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Samantha Eanes, P.E.
Project Engineer

Samantha Eanes, P.E.

Project Engineer

Ms. Samantha Eanes is licensed professional engineer in the state of California with a focus on project management, site investigations, environmental remediation, stormwater management, coastal resilience, and water quality. Her responsibilities have included coordinating sampling programs, performing in-field quality assurance oversight, developing investigation work plans, and writing environmental impact site assessments. Ms. Eanes has experience in supporting environmental permit compliance for both civil construction projects and industrial facilities.

Site Investigation

Subsurface Investigation, Queens, New York Served as project manager and performed a field investigation for project site under the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Spill Response Program. Evaluated previous investigations, drafted a site status update report and investigation work plan, oversaw investigation activities including drilling in sensitive utility corridors, performed soil logging, and collected soil and groundwater samples for analysis.
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation, Long Island, New York Performed a soil vapor intrusion investigation to evaluate whether the existing remediation system was necessary and effective in preventing vapor encroachment. Conducted site visit, assessed indoor air quality, supported air sampling, and evaluated data.
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, Remediation of Abandoned Mines, Nevada Supported site characterization and performed sediment sampling to determine the extent of contamination at abandoned mine lands.  Contributed to field sampling plans, health and safety plans, and RI/FS reports.
Contaminant Investigation and Delineation at Former Naval Air Station, Humboldt County, California Conducted oversight during a field investigation and delineation of subsurface petroleum contaminants.  Oversaw the direct-push soil sampling effort of more than 200 soil borings.

Site Remediation

Groundwater Injections at Chlorinated Solvent Cleanup Site, South San Francisco, California Oversaw enhanced reductive dechlorination injections at site with chlorinated volatile organic compound contamination in groundwater.  Assisting with data review and analysis to determine the effectiveness of injection events.
Groundwater and Soil Remediation at Former Army Depot, Lathrop, California Served as technical lead for ongoing monitoring and remediation efforts.  Guided technical review of CERCLA reporting requirements.  Prepared internal cost estimates used in contract negotiations for the operation and maintenance of groundwater treatment systems at the project site.

Environmental Impact Assessment

CEQA and Permitting for Various Sewer Rehabilitation Projects, Marin County, California Provided California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) support and documents for Ross Valley Sanitary District on several infrastructure projects in Marin County. Developed Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/MNDs), CEQA addenda, and Categorical Exemption/Notice of Exemption documents for various sewer rehabilitation projects. Specific areas of environmental analysis include conducting the air quality and greenhouse gas emission studies (utilizing CalEEMod).
CEQA for Piers 39-45 Remediation Project, San Francisco, California Supported development of IS/MND for CEQA review for remediation of PAH-contaminated sediments in the intertidal and subtidal areas near Pier 39-45 in San Francisco Bay. Specific areas of environmental analysis and review include conducting the air quality and greenhouse gas emission studies (utilizing CalEEMod and California Air Quality Resource Board Harbor Emission Factors).

Coastal Resilience

Living Shoreline, Santa Cruz, California Supported design and drafted plans for nature-based adaptation strategies to reduce coastal erosion hazards at California State Parks beach. Design considerations included public viewsheds, beach access, easily implemented monitoring elements, and cost savings. Performed oversight during project construction.

Stormwater Management

Industrial Scrap Recycling Site, Bronx, New York Performed stormwater management compliance. Ensured compliance with multisector general permit documentation under NYSDEC, recommended site-specific stormwater best management practices, and performed regular site inspections.
Emergency Levee Repairs, Sacramento County, California Ensured compliance with California’s Construction General Permit at numerous emergency levee repair sites. Determined project risk levels, wrote stormwater pollution prevention plans, recommended site-specific stormwater best management practices, conducted field inspections, and facilitated coordination between the client(s) and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Litigation Support

Potable Water Treatment Claims, Confidential Client Provided technical support in litigation project involving the occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in potable groundwater supply wells.  Conducted document review and prepared presentations of findings for client.  Ongoing matter.

Regulatory Compliance

Waste Discharge Compliance for Parks Facilities, Central California Prepared documents to bring small domestic wastewater treatment systems at recreational parks areas into compliance with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) general waste discharge requirements, including Notice of Applicability, Report of Waste Discharge, and regular monitoring reports.  Selected monitoring equipment based on permit requirements, developed written monitoring instructions, trained parks employees on correct procedures, and reviewed quarterly monitoring data for compliance before submission to the RWQCB.
Hazardous Waste Manifesting, California Served as designated reviewer (certified under DOT Hazardous Waste Manifest training) for hazardous waste generated from civil construction and military facility demolition projects, analyzed RCRA and non-RCRA waste streams for compliance with regulations, reviewed waste characterization and laboratory data, checked for acceptance at disposal facilities, and provided signature on hazardous waste manifests.

Water Quality Monitoring

Maintenance Dredging Monitoring and Support, Stockton Deepwater Ship Channel, California Conducted required turbidity monitoring during active maintenance dredging operations.  Performed inspections of upland placement sites for dredge materials and contributed to Section 404 compliance reporting.  Participated in presentation of findings of methylmercury control study to regulatory agencies.