and its consultants for multiple facilities in 19 states around the nation where environmental sampling and monitoring are conducted. Templates will be used by the client and all its consultants to develop project-specific QAPPs, SAPs, and other work plan attachments for submittal to federal and state regulatory agencies.

Data Quality Assurance

Third Party Data Integrity Evaluation, Confidential Location Served as principal-in-charge for an Integral team that provided a detailed third party review of 4 years of chemistry data to investigate allegations of improper practices and data falsification at a small-scale wastewater treatment plant laboratory. Examined hard copy and electronic data and ancillary documents to evaluate the validity of analytical results and conformity with analytical methods, laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs), and best laboratory practices. Participated in attorney-led interviews with laboratory and corporate staff to understand the methods and procedures used by the laboratory and the processes for reporting results and applying corrective actions when needed. Developed a database approach to verify the accuracy and completeness of reporting practices, to assess the timing of sample collection, to evaluate quality control results, and to compare current and historical data. Prepared a technical report summarizing the evaluation techniques and conclusions to support reporting by legal counsel to the state regulatory agency. Also provided a list of specific recommendations to improve laboratory procedures.
Third Party Analytical Data Quality Review, Confidential Location Served as principal-in-charge for an Integral team that provided extensive third party review of 8 years of analytical chemistry data records from three laboratory instruments to identify and evaluate the impacts of improper laboratory practices. The data integrity evaluation included the examination of raw instrument files, laboratory data packages, hard copy documentation, and the laboratory’s information management system database to assess conformity with analytical methods, laboratory SOPs, and best laboratory practices. Oversaw the development of a specialized methodology that utilized a database approach to review records and tabulate impacted records for ultimate disclosure. Using this database approach, the team was able to efficiently review more than 103,000 sample records for a suite of potential issues. Coordinated preparation of technical reports and prepared and delivered presentations to legal counsel; participated in presentation to representatives of the Office of Inspector General for three federal agencies. Also led preparation of specific recommendations for improved laboratory practices and SOP revisions, and collaborated with laboratory staff to identify immediately implementable corrective actions.

Environmental Impact Assessment

CERCLA RI/FS, Portland, Oregon Served as project manager for the remedial investigation for a large contaminated sediment site. Responsibilities included overseeing the development of the draft final remedial investigation report, coordinating review and response of agency comments, and technical reporting. Primary risk drivers in the system include PCBs, dioxins/furans, chlorinated pesticides, PAHs, and metals. As surface water task lead, responsibilities included overseeing high-volume sampling activities, laboratory data analyses, and reporting. This sampling program consisted of seven sample collection events over several years using innovative sample collection methods including a high-flow sample collection technique for quantitation of hydrophobic organic compounds in the picogram per liter range. Data were used to assess the nature and extent of contamination as well as inclusion in the food-web and fate and transport models employed for the remedial investigation. As lead chemist, played a key role in QAPP development, laboratory selection and coordination, and regulatory negotiations for the analytical approach on behalf of a multiparty PRP group.
Water Quality Monitoring Program of an Exploration Project, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska Served as task manager for the development and implementation of an innovative, natural-conditions-based water quality monitoring program at an underground mine exploration project on Prince of Wales Island near Ketchikan, Alaska. The program was developed based on the State of Alaska’s guidance for natural-conditions-based water quality standards, and it includes monitoring of surface water, groundwater, and effluent to evaluate compliance with site-specific water quality criteria developed using pre exploration water quality data and ongoing monitoring results from nearby reference areas. Provided technical and regulatory support in the water quality permitting process and in developing the sampling and analysis program.
Residential Yards Remediation at CERCLA Site, Montana Developed the sampling strategy and authored the SAP for a remedial action work plan for residential yard remediation at a CERCLA site. Project entailed development of a compositing approach that would meet the various regulatory agencies’ needs and still allow expedient sample collection and analysis to identify specific yards requiring remediation.
Remediation at CERCLA Site, Montana Served as project manager for CERCLA post-record of decision activities at a federal Superfund site. Project focused on interpretation of data from residential areas near a mining site where soils were affected by aerial distribution of contaminants. Compiled and interpreted data from numerous sources for rural and community areas to assist in the development of a remedial action approach for remediating residential yards.
RCRA Facility Investigation at Pulp and Paper Facility, Savannah, Georgia Lead chemist for an investigation at a pulp and paper facility with 165 solid waste management units. Developed investigation QAPPs for soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediments at adjacent facilities. Coordinated quality assurance procedures for analysis of samples for numerous unique parameters requiring development of project-specific calibration and data assessment procedures. Oversaw laboratory analysis of investigation samples.
Superfund Investigations in the Clark Fork River Basin, Montana Managed the development of consistent reporting formats for QAPP, laboratory analytical protocol, data management/data validation plan, and QA/QC reports for all Superfund investigations in the Clark Fork River basin. Documents covered the investigation of CLP target compound and analyte lists for organic and inorganic compounds, water quality parameters, conventional parameters, and physical parameters in groundwater, surface water, air, soil, and mining waste. Served as spokesperson in PRP negotiations with EPA and Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences personnel.
NPDES Permitting at Refinery, Washington Managed a review of analytical data for compliance with an NPDES permit at a refinery. Review of the data and the use of low level analytical techniques resulted in compliance with the NPDES permit.
Feasibility Study for the McCormick & Baxter State Superfund Site, Portland, Oregon Served as task coordinator for final revision of the feasibility study at former wood treatment facility. Responsibilities include budget and schedule coordination, resource allocation, technical oversight coordination, and client communication.
Onondaga Lake Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Syracuse, New York Served as QA/QC manager for the first phase of the RI/FS. Prepared a QAPP, selected and audited analytical laboratories, negotiated with the state regulators, and implemented field and laboratory QA/QC procedures. Assisted in developing project-specific quality assurance procedures for data validation of organic and inorganic data, including low-level mercury data.
Third Party QAPP Reviewer, Multiple Locations Served as third party reviewer of QAPPs, quality assurance reports, and analytical data for multiple clients. Ensured the documents were inherently sound and compliant with the relevant regulatory requirements and that the documents incorporated appropriate analytical methods to meet the specific data needs for the project.
RCRA Facility Investigation EPA Region 5, Ohio Served as QA/QC coordinator for a RCRA facility investigation. Developed a project-specific QAPP that complied with EPA Region 5 guidance, negotiated with EPA Region 5 at the required pre-QAPP meeting, developed Region 5-specific laboratory and data validation procedures, and developed agreements for reporting of results to the agency.
Anaconda Smelter RI/FS, Montana Served as QA/QC manager for the collection and analysis of more than 10,000 soil samples for the RI/FS. Chemicals of concern included arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc. Coordinated the review of all project data, including data on CLP inorganic compounds and data derived from project-specific x-ray fluorescence techniques. Coordinated development of regional data validation and reporting procedures. Authored the QAPP, data summary reports, and QA/QC reports for this project. Served as QA/QC spokesperson in PRP negotiations with EPA and the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences.
Clark Fork Superfund Site Investigations, Montana Coordinated field and laboratory quality control issues with multiple contractors conducting investigations in the area for all of the Clark Fork River Superfund sites. Served as spokesperson for PRP in policy development and negotiations with EPA and state representatives. Developed correspondence for quality assurance policy decisions and changes.
Metallurgical Facility RI/FS, Ohio Served as QA/QC coordinator for the analysis of more than 750 soil, slag, groundwater, surface water, sediment, and tissue samples for an RI/FS. Chemicals of concern included metals, radiological analytes, and multiple organic compounds. Prepared the QAPP; managed multiple laboratories; coordinated inorganic, organic, and radiological quality assurance reviews; and generated QA/QC reports under an expedited time frame.
Butte Priority Soils Operable Unit, Montana Coordinated data validation, data management, and data assessment of stormwater investigations. Generated data reports for two years of sampling.
Data Validation for the Rocker Timber RI/FS, Rocker, Montana Project manager for data validation. Responsible for data validation, data management, and generation of QA/QC reports for field investigations.
Quality Assurance for Federal Superfund Sites, Idaho Developed data validation SOPs for review of data from a federal facility. Provided senior review of inorganic quality assurance reports.
U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency Facility, Hermiston, Oregon Performed a quality assurance review of a remedial investigation report.
Butte/Silver Bow Creek Superfund Site Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit, Montana Provided technical review of the QAPP and laboratory analytical protocol. Managed data validation and assessment of groundwater and soil data for three investigations conducted at this site. Implemented EPA Region 8 data validation procedures.
Well Quality Assurance Review, Milwaukie, Oregon Performed quality assurance reviews of VOC data for municipal water wells to determine the source of contamination. Co authored the work plans and reports and initiated a search for PRPs at two state Superfund sites.
Landfill Sampling and Analysis, Portland, Oregon Conducted sampling and analysis for a municipal landfill closure by the Portland Metropolitan Service District in Oregon.
ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Program Development, Menlo Park, California The International Standards Organization has developed a quality assurance program (ISO 9001) aimed at manufacturing industries to ensure product quality. The application of this standard in the services sector can be particularly problematic and only a handful of consulting service organizations were ISO 9001 certified when this program was developed in 1998. Participated in a three-person team that developed an ISO 9001 quality assurance program for services of a midsized (600-person) consulting company. In this role, interpreted the ISO standard as it applies to consulting projects, assisted with the development of all aspects of the company program, conducted internal training for nationwide staff, conducted internal compliance audits, and participated in external certification audits. The program was successfully implemented and ISO-certified in an expedited time frame.

Litigation Support

Biomonitoring Study, U.S. Served as principal-in-charge for a biomonitoring study conducted in support of litigation. Project involved coordination of study design and implementation, laboratory oversight, data management, and reporting.
Litigation support for Mining Site, Utah Served as project manager for litigation support regarding potential addition of a mining site to the National Priorities List. Reviewed analytical data used for EPA’s Hazard Ranking System (HRS) screening of mining site to determine if data were of sufficient quality to support HRS ranking. Activities included review of data to determine compliance with documented methods and compliance with CLP methods.
Litigation Support for Review of EPA Audit Regarding Characteristically Hazardous Waste, Tennessee Technical lead for a litigation support project regarding analytical techniques used to identify waste as characteristically hazardous. Reviewed the regulatory definition and analytical techniques associated with characteristically hazardous waste to determine if the analytical techniques implemented after collection of samples during an EPA audit at a manufacturing facility were technically defensible. This work quickly allowed the technical aspects of the case to be resolved and resulted in favorable settlement terms for the client.
Inorganic Arsenic Study Development, Texas Assisted in the development of a study to estimate exposure to inorganic arsenic in the diet by providing input to laboratory quality control analyses and data reporting. The findings of the study were used to compare the environmental sources of arsenic to the dietary sources.

Regulatory Compliance

Technical Support for Waste Processing Firm, Texas Provided technical support to a hazardous waste processing firm to determine compliance with accepted quality assurance practices for generation of environmental data by EPA SW-846 analytical methods. Client was subjected to large fines for monitoring data primarily due to EPA’s interpretation of quality assurance procedures performed for the subject data. Provided strategic support to client regarding standard quality assurance procedures used for environmental monitoring data and the interpretation of data assessment qualifiers added to data during quality assurance reviews.
Guidance Manual Support, Oregon Managed the preparation of a guidance manual to assist Oregon businesses in complying with Oregon’s Toxics Use Reduction and Hazardous Waste Reduction Act.
Compliance Program Assistance, Illinois Assisted in the development of a comprehensive program for use at a chemical blending company for compliance with the Illinois right-to-know law.


Protocol Development for Heavy Metals Analysis, Butte, Montana Assisted in developing protocols for analyzing heavy metals in soils at Superfund sites using portable x-ray fluorescence instrumentation. Also supported negotiations with regulatory agencies and reviewed historical data.
Method Development, Portland, Oregon Developed and conducted a procedure for analyzing solvent contamination of palm and coconut oils to evaluate contamination prior to offloading product from tankers at port.
Method Development, Addison, Illinois Conducted research for the development of a one component brightener system for chloride zinc electroplating.
Industrial Product Support, Chicago, Illinois Provided analytical support for industrial laboratories investigating waste treatment options and automated control of metal finishing operations.