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Katelynn Shields, LSRP

Katelynn Shields, LSRP


Ms. Katelynn Shields is a scientist with 8 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry on both state- and federal-led projects. Her primary focus is on soil and groundwater investigations and remediation in New Jersey and other states, as well as litigation support. Ms. Shields’ responsibilities encompass conducting remedial investigations and actions, writing technical reports, providing litigation support, reviewing historical documents, conducting due diligence reviews, and designing fieldwork mobilizations, including sampling (soil, groundwater, surface water, vapor, concrete) and contractor oversight. In addition, she uses ArcGIS software to complete data analysis ...

Ms. Katelynn Shields is a scientist with 8 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry on both state- and federal-led projects. Her primary focus is on soil and groundwater investigations and remediation in New Jersey and other states, as well as litigation support. Ms. Shields’ responsibilities encompass conducting remedial investigations and actions, writing technical reports, providing litigation support, reviewing historical documents, conducting due diligence reviews, and designing fieldwork mobilizations, including sampling (soil, groundwater, surface water, vapor, concrete) and contractor oversight. In addition, she uses ArcGIS software to complete data analysis and prepare environmental drawings for technical reports.

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PFAS/Emerging Contaminants

PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Project manager for investigation of legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and replacement chemistries in groundwater within potable aquifers. Prepares technical documents for submittal to state regulatory agency, including work plans, conceptual site models, and groundwater remedial investigation reports. Designs scopes of work for monitoring well installation and establishes groundwater monitoring program for both legacy PFAS and replacement chemistry. Analyzes results of groundwater monitoring to determine trends within groundwater plume footprints, compares fate and transport of legacy PFAS and their replacement chemistries, and identifies evidence of commingled plumes from potential third-party sources. Assists other licensed site remediation professionals (LSRP) in New Jersey with management of immediate environmental concern (IEC) condition involving potable water and mitigation. Planned and implemented method development study related to sampling techniques for PFAS in groundwater and sediment porewater. Completed data analysis of techniques and prepared technical reports of findings to regulators and project team. Supports engineering team with assessments of groundwater remedial techniques including treatment using granular activated carbon and ion exchange resins as well as in situ remedial pilot studies.
PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Project manager for investigation of legacy PFAS and replacement chemistries in surface waterbodies impacted by permitted discharges from industrial facilities as well as permitted and unpermitted stormwater discharges. Responsibilities include designing and overseeing implementation of remedial investigation of surface water, sediment, and porewater within watershed network surrounding a chemical manufacturing facility. Identifies potential discharge areas of facility as well as surrounding industrial properties to target sample collection locations. Designs investigation of industrial facility drainage features to identify potential sources of stormwater discharges to nearby surface waterbodies and examines the efficacy of capture by onsite wastewater treatment system.
PFAS Remedial Investigation, New Jersey Project manager for soil investigation at a chemical manufacturing facility that has historically used legacy PFAS and replacement chemistries. Conducting  interviews with facility personnel and reviewing historical documents to design and implement soil investigation of legacy PFAS, targeting potential areas of concern based on historical site operations. Designs soil investigation intended to identify and compare distribution of legacy PFAS and replacement chemistries used at an industrial facility. Using soil samples and synthetic precipitation leaching procedure analysis to create a site-specific migration-to-groundwater standard intended to be used for delineation of impacts in soil and groundwater. Provides basis of standard to regulatory agencies for review and approval. Supports engineering team in remedial alternatives analysis and pilot studies within hot spot areas comparing potential techniques for source control measures.
PFAS and Sulfolane Investigation, Alaska Task manager for investigation of PFAS and sulfolane in groundwater beneath a petroleum bulk storage facility and offsite within a potentially potable aquifer. Reviews historical documents to understand site operations and identify targeted areas for investigation of PFAS in soil. Designs and oversees implementation of scopes of work to collect groundwater and soil samples near and downgradient of potential discharges of aqueous film-forming foam. Completed assessment of offsite PFAS and sulfolane impacts to drinking water aquifer using combination of domestic wells and monitoring well network; identified domestic wells requiring treatment through point of entry treatment systems or installation of water line connections to municipal supply. Prepared scope of work completed by subcontracted consultant to investigate onsite retention ponds. Activities included sampling of sediments with the ponds, capture and release of fish, and surface water sampling at multiple depths designed to identify groundwater discharges, if present.
Method Development for PFAS Sampling, New Jersey Planned and implemented method development study related to sampling techniques for PFAS in groundwater and sediment porewater. Completed data analysis of techniques and prepared technical reports of findings to regulators and project team.
PFAS Site Assessments, Multiple Sites, U.S. Assisted in the completion of facility PFAS site assessments for the oil and gas industry at midstream and downstream operations and petrochemical operations. Responsibilities included preparation of site assessments to evaluate potential receptor impacts at and around the facilities as well as potential areas of concern for further actions related to the use of aqueous film forming foam.

Site Investigation

ISRA Investigation, Active Industrial Facility, Northern New Jersey Served in a technical advisory role for a remedial investigation and remedial actions under the New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) program. Compiled investigation information provided by the property’s LSRP to determine the remedial status of compounds in soil and groundwater by area of concern. Provided recommendations to the LSRP for additional investigation and remedial actions to address volatile organic compounds in soil and groundwater as well as historical fill contaminants in soil.
Historical Fill Material Investigation, New York State Served in a technical advisory role for a remedial investigation into historical fill constituents. Provided recommendations for implementation of field sampling plans to investigate constituents of concern in soils across multiple sites.
Hydrocarbon Remedial Investigation and Action, Bridgeton, New Jersey Task manager for remedial investigation of hydrocarbon impacts in soil groundwater at a site in Bridgeton, New Jersey. Responsibilities include coordination and completion of investigation activities, development of work plans related to in situ chemical oxidation remediation, data review and analysis, and preparation of technical reports for NJDEP.
Superfund Cleanup and Natural Resource Damage Assessment Allocation, Portland, Oregon Completed historical and technical document review related to various facilities within a Superfund site in Oregon. Prepares and assists in the creation of expert reports for allocation based on findings. Worked with a project team to compose a sufficiency assessment, including a review of recontamination potential from upstream sources of contaminants and resuspension of sediments within the focus area.
New Jersey Laboratory Manager and Supervisor Responsible for maintaining New Jersey Laboratory Certification for Analyze-Immediately Parameters. Includes assisting laboratory manager with the completion of proficiency testing, organizing field data collection documents, and training laboratory personnel in low flow procedures. Also, involves performing quality assurance review of data collected during groundwater sampling conducted under certification using low-flow methodologies.
Petroleum Remediation at a Residential Property, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Scientist acting on behalf of an insurance company client for remediation of impacted foundation beneath homeowner property as a result of underground storage tank-related spill. Oversaw investigation and excavation activities related to removal of soil and cinder block to address petroleum impacts beneath residential structure.  Documented observations, managed interactions with homeowner, and managed subcontractors for remedial activities.
Underground Storage Tank Remediation at Residential Properties, Multiple Sites, New Jersey Working on behalf of the insurance carrier, conducted site inspections and completed site investigations to assess extent of impacts related to a leaking underground storage tank.  Responsible for communication with homeowner regarding schedule and activities; provided support for reporting to both insurance carriers and regulatory agency.
Multiple Investigations, New Jersey Completed receptor evaluations and initial ecological evaluations on multiple sites throughout New Jersey. Tasks included identifying and mapping environmentally sensitive natural resources, assessing the presence of contaminants of potential ecological concern, and assessing potential contamination migration pathways.
Remedial Investigation, Chemical Manufacturing Facility, Union Beach, New Jersey Created and conducted scope of work to complete site and remedial investigation related to PCB and volatile organic compound contamination at a confidential manufacturing facility. Responsibilities included development and successful implementation of a soil and groundwater investigation in accordance with NJDEP guidelines; client communication; development, management, and implementation of project budgets; field staff coordination; and subcontractor management. Following completion of investigation activities, prepared a report for the NJDEP documenting site conditions.
EPA Region 2 Remedial Investigation, Newark, New Jersey Conducted scope of work to complete remedial investigation activities at a Superfund site in Newark, New Jersey. Implemented a soil and groundwater investigation in accordance with EPA guidelines, managed subcontractors, and assisted database manager with QA/QC. Field activities included subsurface investigation, soil sampling program implementation, monitoring well installation, groundwater sampling using low-flow methodologies, and subcontractor oversight.
Former Agricultural Property Investigation, Harrison Township, New Jersey Scientist for investigation and remediation of a property related to arsenic contamination due to historically applied pesticides. Completed a comprehensive soil investigation targeting areas of concern related to historical site operations. Oversaw excavation activities to remove hot spots as well as linear construction activities. Wrote remedial investigation report for submittal to NJDEP and remedial action report.
NAPL Investigation and Remediation, Metals Manufacturing Facility, Union, New Jersey Scientist for investigation and remediation of a property related to hydrocarbon-impacted areas. Completed a comprehensive soil investigation targeting areas of concern. Performed pilot-test injection activities to remediate impacted groundwater. Prepared technical report submittals for NJDEP and client and created figures using ArcGIS. Oversaw excavation activities.
Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater, Multiple Sites, New Jersey Scientist for multiple remedial investigation programs within a shopping center regarding chlorinated solvent impacts related to former dry-cleaning activities onsite. Coordinated and completed quarterly groundwater monitoring events, indoor air sampling, and soil vapor investigation related to IEC. Performed operations and maintenance inspections of groundwater remediation systems and subslab depressurization systems present onsite. Prepared annual reports for submittal to the client and NJDEP documenting site conditions.
Chlorinated Solvent Impact, Clifton, New Jersey Scientist for remedial investigation program within a shopping center related to formal dry-cleaning activities onsite. Coordinated and completed quarterly indoor air and soil vapor investigation activities related to indoor air IEC conditions. Installed permanent vapor points for subslab depressurization system monitoring. Prepared tenant notification related to results of indoor air monitoring. Completed annual reports for submittal to NJDEP documenting site conditions and recommendations in an effort to alleviate indoor air conditions.
Phytoremediation Pilot Test, Gibbstown, New Jersey Scientist for the completion of a phytoremediation pilot test related to degradation of volatile organic compound along plant rhizosphere. Creek sediment was dewatered using Geotube® technology and plant species comparisons were made to determine possibility of use in remediation rather than traditional methods. Duties included plant species selection, establishment and monitoring of plots, data collection of sediments related to contaminant monitoring, subcontractor management, and data evaluation of contaminant levels to determine effectiveness of species.

Regulatory Compliance

Remedial Action and Due Diligence, Livingston, New Jersey Field lead for remedial activities at an industrial facility with light, nonaqueous-phase liquid and chlorinated solvent impacts due to historical operations. Responsibilities included client communication, field staff coordination, subcontractor management, monitoring well installation, excavation oversight, and injection oversight. Following completion of remedial activities, prepared a report for NJDEP documenting remedial action and prepared remedial action permits for ongoing monitoring. Completed due diligence activities and prepared an NJDEP report under the ISRA following cessation of operations.
EPA Region 4 Site Document Review, Alabama Completed examination of documents related to ecological investigation and remediation for a large Superfund site in Alabama. Responsibilities included collection and review of applicable publicly available documentation to provide summaries to be used for assessing ecological risk related to pesticide impacts in surface water and sediments.
Assessments, Various Locations, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland Conducted preliminary assessments for clients in New Jersey and Phase I environmental site assessments for clients in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Responsibilities included collection of historical and public data, document review, site inspection, and report writing.
Compliance Support, Virginia Scientist for the completion of inspections and data collection related to power substations for a public client in Virginia. Carried out inspections with representatives from client and data collection related to spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plans. Following field activities, worked to identify and resolve any data gaps to increase efficiency and accuracy of emergency response in case of oil spill within substations.