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Press Release

The Benthic Zone (January 2025 Edition): Integral’s Sediment Newsletter

By Grace Chang, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Technical Director - Marine Sciences and Engineering
Frank W. Spada, Senior Scientist
Craig Hutchings, Senior Consultant
Jarrod D. Gasper, Senior Consultant

The Benthic Zone newsletter is the place where Integral scientists and engineers share their expertise, running the gamut of topics related to investigation, forensic evaluation, modeling, and remediation of contaminated sediment. Take a look under the water with us. 

The latest edition of The Benthic Zone features two articles from Integral technical staff. 

Grace Chang, Frank Spada, and Craig Hutchings showcase the innovative OPTICS technology for high-resolution monitoring of surface water contaminants. Through a detailed case study at Pearl Harbor’s contaminated sediment site, they demonstrate how this patented system integrates multiple sensor types with statistical modeling to track PCB dispersal patterns at unprecedented temporal and spatial scales.

Integral’s Jarrod D. Gasper explores the complex behavior of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sediment environments, highlighting key molecular characteristics that influence their fate and transport. Through detailed analysis of side-chain fluorinated polymers and their degradation pathways, he demonstrates how larger PFAS compounds can act as hidden reservoirs of contamination in sediment. Learn about the critical strategies for investigating these “invisible” PFAS sources, from developing comprehensive conceptual models to employing specialized analytical methods that reveal the full scope of PFAS contamination beyond standard testing protocols.

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