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Press Release

The Blue Economy: Brandon Sackmann and Gene Revelas to Attend Oceans 2019 Conference

Integral senior consultants Brandon Sackmann, Ph.D., and Gene Revelas will attend Oceans 2019—the premier conference for global maritime professionals—held on October 27–31, 2019, in Seattle, Washington. The biannual event will highlight relevant topics and current trends in the marine field.

This year’s conference theme is “Blue Sea, Blue Sky, Blue Tech.” Under this theme, conference attendees will:

  • Learn about new opportunities in the “blue economy”—i.e., the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem
  • Learn about Washington State’s new Blue Economy maritime business plans and progress
  • Experience local and sustainable practices throughout the conference, including the use of compostable products, reduced plastics, recycling, and other “blue efforts.”

Learn more about Oceans 2019.

Integral has multidisciplinary expertise to develop practical solutions—including best practices in forecasting and monitoring, efficient and effective permitting, and technical support for sustainable development—for our clients involved in challenging aquatic environments. For more information about our capabilities, contact Dr. Sackmann at or Mr. Revelas at