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Sarah Beilman
Assistant Scientist

Sarah Beilman

Assistant Scientist

Ms. Sarah Beilman has 6 years of experience as an environmental scientist, working in various habitats along the coast of California. She has experience in a range of projects involving field and laboratory work that aimed to address important environmental concepts such as grazing and native biodiversity. Ms. Beilman’s professional experience includes site assessments and reporting, due diligence reporting, construction compliance monitoring, vegetation and hydrology monitoring, vegetation mapping, wetland delineations, habitat assessments, and special-status species surveys and research. She assists on projects by contributing to reports required to obtain permits and authorization fr...

Ms. Sarah Beilman has 6 years of experience as an environmental scientist, working in various habitats along the coast of California. She has experience in a range of projects involving field and laboratory work that aimed to address important environmental concepts such as grazing and native biodiversity. Ms. Beilman’s professional experience includes site assessments and reporting, due diligence reporting, construction compliance monitoring, vegetation and hydrology monitoring, vegetation mapping, wetland delineations, habitat assessments, and special-status species surveys and research. She assists on projects by contributing to reports required to obtain permits and authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and state and regional Water Quality Control Boards.

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Planning and Permitting

Santa Rosa Conservation/Turnkey Banks, Santa Rosa, California Prepared a long-term management plan for a 32-acre wetland mitigation site in Sonoma County, including client and subcontractor coordination and GIS analysis. Conducted preserve site visits to survey for rare plant species and assess and map vegetation for adequate management of grazing and invasive plants. Provided wetland delineation support through assessment of aerial imagery and previous jurisdictions.
Hoey North Riparian Restoration, Gilroy, California Provided botanical support by collaborating with the client and subcontractors on the riparian landscape planting plans. Conducted site visits to record and monitor riparian planting success to document ongoing project compliance with regulatory approvals.
Woolsey Road Riparian Restoration Project, Windsor, California Prepared a riparian restoration plan including GIS analysis to restore a disturbed segment of a creek channel. Completed vegetation surveys and biological construction monitoring to provide onsite biological resource training and document project compliance with approved regulations.
Tri-Valley Residential Development and Mitigation Sites, Livermore, California Completed vegetation surveys and mapping to document habitats and assess potential occurrence of rare plant species on mitigation sites. Conducted rare plant surveys in habitats known to support listed species identified within the project vicinity. Prepared reports with GIS analysis to visualize the distribution of habitats and species.