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Stefan Wodzicki
Senior Scientist

Stefan Wodzicki

Senior Scientist

Mr. Stefan Wodzicki is a scientist with 25 years of experience and a background in environmental assessments, aquatic and terrestrial biological monitoring, sediment profile imaging and plan view (SPI–PV) image collection and analysis, laboratory work in aquatic toxicology, and collection of sediment, water, and biological samples. His project experience includes work on sediment and water quality assessments, groundwater sampling, biota sampling, toxicology testing, stream ecology, and stream habitat surveys. Mr. Wodzicki serves as field lead in numerous field projects for a diverse set of private and governmental clients at industrial sites and municipalities. Since 2010, Mr. Wodzicki...

Mr. Stefan Wodzicki is a scientist with 25 years of experience and a background in environmental assessments, aquatic and terrestrial biological monitoring, sediment profile imaging and plan view (SPI–PV) image collection and analysis, laboratory work in aquatic toxicology, and collection of sediment, water, and biological samples. His project experience includes work on sediment and water quality assessments, groundwater sampling, biota sampling, toxicology testing, stream ecology, and stream habitat surveys. Mr. Wodzicki serves as field lead in numerous field projects for a diverse set of private and governmental clients at industrial sites and municipalities. Since 2010, Mr. Wodzicki has led and co-led scientific research teams in multiple oceanographic cruises in response to the Deepwater Horizon accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He was responsible for the implementation of sampling programs for the collection of water column samples, as well as site selection of deep water sediment cores using a remotely operated vehicle. Since 2015, Mr. Wodzicki has been the field lead on numerous SPI–PV surveys, including environmental baseline surveys at offshore oil and gas, wind farm lease areas, and cable routes. Since 2020, Mr. Wodzicki has served as the lead SPI–PV survey scientist and senior image analyst. He is also responsible for preparing work plans, technical reports, sampling and analysis plans, and health and safety plans; mobilizing survey vessels; budgeting; and coordinating with consultants, subcontractors, and clients.

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Data Analysis

Baseline Benthic Seafloor Habitat and Seafloor Characterization Assessment, Wind Energy Lease Area and Cable Routes, Continental Shelf Massachusetts Coast Served as field lead for multiple SPI–PV surveys to document baseline benthic conditions at a proposed offshore wind farm. Managed the collection of SPI–PV images, SPI–PV image analysis, data evaluation and reporting, including benthic habitat classifications in accordance with Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standards (CMECS).
Baseline Benthic Seafloor Habitat and Seafloor Characterization Assessment, Floating Wind Energy Lease Area and Cable Route, Maine Coast Field lead for the collection of SPI–PV images collected in March 2021 along an export cable route and an offshore floating wind farm test area. Oversaw image collection; performed image analysis and data evaluation, including benthic habitat classifications in accordance with CMECS.
Baseline Benthic Seafloor Habitat and Seafloor Characterization Assessment, Wind Energy Lease Areas and Cable Routes, Continental Shelf off of New Jersey Field lead for the collection of SPI–PV images collected in 2020–2024 along export cable routes and offshore wind farm lease areas. Oversaw image collection; performed image analysis and data evaluation, including benthic habitat classifications in accordance with CMECS.
Baseline Benthic Seafloor Habitat and Seafloor Characterization Assessment, Cable Route, New Jersey Field lead for the collection of SPI–PV images collected in 2024 to document baseline seafloor conditions (50–2,500 m depth) with an emphasis on seafloor substrate types and the presence, type, and condition of deepwater coral species. Oversaw image collection and real-time image analysis.
Baseline Benthic Seafloor Habitat and Seafloor Characterization Assessment, Cable Route, Northern Florida Field lead for the collection of SPI–PV images collected in 2022 to document baseline seafloor conditions (50–2,500 m depth) with an emphasis on seafloor substrate types and the presence, type, and condition of deepwater coral species. Oversaw image collection and real-time image analysis.
Environmental Monitoring Surveys, Jubilee and Ten Oil Fields, Ghana Field lead for the collection of SPI–PV images in the Jubilee and Ten oil fields as part of monitoring related to development and production of the fields. The fields are located in 1,400 m of water 60 miles off the coast of Ghana. SPI–PV images were evaluated for the presence of drilling- and production-related materials as well as benthic community dynamics.
Port Gardner Nondispersive Dredge Material Disposal Site SPI–PV Survey, Everett, Washington Field lead for a SPI–PV survey at a nondispersive dredge material disposal site to evaluate current site conditions on behalf of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Analyzed plan view images, interpreted results, and prepared data report.
Multiple Environmental Baseline Study SPI–PV Surveys, Mexican Gulf of Mexico Field lead for surveys of multiple oil block lease areas in the southern Gulf of Mexico (400–3,600 m water depths) from 2017 to 2018. Analyzed SPI–PV images, interpreted results, and prepared data reports.    
Enhanced Natural Recovery/Activated Carbon Pilot Study, Lower Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, Washington Field lead for a multiyear SPI–PV investigation to collect semiquantitative information on the stability of materials used in enhanced natural recovery (ENR) and ENR amended with activated carbon for sediment remediation. Analyzed SPI–PV images and assisted in the interpretation of results.
Multiple Environmental Lease Closure Study SPI–PV Surveys, Mexican Gulf of Mexico Field lead for surveys of multiple oil block lease areas in the southern Gulf of Mexico (800–3,500 m water depths) from 2022 to 2024. The surveys were adjusted in real time to account for the features observed in SPI–PV images to best characterize the regions. Analyzed SPI–PV images, interpreted results, and prepared data reports.    
Standardized and Cost-Effective Benthic Habitat Mapping Tools for Marine and Hydrokinetic Site Environmental Assessments, U.S. Department of Energy Serves in a supporting and field lead role for a 3-year study to standardize and automate seafloor mapping technologies for rapidly characterizing benthic habitat conditions across a range of environments. The concept is to integrate SPI–PV technology with well-established geophysical mapping techniques (e.g., multibeam and acoustic backscatter) to develop effective and low-cost benthic habitat mapping protocols. Responsibilities include SPI–PV image collection, image analysis, and reporting.

Contaminated Sediments

Sediment Capping Remedial Design, Maine Field lead for a site investigation of mercury-impacted intertidal flats prior to placing clean cap material. Lead in the collection of SPI imagery, sediment push-cores, and benthic organism collection.
Kenmore Navigation Channel Dredged Material Characterization, Kenmore, Washington Served as field lead for a project to characterize sediments proposed for dredging in conformance with the Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) to identify suitable disposal options. For this project, a tiered strategy for biological testing was utilized in which chemical testing was done first. If a dredged material management unit had one or more chemicals exceeding the marine chemical screening levels, then bioassays were performed. Managed the collection and processing of subsurface sediment cores and surface sediment samples and the preparation of daily progress reports to the client.
Dredged Material Sediment Characterization, Longview, Washington Collaborated with a team of scientists to characterize sediment in maintenance dredging areas at facilities on the Columbia River in Longview, Washington. Sampling and reporting procedures were in accordance with the DMMP Dredged Material Evaluation and Disposal Procedures (User Manual). Assisted in the collection and processing of subsurface sediment cores.
Terminal 117, Seattle, Washington Served as field team lead for the streets and residential yards portion of the Terminal 117 early action engineering evaluation and cost analysis and remedial design investigation. This site is part of the Lower Duwamish Waterway CERCLA site (Ecology is co-lead under the Washington State Model Toxics Control Act [MTCA]). The Terminal 117 uplands are potential sources of petroleum, PCBs, and dioxins to sediments in the Lower Duwamish Waterway. The Port of Seattle and the City of Seattle are coordinating on the cleanup of this complex site, using MTCA as the driving regulation. The field investigation included collection of soil borings, discrete soil samples, and multi-increment sampling techniques. Responsibilities included providing technical guidance for development of the work plans, collecting samples, and assisting in report preparation/coordination associated with the data reports.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Grand Calumet River/Indiana Harbor Ship Canal NRDA, Indiana Collected surface sediment and benthos samples for general characterization of chemical distributions and for toxicity testing.
Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Served as science lead in several oceanographic cruises and worked in conjunction with NRDA team responding to Deepwater Horizon accident and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Worked collaboratively with other research scientists. Oversaw the collection of deep sea (>1,500 m) water column samples using CTD/GO-FLO rosette sampler equipped with fluorometer, and the collection of sediment and water samples using a remotely operated vehicle.

Water Quality Monitoring

Water Quality Monitoring, Hudson River, New York Collected water samples and interpreted real-time acoustic Doppler current profiler data to determine sampling locations both prior to and during all phases of submarine cable installation operations.
Douglas Harbor Maintenance Dredging: Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring, Juneau, Alaska Served as field lead and in a support role for SPI–PV image collection and surface sediment and water quality monitoring before, during, and after each phase of a dredging and capping project. Analyzed SPI–PV images and assisted in completion of progress reports and final data report.
Palmer Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Project—Baseline Water Quality Monitoring, Haines, Alaska Serves as field lead for baseline water quality monitoring in a remote mountainous area, utilizing helicopter transport for accessing sample locations. Responsibilities include surface water sample collection, stream flow monitoring using manual and acoustic Doppler techniques, GPS navigation, field documentation, sample equipment procurement, sample event planning, and logistics. Provides technical guidance for development of sampling strategies, data quality assurance reviews, and progress report preparation.
Slip 4 Long-Term Monitoring, Seattle, Washington Served as field team lead for the Year 1 long-term monitoring fieldwork, and contributed to data reporting tasks and the final data report to the City of Seattle. Responsibilities included surface sediment sample collection and GPS navigation. Led and participated in post-remedial confirmation sampling field efforts.

Feasibility Studies

Former Port Blakely Mill, Bainbridge Island, Washington Served as field lead conducting a SPI–PV survey as part of an RI/FS and draft cleanup action plan to gather baseline conditions of a former pulp mill site. Analyzed SPI–PV images and assisted in the interpretation of results and drafting of the final data report.
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Field Investigation, Delaware River, Delaware Served as field team lead for a study to investigate potential presence of contaminants. The project included the collection of mid-column water samples and surface and subsurface sediment samples. Responsibilities included team management, collection of samples, and progress report preparation.
Feasibility Study Field Investigation, Big River, Missouri Served as field team lead for a study of a 50-mile reach of mining-impacted river. The project included the collection of beach material, soil, tissue data, and a visual survey of eroding riverbank material to support development of site-specific preliminary remediation goals. Responsibilities included field team management, collecting samples, and report preparation.
San Jacinto River Waste Pits RI/FS, Harris County, Texas Worked in supporting and lead roles for the field activities associated with the San Jacinto River Waste Pits site. The site is a closed facility that formerly served as a storage facility for bleached kraft pulp mill waste in the 1960s. The wastes contain dioxins and furans; potentially affected environments include estuary, riparian areas, and adjacent uplands. Assisted and led multiple field efforts to collect surface and sub-surface sediment, and fish and crab tissue samples used to assess the nature and extent of contamination and used for ecological and human health risk assessments.
Portland Harbor CERCLA RI/FS, Portland, Oregon Provided field support for the Round 3 collection and processing of surface water during a low flow event. Field lead during the Round 3 collection and processing of surface water during a storm event. Surface water effort involved the use of an Infiltrex 3000 equipped to collect high-volume (100 to 500 L) samples and determine low concentrations of organic compounds present in the water column along multiple river transects and at stationary locations. Led field effort during Round 3 collection of surface and subsurface sediment samples and during Round 3 collection of biota samples. Part of a common consultant team to collect stormwater samples from 23 upland facilities within the initial study area.


Upper Columbia River RI/FS, Washington Assisted field lead in the collection of beach sediment samples at 34 beaches extending over 150 miles of river. Assisted with the collection and processing of several species of fish in the Upper Columbia River. Assisted in the development of standard operating procedures, health and safety plans, field sampling plans, data analysis, and reporting.
West Illinois Street and Timpson Way Expansion Project, Bellingham, Washington Assisted in preparing draft work plans and sampling and analysis plan, and provided field support for environmental sampling events that included hollow stem borehole drilling and shallow hand auger soil sampling.
Little Squalicum Park RI/FS, Bellingham, Washington Played a supporting role in all aspects of field collection, including surface water sampling, groundwater sampling, and soil collection via hand auger and hollow-stem auger.
Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle, Washington Played a supporting role and led field effort in all aspects of field collection, including groundwater sampling and soil collection with a hollow-stem auger. Prepared quarterly monitoring report.


Ward Cove Long-Term Monitoring, Ketchikan, Alaska Assisted in the collection and processing of surface sediment samples for chemical analysis and benthic fauna. Served as field lead for collection of SPI–PV images before and after construction of a marine terminal used for docking cruise ships. Analyzed SPI–PV images and assisted with final data report.
Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring, Whidbey Island, Washington Assisted in the design and implementation of a controlled field study to monitor the effects of naval base construction activities on nesting bald eagles. Performed field observations of eagle behavior throughout eagle nesting season.
Long-Term Ecological Monitoring of Alpine Lakes, Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington As the technical field manager, responsible for planning and coordinating all aspects related to the collection of macroinvertebrates in alpine lakes. This project was carried out to assess water quality trends, establish ecological benchmarks, and determine the ecological health of alpine lakes using indices of biological integrity derived from aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. The work involved describing habitat characteristics of shorelines and collecting, preserving, sorting, and identifying to the family level of the aquatic macroinvertebrates.
Distribution of Amphibians in North Cascades National Park, Washington Led field activities for a North Cascade National Park amphibian distribution survey in streams and rivers. The project involved planning and coordinating all aspects of the field collection effort. Measured habitat units, stream flow, canopy cover, bankfull width, and substrate type. Also supervised a crew of two biological science technicians. Transferred project-developed field data into a park-wide database.
National Park Service Protocols for Monitoring of Stream-Resident Fish, North Cascades National Park, Washington Assisted in the development of National Park Service protocols for monitoring and inventory of stream-resident fish populations in North Cascades, Mount Rainier, and Olympic National Park. Conducted stream surveys using a combination of U.S. Forest Service Level II (Hankin and Reeves) and Timber Fish and Wildlife Level III stream survey methods to assess fisheries habitat.
Stream Habitat Conditions in North Cascades National Park and Mount Baker Snoqualmie Forest, Washington Assessed stream habitat conditions and evaluated stream restoration projects. Conducted fieldwork consisting of identifying, measuring, and classifying stream habitat types; surveying stream channel cross section and profile; determining stream gradient; identifying bankfull and flood-prone width; mapping riparian vegetation; and measuring stream discharge.
Small Carnivore Distribution Survey, North Cascades National Park, Washington Participated in a study to determine distribution of small carnivores in North Cascades National Park. Was responsible for installing infrared and motion sensors connected to cameras and in the collection of habitat data. Upon completion of this 2-year project, responsible for transferring field collected data into a park-wide database and identifying species of carnivore from slides.

Site Investigation

Focused Site Characterization, Pavilion Donation Project, Boulevard Park, Bellingham, Washington Assisted in the collection of soil borings and processing of soil samples for chemical and geotechnical analyses. The purpose of the site characterization was to evaluate soil quality and physical characteristics in support of designing a pavilion with foundation on the park site. Composed letter report detailing laboratory results to client.


Development of Site-Specific Trace Metals Criteria for the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River, Idaho Conducted toxicity tests in site water using resident species of fish and aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates to develop metals criteria specific to the environment, chemistry, and biota of the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River. Participated in the conceptual design, construction, and implementation of chronic and acute toxicity tests. Supervised three staff members at the onsite laboratory.
Maury Island Puget Sound, Washington Performed a sediment characterization study, collecting physical, chemical, and benthic samples and taking photographs using a sediment profile imaging camera.

Human Health Risk Assessment

West Waterway Sediment Operable Unit: Human Health Risk Assessment, Puget Sound, Washington Conducted fish surveys to study bioaccumulation of benthic fish species using trawling methods.