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Press Release

Getting the Big Picture—Enhance Your Understanding with 3-Dimensional Modeling

By Mandy Tulich, Consultant

Developing the right approach to manage subsurface contamination begins with understanding how contaminant mass is distributed—what, where, and how much? The relationships between these factors are complex and difficult to convey with typical 2-dimensional plots and cross sections. This can lead to a less than robust understanding of site conditions, or worse, ineffective site design and management plans. To avoid these outcomes, you want to understand your site fully before deciding what, if anything, needs to be done. Get the big picture before you develop the solution.

Three-dimensional modeling of geologic, hydrologic, and chemical data provides powerful insights that can be critical to understanding site conditions and developing remediation plans that work. These tools provide a quick and inexpensive way to fill in the missing pieces of the pictures—and ultimately increase the certainty of your analyses. Illustrating conditions in 3 dimensions helps decision-makers—those with and without hydrogeological expertise—understand site conditions. See for yourself below.

Need a better picture of your site? Contact Mandy Tulich at

Get the Big Picture 3D Modeling

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Ms. Mandy Tulich is a geologist with 18 years of experience providing litigation support and technical analyses for environmental remediation,... Full bio